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Halloween Is Nearly Upon Us .....


Anti - Little D
So tis be the month of October, the month were summer ends and autumn starts, the leaves fall of the trees, the weather makes us all ill and un-happy as its not warm anymore..
Well at least there Halloween ... NOT .. I find this so called hoilday utterly pointless, its a American tradition which was come over to Britain and the supermarkets are like " Buy this for Halloween " and gaint pumpkins .. I couldnt give a S*it

And kids dressing up in stupid outfits trying to be scary when they arent. The only thing you need to worry about is not getting stabbed or mugged when you open the door to strangers.

And when 17 year olds are trick or treatin' its abit sad .. just buy a bag of sweats , you will most likely get alot more in 3 bags of sweats then the entire night of asking people.

It takes the Pis* when people dont give you sweats, instead its likes a packet of crisps that went of date like 4 months ago..

My Birthday is on the 30th of this month ( I want a present from each and everyone of you :p ) and i want to watch scary movies without being disturbed by stupid kids at the door knocking going Trick or treat ... So i just go trick and see what they do :lol: , no one actually has a trick to give you so they will be utterly like WTF ..

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Only thing i like at Halloween is the fact more women wear corsets, lingerie etc in the pubs as outfits with some fake blood on them to make it suit Halloween.


Well-known Member
This year I'm gonna be helping out at the Ultimate Frisbee tournament my club is sponsoring. (My idea) :D

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I'm gonna be making Halloween fun for myself as usual.
By sitting in my window with a loaded paintball gun, taking pot shots at the little bastards that run up my garden path.


Don't trust people
Angelo Credo;280673 said:
I'm gonna be making Halloween fun for myself as usual.
By sitting in my window with a loaded paintball gun, taking pot shots at the little bastards that run up my garden path.


Anyways, to me halloween is when the wealthy kids becomes beggars. I remember one day a kid threw an onion inside my house when we said trick because we didn't have any candy. That onion's scale flew around the entrance hallway. <.<
How come that they are free to vandalise because they didn't get any candy? The hell?


Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;280673 said:
I'm gonna be making Halloween fun for myself as usual.
By sitting in my window with a loaded paintball gun, taking pot shots at the little bastards that run up my garden path.

My name is Meg and I approve this message. :D

Seriously though. I think Halloween can be fun. I like going out to buy decorations with my sister and putting them up together. I like buying candy with my mom. I like all the sweet little kids that come around and making sarcastic comments to the kids my age that still trick or treat. Tis fun. ^_^


Oldschool DMC fan
I like Halloween, but this place is bound to be dead on Halloween and I am bound to be working. In my uni days we had some great Halloween nights out.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Back home we didn't really have Halloween. My friends would want to organise a party and dress up and I'd be the one going 'that's so incredibly common. You are such a commoner. Really, *rollseyes*'. No one ever did anything for Halloween because our parents would have dragged us to church and kept us there all night to keep us from going 'astray'.

But since coming here, people really get into it. My first Halloween here was uneventful and I didn't even realise what day it was until Batman walked past me in the city. I was like O_O WTF, did you see that or am I going crazy? Anyway, when I got my first knock on the door by a group of teenage girls I was caught off guard and asked them 'you actually trick or treat here?' and they said 'yeah, trick or treat!'
I told them to go away because they weren't even dressed up XD

The neighbours want to take the kids trick or treating. I'm still unsure about whether I want to do this or not. I like to keep my kids stuck to me like glue and indoors throughout October. And anyway, I thought Old Hallow's eve was like Christmas to the Wiccans and Pagans. It's a night they celebrate with ceremonies and magic and offers to some deity.

I don't see how wearing costumes and begging for candy all night became a tradition, considering it's another religion's 'commune' of sorts.

Oh well, whatever.

Anyone know of any good scary movies to watch on Halloween?


Nein, not ze puppies!
It's the only time of year for people to dress up as something they can't normally dress up as in public lol. I see Halloween as a once-a-year fun thing for everyone, if you're into it anyways.

My friends are boring and don't have the same sense of creativity as me...so they don't like dressing up because they think it's "silly" or "stupid" or they don't have anything at all.*rolls eyes* Where's the fun in that!? It's good to let loose once a year!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I dunno what I'll go as for Halloween this year... But I know it'll be epic. Last year was Pyramid Head. >:3
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