The remaining question now for me is...
Is there realy a Man that manipulates Arkham?
Or Lady just got trick by Arkham.
This is another guess.
My answer is : THeres no Man behind manipulating Arkham
If you gonna review the cutscene in DMC 3 Mission 13 where Lady disturbs
the 2nd battle of the Twin Sons of sparda (Dante And Vergil)
Lady said to Vergil That "You Put HIm in to This"
Then Vergil said "Is that what you think?. Foolish Girl"
Maybe That means that Vergil is not the Man behind Manipulating Arkham.
THen Arkham said to them in M13 He makes the 3 of them battle each other to make them weak.
Thats why from the start in Vergil Story Arham is the one who helps Vergil
to Unlock the hell's gate. THen he betray vergil at M13 in DMC 3.
I guess there is no really a Man behind manipulating Arkham. He manipulates himself because of He wants to Claim The power Of sparda.
Just Guessing