Hidden Moves

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Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Feb 23, 2008
There are some commands that are not listed in the game's menu, which can be quite confusing if you have accidentally executed the move but don't know how to do it. Here are some hidden moves:

1. Charge Shot - While holding the R1 button, press and hold the Square button to charge your firearms. After a while, you can see that Dante is engulfed with fire or lightning aura. Release the Square Button and shoot rapidly to fire charged shots. Weapons that can use charge shots are: Ebony and Ivory, Shotgun, Grenadegun. However, you can only use Charge Shot if you equipped Ifrit or Alastor. Equipping Sparda or Force Edge doesn't work though. Needlegun and Nightmare Beta cannot be charged with Alastor or Ifrit powers, although Nightmare Beta has it's own Charge Shot that drains your Devil Trigger. Note: In Mission 22, you can use Charge Shot when you equip Sparda, although it is kind of similar with Ifrit's Charge Shot.

2. Devil Arm Change - Press the Right Analog Stick hard to change your equipped Devil Arm during exploring or in battle. This way, you can change your weapon back to back without going to the menu to switch your Devil Arms, from Ifrit to Alastor or Alastor to Ifrit. Unfortunately, you can't do the same when you use Sparda or Force Edge.

3. Sword Combo II - Press Circle button twice, pause for a while, then press Circle button twice again. This allows Dante to execute a five hit combo. Only usable if you equip Sparda, Force Edge, or Alastor. Note: Can be chained with Stinger, High Time or Roundtrip as the finisher move.

4. Sword Combo III - Press Circle button twice, pause for a while but longer, then press Circle button repeatedly. This allows Dante to execute a multi hit combo like Million Stab from DMC3 to an enemy. Only usable if you equip Sparda, Force Edge, or Alastor. Note: Can be chained with Stinger, High Time or Roundtrip as the finisher move.

5. Taunt - Press R2 button to taunt your enemy. If you taunt your enemy, you will increase your Devil Trigger by one rune. Be careful, as you are very vulnerable to attacks when you do this.

6. Rapidfire Sparda Meteor - Press the Square button rapidly to unleash a barrage of Sparda's version of Meteor. You can only use it on the ground though, and when you equip Sparda and change to it's DT form. This move is only available in Mission 22, during Mundus's second battle.

7. Charged Sparda Meteor - Press the Square button and hold the button to charge Dante's Sparda DT form Meteor attack. The longer the button held, the higher the damage can be dealt to the Mundus. This is a powerful attack that can defeat Mundus easily. Unfortunately, only usable in Mission 22 during Mundus's second battle and when you equip Sparda and change to Sparda Devil Trigger form.

8. Sparda Dragon Summon - Press the L1 button to unleash a powerful dragon attack that damages Mundus heavily. This can only be used if you have minimum three Devil Trigger runes filled. The maximum damage that can be dealt is according to how many Devil Trigger runes you have, the more you have the better. The maximum is 10 Devil Trigger runes usage. Remember, this attack use all up all of your Devil Trigger runes stored. This is only usable in the first Mundus battle in Mission 22.

9. Deflect Projectile - Deflect projectile attacks back to the caster with proper timing by pressing the Circle button. You can also use your firearms to deflect come projectile attacks, like Sin Scythe's scythe attack. Not all projectile attacks can be deflected, such as Nightmare's laser attack, and this requires a lot of practice. It is recommended to change to Devil Trigger state to deflect the projectile attacks easier. Examples of projectile attacks that can be deflected are Phantom's fireball, Mundus light ball attacks, Nightmare missiles, Marionettes' blades, Bloody Mari's blades, and etc. Note: Nelo Angelo's dark energy ball attack CANNOT be deflected.

10. Hand to Hand Combo - Dante's own series of martial art attacks after using Roundtrip. Press the Circle button to repeatedly punch and kick an enemy while your sword is hurting another enemy. This is useful to get your Style ranking to Stylish!. Be warned that Dante's own martial arts combo are not as strong as Ifrit's combo, but it is still strong enough to knock back enemies.

11. Infinite Vortex - Change to Alastor Devil Trigger, and hold the Circle button while you jump or using Air Raid to make Dante use the Vortex infinitely, continuously and endlessly until your Devil Trigger runs out. The good thing about this is that Dante is invincible while using this move. The bad thing is that Dante will Vortex in a straight line, and it is a not a homing attack that can chase enemies like Vortex Lv 1. However, if you use this on large enemies like Griffin, Phantom and Mundus, you will stay on the same spot while hurting them plus you are immune to attacks. Actually, this is Vortex Lv 2, but many people were confused what is so special with Vortex Lv 2 and how to use it. Thus, it is not really a hidden move... Note: Keep it in mind though that using it will drain your Devil Trigger faster.

