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General thought dump on modern soceity


Well-known Member
you dont have to read this but im posting this here as it feels like the only place i could have a proper conversation with a large amount of people over my thoughts

anyway, enough with that. disclaimer/warning: this stuff is my opinion, nothing else. and i rather dislike humans as a whole

modern society (and humans in general) is pretty awful from the day you are born life is planned out for you you spend a few years growing learning to walk etc etc etc not so bad then you get sent to "school" throughout your journey at this initiation camp (uh i mean school) you get taught that you need to conform with people or else you will be lonely and more then likely get picked on.(yay!) those that dont conform and doe stupid **** and/or dangerous things because others do so will be bullied and can develop serious psychological issues (i sure as hell did. again, yay!) those that do however, get the endless joys of doing things they really should not they will rebel for no reason other "well HE'S doing it"
they will typically see the other side of the spectrum the kids who are NOT having any sort of fun and then laugh at them or ignore them. the people claim to be nice but all they think is "thank gods that's not me."

morals are forced onto them and i mean really forced ever heard the saying "money makes the world go round"? i have and strongly disagree (more on that later) instead of making their decisions on whether it is worth it or not they are forced to go 6 hours a day 5 days a week and learn about things so they can do something AMAZINGLY spectacular they can (drum roll please) get a job and have the pleasurable joy of doing the same (or more) amount of working this team you are forced to work with people who have developed thoughts of being "better then thou" by not being one of the kids known as "losers". they feel better then those people combine that with human nature to ignore others and instead focus on themselves and you get some really stubborn and stupid issues.

ok then there is your REWARD. great, reward everyone loves those. you get paid for your work nobody questions it they think it's good instantly as they were to told to cherish it more then anything else. indeed, i would not be talking to you, the reader if i had no money. however the world would be better of without rather then material possessions the best kind of happiness comes from a scary F word, friendship. THAT makes me happier then the best gaming system, happier then anything i have ever gotten through money has.

honestly, money needs to be valued less.

also humans take more then they no, dare i say it. We, i,everyone i have ever known give.Not only that but we tend to think about the short term too often. last i heard mother nature wasn't doing too well. air and light pollution, global warming, serious lack of trees. oh, did i mention most people who do anything to respect are called "hippies" or branded with some other ridiculous insult you may know them as "nature freaks" or "losers" or "****ing retards." it does not matter. the people who give these messages out and not considered outcast of some sort are the happy rich folk a celeberity says to care for animals and nature while being recorded by cameras and then broadcast on television, using more precious fuel and releasing more carbon gases or maybe the delivered it with proper talking and then they are the good guy, then they go home and rest in their luxorious mansion or tour bus or whatever where they have many thins make from rare and expensive NATURAL resources or sometimes not even rare. hows your wooden horse monument going? a lot of trees used for no good reason. if they really cared then the would not be using or even in the vicinity of such devices

then there is advertisements, meaningless ads entirely fake and edited to make you think that you must buy a product you did not know about or where not interested in less then 5 seconds ago. then as more flashy new gadgets come out you need those too and it takes more to make you happy.

people refuse to talk about religion or politics because they feel if the other person does not agree they will be liked less. what do you think this says? that we cant have a meaningful conversation concerning other peoples veiws and values without hating each other? can we not have a meaningful conversation without flinging monkey ****? from personal experience i can safely say we are far from that.

the things that make people human also make the human something that deserves to go extinct. not only is our time up, but we acheived nothing meaningful sure we have the amazing iphone whatever but does that really makes us smarter? it makes us more intelligent but we have less wisdom then any life form that could make a similar device and chooses out of their own will not too. think about it, sure it's very convenient but is having people become reliant on it good? does mass producing those or similar devices help? what if the inevitable happens and we run out of metals such as copper, for wiring?

i think im cruel and horrible for saying this but humans deserve to dye shame, we had intelligence but assumed that it equaled wisdom too.

for the purpose of this intelligence is: knowing that food is edible and WHY it gives us energy
wisdom is: knowing that we should eat it.

what do you guys think? is there really good in "humanity" a word that means the same as the traditional "evil" (the kind that means the same thing as "bad guy") to me at least it does mean evil(and lacking in wisdom, that crucial thing that makes intelligence meaningful).


