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I Am No Longer Supporting Nintendo


Lord Cheesington
I know nothing about them so I got no comment ;)
Can I ask why you asked about them?
People just love to hate on Smosh for whatever reason and since you said anyone who joins the Machinima Network is a fool, I was curious to see your response to the Smosh Games Alliance.


DmC and DMC why can't we have both?
I stopped caring about Nintendo the moment the Wii U was anounced...never have I seen so much mediocrity in a single console...the sales are completely deserved )=<


Single life for life
People just love to hate on Smosh for whatever reason and since you said anyone who joins the Machinima Network is a fool, I was curious to see your response to the Smosh Games Alliance.
Ahh I see. Well I don't even pay attention to Smosh so I have no reason to place hate on them because a bunch of other people do. Even if I did hate Smosh I wouldn't carry that over to their network, it's more the way the network actually operates and how their partners are treated that I'm commenting on.


Lord Cheesington
Ahh I see. Well I don't even pay attention to Smosh so I have no reason to place hate on them because a bunch of other people do. Even if I did hate Smosh I wouldn't carry that over to their network, it's more the way the network actually operates and how their partners are treated that I'm commenting on.
Anyway, I'd like to know what does Machinima do that makes you think badly of them.


Single life for life
Anyway, I'd like to know what does Machinima do that makes you think badly of them.
How far Machinima integrates themselves into a channel under their network, and how their contract is quite a difficult one to be free of once signed. I'm pretty sure neither of those things have changed since I last looked up in detail.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Ive not bothered with Nintendo as a proper gaming machine since the N64 which I thought was great. I have a Wii in the house & have used it about 5 times since we had it, my 8 year old Step-Son barely even touches it any more either. The Wii-U didnt interest me at all, had same interest for it as I did the GameCube (none).

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
The WiiU is scaring away 3rd party support. The WiiU isn't unique, it's arbitrary.

Nintendo is trying to force people to make friends with their silly gimmicks because they don't know that gaming will not get any better than holding a simple controller in your hand. The Gamecube was a lovely console. I loved it. Now it's like wtf Nintendo?! I don't want to hold TV Trays in my hand. Nintendo just should make great games for a great standard and normal console.

They can't hope to put all the chips on nostalgia either though.
Scaring away? The Wii could have been the platformers' system. The Wii mote is basically a thin NES controller. Nope, ended up being the "health" console, the "crappy port" console, the "only good games are first-party games" console, and the "family" console - also, the nostalgia console due to the Virtual Console. Besides the motion gimmick, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Super Paper Mario, Metroid: Other M, Kirby's Epic Yarn, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and Donkey Kong Country Returns were all good platformers. Shame that Nintendo didn't capitalize on that and pioneered a wave of platformers for the Wii.

Outside of that, only Monster Hunter Tri, Xenoblade: Chronicles, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes to mind as a "traditional" games. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and the remake bundle: Metroid Prime Trilogy are fantastic games that put a motion twist on shooters along with Sin & Punishment: Star Successor and Killzone 3, except that wasn't forced in KZ3. On the other hand, it might be because Nintendo has less experience with shooters and that's why the Metroid Prime 1 & 2 felt awkward along with the Gamecube controller having three trigger buttons instead of four. As far as I remember, locking-on aka "iron sights" mode literally locked Samus in place. You'd think with a suit like that Samus could lock-on and move at an incredible pace and make Iron Man's and Master Chief's armors look like tin cans. The same goes for Okami and Pikmin because the motion control freed or simplified some of the controls; motion control made drawing more fluid in Okami and Pikmin is basically an RTS on consoles where in it's updates made the Wii mote into a subsitute mouse.

But guess what? That's only a handful of games from the Wii's library that is flooded with dance simulators and virtual training games to make you fit. Not only that, but being technologically weaker puts the Wii at the bottom of the list of third-parties. Could they have made Catherine on the Wii, sure, but did they want to and force a limitation on them? No.

At least the Wii U has a decent game-tablet compared to the Wii mote and nunchaku. It resembles a traditional controller but has a screen like a tablet. Whereas the Wii mote-nunchaku combo is like ripping half (or a third) of the N64 controller and separating them awkwardly. So if devs want they could just ignore the screen and work the game as is, if Nintendo lets them that is. With the Wii, you have 2 shafts staring at you just wanting to be used but are ignored instead.

