Hideki Kamiya want's to make a game in which Dante and Bayonetta meet

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I see your point but you are also just assuming that's what Kamiya is doing, I mean maybe the guy just really loves Dante the way fans do like me who would like to see Dante in everything, he did create the guy. Or maybe it's the only way he thinks that Bayo3 will sell I don't know, did Bayo2 sell that badly that we can assume that Kamiya tweeted this just to get Dante in Bayo3 just to increase sales?
Considering Bayo 2 was Wii U exclusive I think we can take it as fact that it didn't sell all that well. The sales haven't been published (to my knowledge) but it is rumoured that sales range from 300k to 600k. Those numbers would really only get P* a small profit if they even made money on the game. It really wouldn't surprise me if Dante was a sales tactic as DMC fans would buy a WiiU just to see classic Dante in a new game. Hell, I admit that I'd even consider it!
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Hmm, I remember few weeks after its launch, people were commenting how it bombed. In fact WiiU sold extremely well, but Bayo 2 wasn't successful even with that advantage. People will say it was because of P* poor marketing or game's difficulty, but we have to remember Nintendo promoted it everywhere, even in Playboy.
Platinum games have problems with sales, even if they make quality games, they would probably bomb, it's their karma, their "curse", even Minami already said that.
Clover studio, from where Kamiya and his colleagues came from already had that problem, that's why capcom closed the studio and tried to replace them in other teams.
If this is a tactic to sell or to have a Bayo 3 approval, it wouldn't work very well either since I can't imagine too many people buy a WiiU just to see a Dante's cameo, a Dante that even made by Kamiya, he wouldn't resemble what he is in DMC1, for Kamiya is not his only "father"; Dante is a child of a bunch of people and circumstances.
the game was planned for wiiu with nx coming? and it'll probably get a definitive version on nx, i say take your time and wait
If a crossover happened (which is highly unlikely in my opinion), then it would probably DMC4 Dante that crosses over. Is what I wanted to say at first... then I thought about how many crossover appearances Dante had.

Thinking about it 1 Dante had the most Crossover appearances I think. He was in Project X Zone 1 & 2, Viewtiful Joe (dunno how many games but Nelo had an appearance there aswell I think), he was in Monster Hunter (kinda) and he was in Sengoku Basara, well his outfit was.

DMC3 Dante was in Marvel vs Capcom 3. DMC2 Dante was in Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. DMC4 never had Crossover appearances as far as I know.
So I think it would be, if it was to happen, DMC1 Dante.
DMC4 did appear in a crossover with Monster Hunter

Not the exact color but the outfit itself did.
TbH I rather get a DMC x Darkstalkers game. It be the easiest thing to set up as Dante is a demon hunter and Darkstalkers are all demons (it should write itself). Or a DMC versus DOA/NG cause I just wanted to see Dante take on Ryu.

I'm not against Bayonetta and DMC tho. In terms of which Dante should be in I would say why not all 4?

Before you think I'm nuts let me explain. An interesting approach to a non-canon crossover would be to have them exist in the same world and have known each other for a long time. That way you could have flashbacks to different year throughout their lives in which they interacted and see how their relationship evolved through a twenty year period.

Just a thought but having bayonetta or Jeanne being nero's mom would be a fun spoof.
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Considering Bayo 2 was Wii U exclusive I think we can take it as fact that it didn't sell all that well. The sales haven't been published (to my knowledge) but it is rumoured that sales range from 300k to 600k. Those numbers would really only get P* a small profit if they even made money on the game. It really wouldn't surprise me if Dante was a sales tactic as DMC fans would buy a WiiU just to see classic Dante in a new game. Hell, I admit that I'd even consider it!
Yeah I wouldn't just consider it, I'd do it. I'm one of those people that bought a WiiU just for Bayonetta 2.

You're probably right, maybe Hideki Kamiya does love Dante as much as the gamers do.
So why did he leave Capcom ?

2. That's a possibility.
I mean really how does that look if he adds Dante to anything Bayonetta & gamers buy it only because Dante is in it.
Can he say Bayonetta sold well because of her or some other characters.

That's my question, how much support does Hideki Kamiya think Bayonetta needs from other characters to promote herself & get a Bayonetta 3.

I liked Bayonetta but seeing her go nintendo exclusive i imagine the number of potential gamers she could've reached has been cut quite a bit.
True, I wish it didn't become a Nintendo thing but then again the argument I always got when I would say that is that it wouldn't have even happened in the first place if it wasn't for Nintendo asking for it.
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Yea i've seen that argument many times however i don't believe that because my question is did who did platinum ask 1st.
I even posted an article saying platinum consulted with Sega on who to go to & Sega says nintendo.

