still can't get a picture, but i'll go on ahead, i'd keep the new dante design and change his name to bob and he'd still be cool for me, ditch the new vergil cuz it won't work as the classic continuity.. probably make the timeline right before the event of DMC2..
i'll use the concept from DmC teaser, where bob was prisoned and tortured.. he's another special halfbreed like dante n vergil only he's from angel and demon origin, where angel race supposedly extinct, that bob is the last remaining angel blooded
lost and confused, bob met DMC2 dante, taught him basic stuffs about the realms and to how cope with his origins..
i'll keep mundus, let's say guy's back from his --i don't know where his from, but he's back.. yet, dante has DMC2 business he has to attend to so he leaves mundus to bob, having angel and demon blood assures dante that bob could deal with it..
the best part is that the classic continuity will still be a mistery after the DMC2 timeline