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Well-known Member
Have ya seen any?
(Just tell a story of when you think you encountered a ghost.
Doesn't have to be scary, just has to be about a ghost.)

I shall not be going first for this particular topic. :p

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
The skeptics may laugh all they like, but I've seen and experienced far too many strange things, to write it off.

Picking one story out of all of them is a bit difficult. I'll go with my first memory of experiencing one (or whatever the heck it was).

I wasn't even in my own bedroom; I often took to sleeping in my brother's room, when he was away (which was frequent), when I saw this sort of...I'm not sure how to describe it. It wasn't perfectly round, but it looked spherical, kind of smoky. Anyway, it was just kind of floating by this plush mobile that used to hang in the bedroom, just off to the side of the door. I didn't even realize I'd seen it, at first, and as soon as I realized it, I sat upright, startled, and it (and this is the part where I sound crazy; but I was only 4 or 5, so I honestly don't know what happened) appeared to soar across the room, and dissipate against the bedroom window. No sound...just hit the window, dispersed, and gone.

For the record, no one had bothered telling me about spirits until well after that experience.


Well-known Member
I personally haven't encountered anything, as far as I remember, but some of my relatives had quite an experience.

An older relative took his parents' wooden crosses from their graves with the intention to restore them. Spent whole night listening to horrible banging and crying on the attic. Learned the hard way why old folks say you should not take anything from the graveyard.

My cousin had a couple of stories, though right now I remember just the one where his boss and him were driving on a road that went through a field. It was middle of the night and they noticed a silhouette of a man in raincoat on the side. The moment they got close the man jumped in front. My cousin hit the brakes and as soon as the car stopped they both ran out to see about the man, except he was gone. Later they found out from some locals that they weren't the first to go through that experience.

There is also one story I heard from mum, I think her brother told her that one. It happened during the war and he found himself on a graveyard in the night. In the near was a church, though a long abandoned one. Which makes it so much weirder that in that night he heard singing, like a choir, coming from inside, that stopped as soon as he opened door.


Well-known Member
I'd rather not imagine ghosts watching me poop.
They always are.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
My old flat when I was a kid was creepy as hell. Floors were always making noises, despite nobody was walking and glass in shelves was making sounds as if somebody moved it. Aside from it, my mother told me she once heard sound as if some animal was scratching itself, but we didn't had any animals + my relatives who stayed watching over flat when everyone was gone at summer, told that their son experienced as if somebody sat on his shoulder despite nothing was there to be seen.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I stayed over at a friend's house a long time ago. We were sleeping in his living room as his bedroom was too small. The lights were off. And we were just getting ready to go to sleep. Then we both saw a mini horse statue on the mantlepiece move along. Nobody else was in the room except us. It hadn't moved far, but we both saw and heard it move.


Devil hunter in training
I remember my Grandma telling me that when I was little, I used to talk to my dead Grandad a lot and tell her what he looked like and what he was saying. But I don't remember talking to him at all. I guess was too young to remember that. So, does that count as ghosts?


the horror was for love
There's also the "Shadow People" that flicker at the edge of your vision...

Sorry 'bout that, dude. I try not to let people see me when I'm spying on them. But, sometimes, my magic mirror just screws up. *shrugs* I'll see if management can tune it up so you aren't inconvenienced any more. :thumbsup:


On topic:
If I listed all my paranormal run-ins, you guys would have an essay on your hands. So I'm just going to go with my most recent one. I'm fairly certain there's a spirit in my house that's been watching me lately. It's turned on and off the stove a couple times. I've also seen a silhouette moving around in my room in the middle of the night and it's...yeah. Creepy. I've generally got a "if you aren't trying to hurt me, you can haunt my house as long as you like" feeling toward ghosts, but I think this spirit is one that left and came back. It's about the same size/shape as one that was getting...erm...touchy-feely last year before it abruptly vanished. Not joking, here. I would feel someone sit on the edge of my bed every night, touch my hair or my back and then the sensation would stop. Occasionally, I'd wake up in the middle of the night feeling someone laying beside me. In both instances no one would be there if I felt around or turned on the light. Luckily neither thing has happened yet (probably cuz I haven't been sleeping soundly lately), but it's...weird. *mildly concerned about escalation*

@Loopy My mum and grandparents used to say the same thing about me. Maybe kids are just more attuned to things others aren't? *wonders if imagination factors in*


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
my mother and i are mediums. and i know that atleast 30 people are sitting at their computers and thinking "wow this kid is stupid". but yeah. she sees ghost a lot more.
i can only see a hand full of things. plus, we live in a very old building so there's a lot of spiritual energy here. some are jerks, but others are nice. its hard to communicate with them tho. mainly because i have a hard time talking to people in general but THAT ASIDE, yes. i have seen dead people...and maleficent assholes who i'm not sure what they are but creep me out


Devil hunter in training
@Loopy My mum and grandparents used to say the same thing about me. Maybe kids are just more attuned to things others aren't? *wonders if imagination factors in*
I thought maybe it could be young me's imagination too, like an imaginary friend. But my Grandma used to say the same thing too about how maybe children can see more than adults. So who knows.


Well-known Member
I thought maybe it could be young me's imagination too, like an imaginary friend. But my Grandma used to say the same thing too about how maybe children can see more than adults. So who knows.

I was like that too when I was younger. I can't remember much but I've been told a few stories as I grew up. In fact, I'm still surrounded by them to this very day! I may not be able to see ghosts anymore but I know that they are around.

My first house had both a good ghost and a bad one. Luckily, I never had an encounter with the bad one. My brother on the other hand... not so much! Here's the really creepy part though: Not only did he terrorize my brother but several other kids on my street had similar stories of being chased and on very rare occasions, physically assaulted by this man. He was eventually known as "Hairy Man" and had a reputation for hating children. As for the other ghost, my guess is that he was some sort of guardian angel that kept Hairy Man away from me. Supposedly I used to talk to the good one and from time to time, would also be comforted by him when I was sick.

The second house that I lived in had another guardian angel, except this time it was my Great Grandpa. Not one bad spirit ever popped up and just like in the first house, he took good care of our family. We also had another ghostly family member but this time, it was in the form of an antique rocking chair. The story behind the chair was that it must always be passed down to the girls in our family. If we tried selling it to anyone outside of our family or even thought of selling it, the chair would begin to rock. My mom is the current holder of the chair and sits in our living room. Speaking of my mom, about a year or so ago, her uncle had passed away and had came to her a few weeks after his funeral and wanted to tell her that he was doing fine.

... You can call me crazy all you want but I am definitely a believer in the paranormal and all things spooky!


Well-known Member
I was going through my normal morning routine when I heard this strange noise, I couldn't quite identify what it was, and it quickly went away.
Shrugged it off and went about my day.

At school, I was doing work on my computer, when I heard the noise again. This time it was more defined, it sounded like static or white noise. The sound lasted longer this time and it sounded closer, but when I looked around, there was nothing that could have made that noise.
Had to finish up my work and eventually forgot about it.

It was the end of the next day and I was walking down a dark hallway, which led to my room, when I heard the noise again. It was closer than all the other times and was approaching fast, so I turned around to finally see what was making the noise. When I turned I didn't see anything in my direct line of sight but out of the corner of my vision I saw a blurry smiling face, with sagging pure white skin, and it's eye's and mouth were pitch black.
I was startled, but afterwards, nothing else happened.
After that, I never saw or heard from it again. :/

Note: This isn't a ghost story, but I thought it was a ghost when I experienced it.
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