That being said, the console games market is in a state of upheaval, so establishing a new game franchise requires a considerable amount of will, determination, and love. Bayonetta is a brand that we want to see become stronger, reaching the hands of more and more gamers, so we have continued to consult with Sega, the previous game's publisher, on how we can make sure this takes place. Our answer was a new partnership with Nintendo.

Bayonetta 2 Developers Don't Want to "Alienate" You
Sep 14, 2012

There's nothing about them asking other publishers first & being refused then going to nintendo. It's much more believable that platinum being with Sega at that time & Sega being so into nintendo that Sega would point them towards nintendo 1st when platinum consulted with Sega.

I mean seriously given the relationship between the three how is that not the more likely scenario.
Why is it so hard to believe Nintendo is the one responsible for Bayonetta existing today? Hell, Kamiya himself even made a video explaining the whole situation on his Twitter which you can find evidence of here.
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I rather have a brand new take on Dante or atleast a new look for the character( the old ones could be unlockable skins) than reusing an old one.

In terms of writing, as long as Dante keeps my interest and the story feel like they need him rather than the anime which made him feel irrelevant in his own show I'm fine.
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Why is it so hard to believe Nintendo is the one responsible for Bayonetta existing today? Hell, Kamiya himself even made a video explaining the whole situation on his Twitter which you can find evidence of here.
Yeah, I find that peculiar, too. It's what happened, everyone involved said so, so you'd think it just be a matter of public record but instead it's turned in to something people just keep denying because of whatever personal opinions they might have. Internet, eh?
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Extremely nice video, very nice video.
The video is dated 2016 as stories can be changed as to focus on nintendo looking as Bayonetta 2 only hero, so give me proof when Bayonetta 2 was first announced listing those who he & platinum asked & them actually refusing him.

Because However nice as that video is it does not say anything about Hideki Kamiya asking others before nintendo & being refused by others before nintendo.
So give me proof dated during the time of Bayonetta 2's announcement stating nintendo was not the first only company asked.

I don't understand why you can't just come to terms with the reality of the situation. The Did You Know Gaming video shows clips from the Twitter video Kamiya made a long time ago concerning why Bayonetta 2 even exist. You don't need any more proof. Everyone involved has also told the same story.

What? Kamiya and Platinum Games are lying about it? What reason would they have to lie? Nintendo was the only one willing to fund the development of Bayonetta 2. That's the story, there's nothing more to it than that.
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Extremely nice video, very nice video.
The video is dated 2016 as stories can be changed as to focus on nintendo looking as Bayonetta 2 only hero, so give me proof when Bayonetta 2 was first announced listing those who he & platinum asked & them actually refusing him.

Because However nice as that video is it does not say anything about Hideki Kamiya asking others before nintendo & being refused by others before nintendo.
So give me proof dated during the time of Bayonetta 2's announcement stating nintendo was not the first only company asked.
I don't understand why you can't just come to terms with the reality of the situation. The Did You Know Gaming video shows clips from the Twitter video Kamiya made a long time ago concerning why Bayonetta 2 even exist. You don't need any more proof. Everyone involved has also told the same story.

What? Kamiya and Platinum Games are lying about it? What reason would they have to lie? Nintendo was the only one willing to fund the development of Bayonetta 2. That's the story, there's nothing more to it than that.
A standard disclaimer at this point, gentlemen.

Don't let this escalate. If you can't consolidate your differences then ignore the other person and move the conversation along. It's not worth getting the thread closed.

Don't play that, don't do that, because that's very condescending & stirs up a fight where there isn't one & dislike towards someone where there isn't any.
I get the impression that you think that was directed at you. Relax, it wasn't. That's just my experience dealing with this particular subject, be it here, 4chan or other places.

Yea i've seen that argument many times however i don't believe that because my question is did who did platinum ask 1st.
I even posted an article saying platinum consulted with Sega on who to go to & Sega says nintendo.

That being said, the console games market is in a state of upheaval, so establishing a new game franchise requires a considerable amount of will, determination, and love. Bayonetta is a brand that we want to see become stronger, reaching the hands of more and more gamers, so we have continued to consult with Sega, the previous game's publisher, on how we can make sure this takes place. Our answer was a new partnership with Nintendo.

Bayonetta 2 Developers Don't Want to "Alienate" You
Sep 14, 2012

There's nothing about them asking other publishers first & being refused then going to nintendo. It's much more believable that platinum being with Sega at that time & Sega being so into nintendo that Sega would point them towards nintendo 1st when platinum consulted with Sega.

