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Happy 7th Birthday DMC4!

Has it felt like this game came out SEVEN years ago?

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General gamer
I must admit I am quite surprised that this thread has not been made yet (from what I can see) and whilst this is put up slightly late I ask that we share the 7 best things about DMC4!

Here are mine:

1. Exceed system
2. *ties into above but Ex and Max Act
3. I rather enjoy the newer Dance Macabre
4. Some of the bosses (Mainly Credo imo)
5. Dante's gameplay for the most part.
6. Cool looking locations
7. Dat general combat system...

Remember this is a celebration for the game's 7th year and thus flaming etc is unacceptable so NO COMPARING TO DmC AT ALL!!


Elite Hunter
In no particular order:

- The beautifully shot cutscenes
- Nero's Devil Bringer animations, cool as sh!t
- Combat system in general, so wide and rewards creativity and stylishness
- The soundtrack
- The Blitz, great enemy to fight
- Dante, he's hilarious :')
- Ability to switch styles on the fly, unlocks tons of combos and increases the fun

So, happy birthday, Devil May Cry Quattro! :D
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That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Just seven? Such a pity...although, I could write a 95 Theses on everything I liked about DMC4, and it still wouldn't be enough.

  • Nero's debut as a character: serving as a more endearing and relatable character, as well as the perfect dose of unbridled fury and brute force to counter Dante's laid-back swagger. In a lot of ways, he's my favorite character out of the original series, and the closet we ever came to a return to DMC1's more fleshed-out and emotionally-versatile characterization of Dante.
  • The story: While nothing amazing in its own right, and certainly has enough lapses and inconsistent handling of certain characters---was arguably the best of the original games. Does the premise boil down to the overused damsel-in-distress fest used by literally every shonen anime out there? Sure. But the plot still had some level of intrigue to it, having the benefit of two fairly-developed protagonists, along with some great secondary characters (at least, everyone who wasn't shoe-horned in for the sake of meaningless cameos, like Trish and Lady), coupled by a relatively-satisfying pace and climax. A solid plot for something as whimsical and disjointed as Devil May Cry, and a VAST improvement over the narrative train-wreck that was DMC3.
  • Fortuna's Numerous Locales: While I've stated on many occasions that DMC1 had the best locations, DMC4 is an extremely close second. From the Opera House's Basilica-esque halls, to the lush green of the Awakened Forest, to the marble fountains and Venetian streets of Fortuna city, this game's locales are all lovely memorable...I only wish they weren't rehashed so many times over the course of the game. :shifty:
  • Yuji Shimomura's Fantastic Choreography: Remember Nero and Dante's terminally-badass confrontation on the Sparda Statue? Remember that scene with Dante using Gilgamesh to piston-kick chunks of the Hellgate in mid-air, and then karate-chop them in half? Or that scene where Nero uses eXceed to ignite all the Scarecrows impaled on the edge of his Red Queen? Even if you didn't watch the cutscenes for the story, chances are, you still watched them anyway for the ball-blasting testosterone of Yuji Shimomura's choreography.
  • Kyrie- Kind of a small factor, but I really like her as a character. For one thing, she's absolutely adorable (which is only further instigated by her voice actress, Stephanie Sheh of Bleach fame), and I like the fact that she can sing. She's also dressed rather moderately---as opposed to Lady or Trish---and despite having literally no combat prowess or means of defense whatsoever, she still leaps to the aid of an endangered child, shielding him selflessly and prepping for certain death without so much as a whimper. That alone puts her well in advance of the other female characters, and elevates her to my favorite leading lady in the Devil May Cry series. :thumbsup:
  • The Soundtrack - Whoever decided to give Dante and Nero two separate combat themes deserves a medal. I still have fleeting nightmares of playing DMC3, with Shootie HG shrieking "Taste the Blood" EVERY SINGLE TIME I entered a battle as Dante, and switched to Vergil only to find the exact same song waiting for me in HIS campaign. He returns here with songs like Blackened Angel and Shall Never Surrender with far more competence, and composer Tetsuya Shibata contributes a far-better style than before. All past quarrels aside, DMC4 sports a godly soundtrack on its sleeve, comprised mostly of instrumental tracks than the vocal nausea dominating DMC3's, blended with a chill-inducing chorus and aggressive guitar riffs. One minute, you'll be caught in the heat of battle with tracks like Baroque and Beats and Swipe of the Sword, and then relish the soothing, tranquil echo of The Idol of Time and Space whenever you reach an Upgrade Statue. While it doesn't ascend to the heights of DMC1's or DmC's respective music, it's still not too shabby on its own.
  • The Combat- After what must have been the longest, most aggravating session of developmental puberty in the hack-n'-slash genre, DMC finally emerged into full-fledged maturity in its fourth entry. The claustrophobic camera and abhorrently-clunky controls were finally GONE. Now, the game controlled and played like slab of smooth, versatile butter...finally giving the player the sense of acrobatic freedom and nimbleness the past three games had promised. Nothing about the combat system feels out of tune or unrefined, either---Nero's emphasis on light combos and brutal finishers encourages a sense of precision, while Dante's style-switching offers just enough freedom and challenge to both reward finesse and punish laziness. And probably the best implemented new feature, one that Kobayashi had promised consistently through dev videos and trailers---a strong and nuanced emphasis on aerial combat. With the camera finally being withdrawn to a less nauseating focus on the player character, aerial moves are both a breeze and a blast to pull off in this game, and cement a feeling of badassery that no Devil May Cry game before or after it managed to capture.
I could go on for another ten pages, but this is essentially everything I love about DMC4 whittled down to a "short" compilation. It was and is my favorite game in the series, and if Capcom wants to ascend to new heights with DMC5, they should first ask themselves how well it measures up to 4.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
eeeeeeeeh I'll try