Well-known Member
Well I was going to go on this big response, but I'm not in the mood right now (haven't been awake long), and I don't know if you want to hear it. So instead, I have a solution for you. Two actually.

First, go to an art museum. Hear me out. Go to an art museum and just find Monet. Find him and sit in front of his works. Just sit there and clear your mind. Wander around the museum some and just look at all the different works of art.

Second, go to a library. Find some books that look interesting. I recommend anything by Jon Steinbeck. Just read for awhile. Don't even leave the library. Read while surrounded by all the books.

As you leave, reflect on both places you just visited. Reflect on all the beauty you just saw and experienced. All of that was made by humans. Someone created something beautiful and shared it with the world. And where did that beauty come from? From inside the creator: the person: the human you claim to despise so much.

Think about all that. And you'll realize while there is a lot of bullsh*t, misery, and stupidity in the world, there is a lot of wonderful things as well. There's beauty in this world that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for humans. It's just that tragedy and injustice sticks out in our minds more. It's a survival instinct. That doesn't mean there isn't much good either. You could argue there is more good than bad: the good is just a lot quieter.

Now I have to ask you something. This also goes out to anyone who agrees with you. What are you going to do about it? Everything you just complained about. I don't expect you to address everything you talked about, but you listed some important issues. Education. The environment. What are you going to do to fix things? Are you going to vote, run for office, protest, recycle, join a non-profit, whatever? What are you going to do to improve some or all of the things you think is so bad about the world: about humans?

Because if you have the power to change something and choose not to, you have no right to complain. And pretty much everything, if not everything, you complained about you have the power to change.


Devil hunter in training
As you leave, reflect on both places you just visited. Reflect on all the beauty you just saw and experienced. All of that was made by humans. Someone created something beautiful and shared it with the world. And where did that beauty come from? From inside the creator: the person: the human you claim to despise so much.
And when it comes to art, some of the most thought provoking or beautiful pieces have come from some very troubled people who have seen or experienced terrible things.

Yes, we have no choice to be born, yes school can seem like an indoctrination camp if you were unfortunate enough to be picked on, and no, it's not fair, but that is life. I'm not saying accept it, but how would people appreciate kindness and love and caring if the 'bad' things in the world didn't exist?

There's a saying, something like this: If people truly cared about the next generation, people would not have children at all.
But the fact is, people do have children for many different reasons. If you're alive, you just have to make the most of it.
And if you believe so strongly that life is inherently bad and always full of suffering, then don't have children. There's more harm in coming into being by accident, or because society expects it, or because 'that's just what people do'.

And while humans do some terrible things, there are other people trying to do good in the world and make the place a bit better. People don't have to do something large to make the world a nicer place. Start with little things, like smiling at a stranger, or helping someone carry a heavy bag, or do some volunteering work for a charity.


Keyser Söze
anyway, enough with that. disclaimer/warning: this stuff is my opinion, nothing else. and i rather dislike humans as a whole
Well that escalated quickly...cranky my friend eh ? :D
modern society (and humans in general) is pretty awful
Dude just watch history channel or read one of your old highschool history books and you'll realize that Modern society is probably the BEST time period you could think of even if its far from perfect or even compromisable but its still way to live in progressive society then living in a complete degenerative one and 3rd world countries are still having it worse then you can ever imagine and they still don't give up so quit being miserable and have a positive attitude towards everything.