I mean seriously given the relationship between the three how is that not the more likely scenario.
Yeah, you're right.
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You know, a simple google search will verify all this.

Here's what happened from the mouth of someone who was actually there:
“As for Bayonetta, we developed the game after signing a deal with SEGA. Later it was decided to also develop the sequel, so we started working on Bayonetta 2.”

“When development had progressed to a certain degree, in SEGA’s situation it turned into “This isn’t a good plan”, so development halted temporarily.

“Without funding we didn’t have the possibility to continue development, but we wanted to get this partially developed Bayonetta 2 available to the public one way or another. So we offered it to various publishers, but as it is a big title, we couldn’t find a partner company. Finally, Bayonetta 2 was about to get terminated completely, when…”

Nintendo came in and lent a hand and we were able to restart the development we so desired. Finally the game was released last week, so in five years, we were able to make Bayonetta 2 available to the public.

As I have said earlier, if you want Bayonetta 2 on PS4 or Xbox One, how about trying to ask Nintendo… If Nintendo doesn’t say yes, it’s not going to happen… While you’re at it, try asking for Mario and Zelda too…
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As i said find proof.
Give me what i asked for, listing every development studio involved in turning them down.
If there were others asked & refused by during Bayonetta2's mid development & before it was announced nintendo exclusive then articles back then with that information should be easy to get right.
Ok, now this is a downright unreasonable demand. You might as well ask for the e-mails/letters/recording of the conversations of rejection from each publisher. You think Sony or Microsoft are going to release statements for every game they turn down, specially one that would add awareness to another platform? Those articles don't exist and that list will never be released to the public because there is no need for that to happen.

When the horses mouth says "we offered it to various publishers, but as it is a big title, we couldn’t find a partner company" what is there to deny? People wanted to know why Nintendo, they answered. It hardly seems something so unbelievable that it must be put through the greatest of scrutiny.

It doesn't matter who it was directed towards, this isn't 4Chan & something like that is easy seen as flamertory.
Seriously? How? I said that people refute what other see as clear facts because of their personal opinions. Is that not the truth? Did I say it in a demeaning manner? Was I been aggressive? No. So what's the issue?
I suggest you leave her be with her convictions, man. It's not even on topic.
Hmmm.... Yeah... That's true. The conversation has gotten well off topic long enough. Time to move things along.

1. No it's not unreasonable demand.
You're quoting a journalist from a 2016 video.
I gave source & quote from an interview not long after saying so we have continued to consult with Sega, the previous game's publisher, on how we can make sure this takes place. Our answer was a new partnership with Nintendo.
So how is what i said so unbelievable.
Saying we went to various publishers when none were mention could used as marketing strategy so nintendo would not be seen by everyone as the evil Ogre that took Bayonetta away.

2. Are you kidding me.
Because in your comment you come across as everyone with a difference of opinion is wrong.
This is leading nowhere. I'm tapping out.

Keep it civil and stay on topic.
If this is true:
"Yusuke Hashimoto, the director of Bayo2, [ responded to the poll tweet] stating he would be happy if Dante could possibly appear in a ''Bayonetta 3''."

My point is proved: it's marketing. Now @Foxtrot94 , tell me I'm pessimist .

Now a serious but sincere question: is Platinum in bad financial sheets? I know they are apparently contracting people, but that can be related to some of its members change studios, which is natural, but why they want to reach Capcom's money so much, if Capcom had give them trouble in the past?
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My point is proved: it's marketing. Now @Foxtrot94 , tell me I'm pessimist

Wait, where did I relate that with you being pessimist? I scrolled all the way back but couldn't find anything, maybe I missed it.

As for your question, I don't know their actual financial situation but their games do tend to sell pretty damn poorly.
Wait, where did I relate that with you being pessimist? I scrolled all the way back but couldn't find anything, maybe I missed it.
Foxy, babe, you always tend to say I'm pessimistic , while I see myself as a cloud/silver lining believer.
As for your question, I don't know their actual financial situation but their games do tend to sell pretty damn poorly.
Hmm, I'm just asking this because they seem to be targeting Capcom too much, even this company and it's tactics was one of the reasons Platinum had to be created. While some studios outsourced their games, putting them in P* hands, they never asked P* to do sequels. Star Fox and Scalebound were both delayed and there is already rumors saying Star Fox will be delayed again. Contracting new blood could also meaning contract cheaper employees; Capcom is now in a better shape due( they say) DMC4SE and other games sales.
Do you get my point...?
Wow, rumors of delay, huh?

Sounds like they might have too much on their plates.