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How to identify members

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Well-known Member
Here's a fun little something I came up with. Hope you guys like it. ^_^

How to Identify Different Types of Members


The Srs Bns Type
These staff members are blunt and to the point, preferring to get the job done and to do it right than to get all emotional. They don't take no crap, but they aren't gonna get all "poor you" if someone is :'(. They much prefer to handle things calmly and effectively. And they are very good at what they do.
Example: Dark Drakan

The Mom Type
Don't mess with them. You will not get cake.
Example: Angel

The "Wait, they're a member?" Type
The kind of staff member that is hardly seen. They are either really busy and don't have time to post, or they prefer to handle all the behind the scenes stuff no one really pays attention to. This leads to some members not knowing they are even a member, let alone staff.
Examples: Steve, Keaton

The Epic Rage is Epic Type:
These staff members have a certain elegance to their rage that makes them equal parts awesome and terrifying. Don't mess.
Example: Angelo Credo and his epic line of:
"STFU, GTFO, and take you FAIL with you. Oh and my Care Cup is empty."

The Sneaky Type:
This type is a little too good at what they do. They are either really experienced, or just really freaking smart because they can always tell when a flame war is about to start. Some may say they close threads to quickly, but an experienced member can see this type stops trains in their tracks right before they derail. That way you don't have to clean up the wreck.
Example: Tony Redgrave

Regular Members:

The Smrt Type
This type of member doesn't post fluff. If they have something to say it is something well thought out and well said. They prefer quality posts over quantity. They've got some serious talent too.
Examples: Lexy, Dante's Stalker

The Lurker Type:
These people need to post more. I mean really.
Examples: Ebony, SpawnShooter

The Helpful Type:
These members are great at helping the forums. Whether it's talking to someone that needs advice, or writing up great reviews, these members add a lot to the forums.
Examples: Chaos Raiden, DT, LordofDarkness

The "Why are you here?" Type
This type doesn't really contribute. They just kinda show up and don't do much. Will sometimes cause drama for attention.
Example: You wish. :p


The Classy Type:
This type of troll is hard to pin down. They don't really break rules so much as step on toes and make posting a pain for everyone. They prance around thinking they are right about everything, but they never post a single source. They just expect everyone to take their word for it. They subtly tell people they are inferior and are just a pain.
Example: Guess :p

They make an account. Post one or two flame baiting things. Then leave (or get kicked out).
Example: TornSoul :troll:

The Hypocritical Type:
These trolls are fun. They wear a happy face and pretend to be all innocent while they call out everyone else. Never mind all the times they've broken the rules. No, every time they get accused of something the happy face goes back on and they deny deny deny. A royal pain.
Example: HA! :p

The Split Personality Type:
Like the hypocritical troll, this type flips from friend to foe and back. The difference here is that they admit to what they are doing. There also seems to be no logic behind who they troll or why, or even how they do it. Quite simply, these people are weird.
Example: In your dreams. :p

The Deceptive Type:
This type would have you think they are a great member and an asset to the forum, and in many cases they are perceived as so. They could be funny, intelligent, or helpful, but they are also rude, sarcastic, blunt, and cynical. They bend or break rules all the time, but always get away with it. This is most likely because their trolling is always directed at other trolls, or regular members who are just being stupid.
Example: Meg


Hope you guys enjoyed this! :D I know I had fun writing it. If you guys think of anything else to add, please share! :)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
The Epic Rage is Epic Type:
These staff members have a certain elegance to their rage that makes them equal parts awesome and terrifying. Don't mess.
Example: Angelo Credo and his epic line of:
"STFU, GTFO, and take you FAIL with you. Oh and my Care Cup is empty."

HAH! I'd totally forgotten about that first one, good times. :lol:

I also need to start using the care cup line more often too.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
I could be rather lurker tzpe member of forum. Reallz guzs and girls besides Im in real life trying to get an job and also my wirtual beta tester job sometimes make me hard working and when Im here are hardly breaks from raging on unseen bugs or other types of things what beta versions of games supirises most of us beta- testers.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Meg, I read your post, but it confuses me, would you place me under a category for me, i don't know where I belong!...


Obsessed Green Day Fangirl ^^
Oh goodness, I have no idea where I would belong @.@!!!! Where would I fit in?
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