P.S you sound like my whiny emo mom we all have our own problems to worry about but that doesn't mean we have to make ourselves the center of the universe.
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Devil hunter in training
just watch history channel or read one of your old highschool history books and you'll realize that Modern society is probably the BEST time period you could think of even if its far from perfect or even compromisable but its still way to live in progressive society then living in a complete degenerative one and 3rd world countries are still having it worse then you can ever imagine and they still don't give up so quit being miserable and have a positive attitude towards everything.
If you watch the history channel, then this kind of thinking has been going on since humans could have this sort of thought. I think each generation thinks the world is terrible, or society is ruined, but despite that, humans keep on going for better or worse.
Maybe all this technology and relying on it will turn us into a bunch of sedentary fat-asses like that Wall-E film, but I won't be around to see that.:troll: The best thing each generation can do try something to make the world a little better,or failing that, try not to make more problems for the generation that will come next.

Speaking of third world, people there don't have the luxury of thinking how terrible life is. They're the ones living in a really terrible situation, but they don't think like this, they just get on with the life they have and focus on surviving.

Also, kinda related to this, but I have a friend who's blind. Now you'd think he hates his parents for having him and that he hates life, society is horrible and all that, but he's a really upbeat and positive guy. Instead of feeling self pity, he gets out there and plays blind football professionally, has a load of friends, started a business, got married and recently has a child of his own.
That's the kind of attitude other people should have too. If there's nothing seriously wrong with you, then what's there to complain about? From my experience, it's the people who you think would struggle that have the most positive outlook on life because they appreciate what they have.


Well-known Member
Well I was going to go on this big response, but I'm not in the mood right now (haven't been awake long), and I don't know if you want to hear it. So instead, I have a solution for you. Two actually.

First, go to an art museum. Hear me out. Go to an art museum and just find Monet. Find him and sit in front of his works. Just sit there and clear your mind. Wander around the museum some and just look at all the different works of art.

Second, go to a library. Find some books that look interesting. I recommend anything by Jon Steinbeck. Just read for awhile. Don't even leave the library. Read while surrounded by all the books.

As you leave, reflect on both places you just visited. Reflect on all the beauty you just saw and experienced. All of that was made by humans. Someone created something beautiful and shared it with the world. And where did that beauty come from? From inside the creator: the person: the human you claim to despise so much.

Think about all that. And you'll realize while there is a lot of bullsh*t, misery, and stupidity in the world, there is a lot of wonderful things as well. There's beauty in this world that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for humans. It's just that tragedy and injustice sticks out in our minds more. It's a survival instinct. That doesn't mean there isn't much good either. You could argue there is more good than bad: the good is just a lot quieter.

Now I have to ask you something. This also goes out to anyone who agrees with you. What are you going to do about it? Everything you just complained about. I don't expect you to address everything you talked about, but you listed some important issues. Education. The environment. What are you going to do to fix things? Are you going to vote, run for office, protest, recycle, join a non-profit, whatever? What are you going to do to improve some or all of the things you think is so bad about the world: about humans?
humans can do good and many of these things could and definetly should be addressed, in any way possible. but then there is also the other things exclusion and inclusion, greed, violence. the very things that make us human are unsolvable without going to extremes

Because if you have the power to change something and choose not to, you have no right to complain. And pretty much everything, if not everything, you complained about you have the power to change.

Well that escalated quickly...cranky my friend eh ? :D

always mankind can do good but can do a ridiculous amount of evil, which creates my whiny rants.


Disclaimer/warning: this is my opinion, you don't have to agree with it.

modern society (and humans in general):
They dictate whether or not you should have a chance at this life before you're even born or have a voice.
They are intentionally selfish but tend to promote this in 'positive' terms to deceive the majority of the populace. This is why respect and compassion are nothing more than memories of a past era.
They discriminate between male and female, child and adult, skin colour and age, level of education and contribution to society, poor and rich, skinny and fat, blonde and brunette, religious and atheist, hetero and homo, homo and bi, employer and employee, salary and career, bottlefeeding and breastfeeding, nudists and pilgrims, school grades and social status, etc. The list is endless because the human race will always find something to nitpick, even if it has no role in the greater picture.
They tell you it's okay to be yourself, encourage you even, and then they hand you the step by step guide on how to be you.
They label you an outcast/rebel/nuisance when you don't conform to their expectations and traditions.

