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How many hours you guys spend on gaming?

How many hours per day you spend on gaming in order to master it?

  • 24/7

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • over 15 hours

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • 10-15 hours

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • 5-10 hours

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • less than 5 hours

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters


Just curious. 'coz I watched the Royal Guard intro. vid. on YouTube, the first question come to mind was, "Damn! how much time I need to drill on the it before I can master that tech!? o_O"

So since we have lots of veterans here, I really wanna know this: to master a game (say, play DMC series and get "stylish!" (DMC1) or "SSStylish!" (DMC4) and a S rank in missions even in DMD mode (dunno if Hell or Hell have ranking as well), AND to master the styles/tricks, how long does it take you per game?


Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
hmm....Around 2 hours,the max per day.I have to balance my social stuffs,gaming time,and studying.:)

well,as for DMC series.it doesn't take me long to get Stylish (DMC),Show Time (DMC2),SSStylish (DMC3),or Smokin' Sick Style (DMC4).Maybe around 30 minutes to 1 hour,i guess.Although other people can do it better than me.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Too many, that's for sure, then again that does usually end up being because all of my friends are in other countries for the Summer Holidays, leaving me with nothing to do.

Oh, on actual mastering the game, it never takes me long to master a game really, so probably less than 5 hours for game mastery, but actual time spent gaming, far too long.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I spend about 1-2 hours per day gaming, sometimes 3 hours. I spend the majority of my time on my laptop, though. ^_^


Well-known Member
Lol simple anwser: too many! :D

But I love it, good for stress relief...although my main stress is DMD mode o_O lol

On average about 2-3 hrs a day...or if its new...14hrs for the first few days lol and 5 a day onwards for a month.



New Member
I did Devil May Cry 4 PC Version on Devil Hunter mode for 5 straight hours. I did Bloody Palace with Dante in 2 hours straight...(Check the thread 'Impressive' in the Devil May Cry forum)...And now I've started in Legendary Dark Knight Mode and I'm at Mission 3 right now...;)

In general gaming, I spend 5 hours, sometimes 7, but never more...It gets boring and repetitive...The fun is just a few hours...^_^


Is not rat, is hamster
To master a game takes me ages - not just coz I'm crap but also because I don't have the time to spend hour after hour on a game. I used to, but I have to work now (apparently it's one of the downsides of being a grown up - whatever one of them is) so I gots to try and control the urge to play all day long...


Sorry - I didn't say how much I spend did I? Since I am among the grown-up group, I have to work till around 6pm Mon-Fri so... max is 6 hours a day, but usually only about 2-3 hrs. When school starts (am a vet. student) it's even worst - can't afford even 1/2 hr on any game T-T

Stylish Nereezy

the lone soul reaper
hours on end its riddiculous with me i just love DMC....i started playing DMC games this past February and I've probably played almost everyday i've had the games (DMC3SE DMC4)


Dodge this!!!
Less than 5 a day.Otherwise I get really overconfident and do really bad.
Example: for the first 5 mins i play with the RoyalGuard skill,I will block all attacks near perfectly.After that I end up dying by being cocky.


quiksilvershado;108502 said:
Less than 5 a day.Otherwise I get really overconfident and do really bad.
Example: for the first 5 mins i play with the RoyalGuard skill,I will block all attacks near perfectly.After that I end up dying by being cocky.

thanks for reminding me: maybe that's the reason I can't beat Bael again... ;)


New Member
Royal Guard and Lucifer are a piece of cake for me...^_^...Mastered them in Bloody Palace and here are the results...It's been posted before, but whatever...:lol:



Aya Brea
As many hours as I should spend doing homework... which isn't many. Usually it depends on how deep I'm into the game and all. Like if it's really fun and all I will spend alot more time on it than I usually do. Regularly, I just spend 5 minutes on a game. :/


Dines with dementia
Let's see... I play video games usually from noon till midnight, with interruptions, of course. But if I like the game I'll spend up to 10h a day trying to master it or grind the hell out of it if it's a RPG. Yes, I have no life :unsure:
I remember playing Oblivion a few month ago and now I'm almost at the top of all the Guilds, I think all of the side-quests are done, but I haven't touched the main quest. I wouldn't call it obsession, just immense fascination...


Cursed Girl
if you ahve enough exp as a gamer then you don't need to much time to master it :] i grew up with video games so i don't need too much time now tolearn the technique
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