Considering the PS4 controller has a touch screen - whad'ya know, PS4 controller and the PS Vita and the Wii U tablet and 3DS/DS - the Wii U might be given more attention since they could function similarly except for the fact that one's a touch screen and the other is a touch surface. I wonder what Microsoft is up to? Kinect 2.0, "fun" for the whole family. As much as I like innovation and introducing new ideas, some things might not be "ready" in this time. Remember that tablets were introduced like in the 90s. Know why they didn't work? Poor tech and poor batteries compared to today's. And that's why laptop's were more practical and popular despite burning people's legs. Who knows, tablet controllers could be the future and standard of controllers, but maybe it's not the time. The Oculus thing only makes two senses I believe become a part of games: sight and sound. Now, I want touch, taste, and smell. I want to smell the forests of Uncharted, taste the random produce in Harvest Moon, and feel the squish of the dead Goombas MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA - err where was I now. Oh yes, I think the Oculus is great for a tech demo, but not enough or ready until we literally enter the gaming world. Yeesh. Imagine being in a fighting game, I'd get my ass kicked. And horror games might take us too far over the edge. And here begins a new controversy of reality and fantasy.

As for nostalgia. Look at what Square Enix is doing. They'll remake/remaster every game except for Final Fantasy VII. Know why? Because that's the white flag. Nostalgia calms their fans who are so wrapped up in their memories. If you don't like what Square Enix is doing, then just leave, let them freaking rot. You're only feeding them more and more despite your anger, frustration and hope. Oh that wonderful hope, just give up that hope and you'll be severed from a vicious cycle like those MMO addicts. Here's the thing, Square makes great games and made great games. Outside of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts - controversy, crappiness, etc. -, their games and the games they publish are all good, maybe not masterpieces, but they're not terrible. Nier sucked in gameplay, but had a wonderful story. Square made what Paper Mario and the Mario & Luigi series what it is today with their collaboration of Super Mario RPG.

Back to VII, if they remake VII that means Square Enix has run out of ideas. That means they failed. That means they have nothing left to offer no matter how bad, good, or mediocre. That means that once the remake is finished and sold they should just pack up, leave, and disappear as if they never existed. You don't remake masterpieces, you remaster them. Why do you think no once ever tried remaking Casablanca? Or the Godfather? Or Picasso's works? Or Super Mario Bros.? Or Vagrant Story? They don't need to be remastered. That's why. Sure you can remaster them and have them be updated to work on newer tech or continue on - doesn't work for paintings and sculptures folks -, but you can't just up and say, "I want to remake Samurai Champloo". So many people will want your head on a plate and your body skewered and fed to ants.
Nintendo have every right to do this.

Now Let's players who are looking to just make a quick buck wont be getting ad revenue and they'll now have to go out and get real jobs instead of getting money from people who watch their videos just to hear them say funny things over gameplay footage.

Can you imagine if every other company did this? No more Pewdiepie or DSP.
I don't even like Nintendo, but they're smart for doing this.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Nintendo have every right to do this.

Now Let's players who are looking to just make a quick buck wont be getting ad revenue and they'll now have to go out and get real jobs instead of getting money from people who watch their videos just to hear them say funny things over gameplay footage.

Can you imagine if every other company did this? No more Pewdiepie or DSP.
I don't even like Nintendo, but they're smart for doing this.
What about Let's Players who do Let's Plays just for fun like Chuggaaconroy, NintendoCapriSun, JoshJepson, ProtonJonSA, or Lucahjin? Wouldn't that be like working for free and having all the money given to some company? I don't remember Emile (Chuggaaconroy) ever saying he wanted to make money off of Youtube, he just ended up deciding to accept the partnership and I remember him stating he was trying to apply for a job in his earlier videos when he recently finished high school. Right now, I have no idea if he has a job besides his Youtube job. Also, Emile's goal in his videos are to provide a commentated walkthrough and his hilarious slip ups, catch phrases, failures, and humorous moments are just an unintentional part of it.

Seraphim17 makes videos on games on the hardest difficulty. He doesn't tell jokes, just strategies and his views on gaming, the gaming industry, stereotypes of gaming, others' views on gaming, and his experience with games and their affect. I don't know if he has a partnership, but I know that he isn't doing this just for money. It's just something he enjoys doing. Seraphim17 even stated that he would like more videos to have commentaries, like ones where people are playing on harder difficulties or doing crazy stuff just so we can hear their thoughts when they're playing. Honestly, walkthroughs are really soulless, it's this empty visual stimuli that tells us where to go and what to do. Whereas a commentated walkthrough can give us insight on different things within a game, other people views on gaming, and their strategies without having to resort to text or just plain visual cues.

