Cloud should be in the next DMC game. They could definitely find a way..maybe have a portal to another dimension show up instead of a hellgate...
KNDSVCloud;133890 said:wow...ur not even talking about playlable characters anymore... you're just being gay...go find batman..he said he's looking for you..meanwhile i'll stay here and say how much Cloud should be in the next DMC game.
KNDSVCloud;133894 said:I think you're so far up batman's that u breathe through his mouth....and i was just talking about how the story of Cloud could possibly tie in and be used so he can be playable
KNDSVCloud;133896 said:Batman could be good..he's got all those in dmc?...he's a hero..i don't see that happenin any time soon
KNDSVCloud;133901 said:I think he has a great shot of it happening though...
KNDSVCloud;133904 said:thank you...i should write to capcom or doubt they'll listen though
KNDSVCloud;133907 said:maybe...i'll also have to tell them about my long haired guy thread
KNDSVCloud;133917 said:the one that's below this