  • graphics were the first in the series to make it to PS4.
  • I liked the texture on the clothes considering this was the first in such detail
  • I will admit; Fortuna city looked beautiful
  • Dance Macabre was better in this one
  • the sound of the sword swings were good
  • There was like, one song, I did like in the game (Dante's theme for the second fight against him)
  • it wasn't as bad as DMC2 for me.


Supporter 2014
7. Eh... The picture at the end that has a DT'd version of Vergil facing off against Dante.

6. Um... the box art was nice.

5. Er... the Dice Game. No more having to go in room after room. Now I can have all my enemies in one place. Hooray. :shifty:

Seriously though, that was both a positive and a negative. They should've just had a room where you could randomly generate enemies for fun (when you command it to) instead of putting it in a sort of "Board Game" format. The challenge is what you make of it, in this case. It could've been executed to much better, in this case.

4. Nero didn't have to change styles. I could "Trickster Teleport" and "Swordmaster Swing" my weapon at the same time. Also, if I timed it right, I could fire certain enemy projectiles (like Angelo Credo's spear) back at them. Also, Nero had "Ex-Act." Dante needs to have his own function (that works in exactly this way so that you can Max-Act with all weapons, not just Gilgamesh) instead of relying on DTD.

3. Fighting against Dante. Something that DMC3SE lacked. You can beat his face in every time he annoys you.

2. Blue Rose's Charge Shot 3 combines the best of Kalina Ann's "Hysteric" plus Artemis' "Multi-lock."

1. While playing as Dante was indeed better than playing as Nero, they need to figure out a certain way to blend in all of your moves at once (like Nero and Vergil) instead of having to switch out your styles every time you want to perform a certain move. It's counter intuitive, in my humble opinion.

DMC4 Dante "opened" the door. Now, DMC5 Dante needs to be able to walk through it (properly, mind you, with an all-around, better-implemented moveset).

Honorable Mention:

While you had to backtrack as Dante, it was rather creative how they had managed to fit his story in with said backtracking. It wasn't not a positive, but at least they tried to salvage a bad situation.
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Same as it ever was
In no particular order:

1. The graphics/art style

2. Dante's over-the-top actions

3. Devil Bringer

4. The scene where Nero kicks Dante's ass in the beginning

5. The final boss theme

6. The dice game. Am I the only one who genuinely liked it?

7. The heartwarming feel of the ending.


Elite Hunter
3. Fighting against Dante. Something that DMC3SE lacked. You can beat his face in every time he annoys you.

LOL except he kicks your ass even if you win the fight:


Hahaha gotta love how he literally b!tchslaps Nero right there.

Remember that scene with Dante using Gilgamesh to piston-kick chunks of the Hellgate in mid-air, and then karate-chop them in half?

Ha I love the Bruce Lee references there:



Just like in DMC3 xD


Fake Geek Girl.
-Nero. Sometimes annoying in cutscenes, and pretty pointless overall. I never had that big of a problem with him. I liked the way he looked, and I dug his Devil Arm mechanics. I also love Johnny Yong Bosche. I wish more of an effort went in to making him more of an individual with a more jarring contrast of comparison to Dante. I really don't need Discount Dante smothered in angst. There's a better character in there begging to get out.

-Fighting against Dante.

-The combat. I never took off the shiny sticker I gave in approval of combat. Just the obnoxious and lazy game design undermines what could have truly been the best in the series.

Some kind of Monster

Well-known Member
1. Dante. What can i say i really like him. I've got no complaints with his ''cowboy'' outfit as some refer to it or the fact that he's in his 30s but still feels like the DMC3 Dante.
2. The insane action in the cutscenes im glad they carried that over from DMC3.
3. Has the best combat system i've seen to date.
4. The Devilbringer. I love everything it does. How it stays as an optional move making sure the player is aware that it's there without pushing it down your throat and that it doesn't rely on some stupid QTE's to be successful.
5. Boss fights. Fighting and beating Dante Berial and Crede feels so good.
6. Gorgeous environments. DMC looked great at the time and is still pretty relevant imo. I particularly enjoy the view from the dock.
7. Legendary Dark Knight.
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