Or what about groups like the Creatures and RoosterTeeth? Although the Creatures began as a group of friends (and unlikely recruits), they ended up as a LLC and used that to combine their revenue to support their love of gaming. Seamus aka SSoHPKC held a job before quitting due to personal reasons; he worked at Target and met unfortunate circumstances with business practices. Before that and during his video-making, he went to college to get a degree in graphics design, I think. That didn't work out well since he never held a job in that field. Inspired by guys like ProtonJonSA, Seamus wanted to entertain others with his gameplay and commentary. In a sense, he's an entertainer like comedians, singers, bands, and musicians. I'm assuming James (UberHaxorNova) just loves making people laugh through his outrageous and unnecessary reactions and being a (friendly) jerk to his friends. Yeah, I know James is compared to PewDiePie since they have similar reactions and crazy behavior during their gameplay sessions. RoosterTeeth started as a Machinima and "guide" to players on Achievements. Now they do Let's Plays as well. It's just something a group of friends love doing and ended up making money out of it.

I remember one of the Let's Players mentioning another Let's Player who is dependent on Youtube for income and losing his love for videogames and just made videos for the sake of survival. It's sad and while many are probably angry at him for this, I do hope that he either regains his passion or finds another job that suits him. That's a case of "I loved doing this, but I don't anymore".

Then there others whose goal is to make money off of videos, period. They might not even love playing games or they do like playing video games. They might lie about their conditions. They might do horrible things to get attention like uploading offensive images or videos - I think there was a guy who promised he would get a video of something being killed and many of these guys do giveaways to entice viewers. These people want to exploit the system to benefit themselves. Back then, commentated videos were rare and most were done for the fun of it. Then the higher ups noted the mass of viewers and found they could make money off of it. They partnered video makers and others found out you could make a living off of video making. So they did and that's all they're after: money. Unfortunately, people who love what they're doing but ended up making money or just flat out refused partnerships get lumped with these parasites.

Also what defines as a "real job"? Is working an office job a "real job"? Or at a fast food restaurant? High class casinos? Factories? Military? Government? Home-offices? Studios? Schools? Labs? Clinics? What is a "real job"? Or was there ever a "real job"?

I mean, there are people who love what they're doing. There are Let's Players who love what they're doing and make money out of it. Some love entertaining others. Some love providing information and guides to others. And some love giving their opinions to others. What about teachers who knowing they won't make as much as professors, doctors, and, engineers yet still continue their service for most of their life? They love teaching, watching students grow, and passing on their passion to future teachers. Chefs? That's like one of the most stressful occupations I can think of. Being pressed on time and required to recreate dishes over and over for others. Why? Well, they love cooking and having people eat their dishes. People say that food connects us and if anything, chefs can try to remind us of that.

Artists create things that usually can't be used for practical reasons. I mean, what are you going to do with a painting besides look at it? That's the thing, you're supposed to look at it and admire it's beauty, creativity, or effort that went into the painting. Ceramicists make bowls, cups, and goblets, y'know, stuff that we use to eat and drink. Take time to look over one of these and you'll see the person who made this. You'll see the way their hands can create such a beautiful and simple object. Do they love making things? Probably. Are they getting paid for it? Probably. Are they making a lot of money? I don't know. Is it a "real job" when compared to other jobs? They're not making new cars, revolutionary technology, protecting citizens from crime, saving the environment, researching diseases, or finding new sources of energy. They're just making stuff out of clay for us to use or look at. Not that "beneficial" to society when compared to other occupations, but does that make it any less of a job? Comedians aren't saving the world with laughter. They're not solving cancer with jokes or ending wars with witty lines. Does that make comedians not "real jobs"?


Well-known Member
Nintendo have every right to do this.

Now Let's players who are looking to just make a quick buck wont be getting ad revenue and they'll now have to go out and get real jobs instead of getting money from people who watch their videos just to hear them say funny things over gameplay footage.

Can you imagine if every other company did this? No more Pewdiepie or DSP.
I don't even like Nintendo, but they're smart for doing this.
Agreed. Talentless ****s like PewDiePie don't deserve to make money. At all. People like him who like to joke about rape and be "LOLSORANDOMXD" should not be making like two million bucks a year.

I'm aware that there are some good Let's Players out there, but it's Nintendo's intellectual property and if this wasn't right they wouldn't be able to do it. I wouldn't want some dude making pretty much free money off of my intellectual product. Sure, I get advertisement for it but if it's older games like Metroid or whatever, nobody's going to buy them these days. When you have emulators and whatnot. Regardless, if it was my let's plays I'd be pretty ****ed of too. So I can see where some people are coming from. And I understand that from a business perspective it's not a good decision.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Anyway, I'd like to know what does Machinima do that makes you think badly of them.

I don't hate on Smosh or Machinima. I can understand why though.

I heard its something about how Machinima tend to rip off Youtubers or people's channels who are growing into popularity by signing them into a contract to be part of their channel and when in the contract and they're now part of Machinima their views goes down and some other legal stuff.

I think JonTron and Egoraptor (Arin) mentioned this.
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