I didn't on xb1 I don't think, but then again I just went straight in and played ignoring everything til I got to play while it installed and I think I may have skipped a screen with that on it bur I can't remember
you can choose between original settings and the new settingsBtw, guys, did you have to choose between original and new settings when first playing se?
Ya the jc is a lot more streamlined in the se , esp with vergil as grim teleport makes it stupid easy
you can choose between original settings and the new settings
the consoles have a code that you put in at the title screen
on pc you type in devilmaycry at the title screen
but for pc at least you can only do this if you have no save data
so if you already started with the new settings and want to keep that save
your going to need to back up your save on a usb or something then delete it of the main hard drive
as for gameplay tweaks i can confirm as a fact that jump canceling is way easier now
in the original it was almost impossible for me to do
in SE i can do it as fluid as i did in DMC3