12. Inferno Rush - Change to Ifrit Devil Trigger, and press the Circle button while holding the R1 button and pressing forward in Dante's position. Dante's Kick13 move will change into a powerful and quick series of punching and kicking combo. This move can destroy a lot of enemies easily, with high attack power and speed. Plus, the finishing move of the combo will juggle an enemy to the air, like Magma Drive and High Time. Good move, in my opinion. Note: Keep it in mind though that using it will drain your Devil Trigger faster.

13. Charged Ifrit Combo - Hold the Circle button in each attack in Ifrit's Combo to increase the damage dealt. You can charge up to 4 attacks. You may also choose which attack to charge, such as the finishing move, the starting move, or the whole combo together. Keep it mind though Dante is vulnerable to other attacks while he is charging up his attacks. Use it only when you fight one on one, or when you in Devil Trigger. In essence, speed is traded for power. Not really a hidden move as most DMC fans know about this, but some new players have no knowledge about this.

14. Charged Magma Drive - Hold the Circle button while holding the R1 button and the back directional button from Dante's position. Dante will release a powerful Charged Magma Drive attack. Not really a hidden move, but some of my friends wondered how to do it.

15. Piercing Meteor - Use Ifrit's Meteor attack to pierce an enemy's guard stance. Meteor damages enemies even though they are in blocking stance, such as Nelo Angelo and the Marionettes. Not really a hidden move, to me...

16. Critical Hit - Certain enemies can die with one hit, or takes major damage after hitting their weaknesses. For example:

Blade - After knocking one Blade facedown to the ground using Stinger, use the downward air slash using Alastor, Force Edge, or Sparda to kill the blade with one hit, regardless it's remaining health.

Sin Scissors, Sin Scythes - After deflecting their scythes or scissors, get close to them and wait for their masks to be directly in front of you. Then use your Shotgun to kill them with one hit. Proper timing is required, as you must shoot their masks when their attacks are deflected, wait for the masks to be in front of Dante, and before they attempt to hold their scissors or scythes back. Note: This was taken from the their enemy files and from the first secret mission, which is to make a critical hit on a Sin Scissor.

Phantom - Use a downward air slash on Phantom's upper body using Alastor, Force Edge or Sparda. This will deal major damage to Phantom. Preferably in Devil Trigger form, as it deals even greater damage.

Mundus - Only in the first battle. Summon the Sparda Dragon to damage him. Sometimes, the dragon will hit Mundus twice, which is considered a critical hit as the damage dealt is big. Forgotten which part that he will be damaged twice by the dragon, but probably when you are very close to him and when he fires multiple lasers at you from his palms.

17. Time Stopper - Equip the Time Bangle obtained in the last Secret Mission, and press the L1 button to freeze time. All regular enemies will stop, and you can get some free hits in to kill them. However, it doesn't work on bosses, and it will constantly drain your Devil Trigger runes. Also, this will replace your Devil Trigger command, so you are not able to change Devil Trigger if you equip this. Not a really useful move.

18. Shoot Juggling - Use High Time on an enemy, and shoot rapidly using your Ebony and Ivory to keep the enemy on air. Very easy to get Stylish ranking. Works better if the enemy is alone. Other firearms can be used to, but can't juggle the enemy as much as Ebony and Ivory. Enemies that can be juggled are Marionettes, Blades, Bloody Mari, Plasmas and etc.

If there is more, I will update it.:)
Nice thread Chaos, moved here as requested ^^

I'm liking this topic, since once I'm done on 4 and 3, number 1 is in my sights :D

I personally didn't know you could change Devil Arms without a Divinity Statue! ^^
Nice thread Chaos Master. It's funny to think how many different moves there are without lists of them like in the later games. I'll be frank, I didn't know about the charge shot except for the Nightmare Beta. I'm sure there are a few more but I might be wrong. I'll keep a lookout next time I play it, and dedicate more time to experimentation.

My favourite combination against singular fodder-tier enemies such as marionettes, particularly on the higher difficulties would be Sword combo III- (Hold down) High time finish (rather than the normal final stinger-like finish)- 5-6 Ebony and Ivory shots- Helm breaker.

Also works well (in DT) agaist fettishes.

I'll admit, I seldom get to use it but it racks up style points so quickly and just makes you feel really vindictive towards those hapless devils.:cool:
Thanks for moving it, Keaton. And thanks to both of you, King Avallach and Keaton for posting in this thread.

Just edited some moves descriptions and added some new ones, so have a look again if you can.:)
I also want to say thanks to you for sharing this great techniques here otherwise
I may be never come to know all about this. Thanks again for a lot of these moves
and techniques I did not know about before.
thanks cm now i can do critical hit i tried everything notin worked this sounds like it will be the one i swear its because i restarted the game twice and beat mundus twice
I never used the vortex much, didn't know it made me unvulnerable, currently beating DMD mode using Super Dante, I'll use the vortex more ofthen.
Also can't wait to try out the critical hit to the blades, really nice hint, they didn't gave me much trouble but took ages to die, about the other stuff I found out by myselfe, but some of it took some time.
Really nice post you have here.
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