There are no morals. There's no please and thank you, no manners, no chivalry or respect, no genuine loyalty.
There are no good morals set forth for this generation. The government made sure to take all of that away. The only morals left are the ones your grandparents teach you.

also humans take more then they no, dare i say it. We, i,everyone i have ever known give.
It's called selfishness. Some preacher said that we are unique and different from the animal kingdom, and humanity got a major ego boost from it. It's always me, me, me, me. Yeah, maybe I'll give some. But then it all comes back down to me, me, me, me again. Selfishness/arrogance is the reason for just about every little thing in this world.
Marriages fail because 'I can't do this anymore' or 'I've sacrificed too much, it's not worth my time and effort' or 'you didn't give me what I wanted/needed so I went to find it elsewhere'.
People become rich and successful by trampling others, using other people, always wanting more because 'I worked for it, I'm worth it, I deserve to drive that Ferrari more than that bastard does, I'll take credit for this even though it's not my work'.
Non-religious people have unjustly inflated egos because 'I'm a nurse/doctor/therapist/volunteer to help other people', yet they never tell you the reason they reached their position is because they put in their resume 'I like to help/want to save people'. Emphasis on the I. Their primal motivator is to feel good about themselves for doing something good.

The devil's way of spamming your life. My TV is off until our shows come on, and then we watch movies or play games. Ads make me depressed. The ones on the radio, too. If there's talking, I'll switch the channel. If there's no music playing, I turn it off.

people refuse to talk about religion or politics because they feel if the other person does not agree they will be liked less.
I think it's more a case of avoiding conflict than it being a popularity contest. Nobody likes to be put down for their beliefs and experiences of the world, but everybody hates having their own opinion questioned even more.

the things that make people human also make the human something that deserves to go extinct. not only is our time up, but we acheived nothing meaningful sure we have the amazing iphone whatever but does that really makes us smarter? it makes us more intelligent but we have less wisdom then any life form that could make a similar device and chooses out of their own will not too. think about it, sure it's very convenient but is having people become reliant on it good? does mass producing those or similar devices help? what if the inevitable happens and we run out of metals such as copper, for wiring?
It makes us innovative and creative, and if you use what we've got the right way, you can gain a level of knowledge you wouldn't otherwise have achieved. If you delve back into history, as savage as some eras were, there is evidence that people have always been smart. Smart enough to build a city without concrete and steel. Smart enough to create clay pots, and build ships, etc. Humans are highly adaptable. If we ran out of the resources we use now and were thrown back to the stone age, I'm pretty sure we'll do fine.

we had intelligence but assumed that it equaled wisdom too.
I whole-heartedly agree with this. Intellect doesn't equate to wisdom (pity Einstein didn't know that, what a genius). Wisdom comes from experience, experience comes from asking questions and looking for the answers, exploring this world and living life. Seek and you shall find.

what do you guys think? is there really good in "humanity" a word that means the same as the traditional "evil" (the kind that means the same thing as "bad guy") to me at least it does mean evil(and lacking in wisdom, that crucial thing that makes intelligence meaningful).

If you mean to ask if there's any point to humanity because the race is just so laughably stupid, then I'd tell you yes. There is a point. People weren't created stupid, we got there on our own.
If you mean to ask if there's any good in humanity, I'd say don't generalize the human race. Everyone has good in them, it's just that the world allows us too easily to go the other route.

And for the record, I despise society, too.


Devil hunter in training
I'm sure everyone has a day when they wonder what the point of it all is, or feel the weight of the world on them, but somehow you just have to keep going and try to be positive.

Sometimes I think life is pointless, but its only as pointless as you let it be. When I get like that, I go for a walk and take time to look at all the things in nature. Sometimes our lives are so busy that we forget that the world can be a beautiful place too. You don't need money to make you happy, regardless of what society says- believe me. That just gives you a whole new set of problems. It's best to just enjoy the simple things in life and be grateful for little things that brighten your day up.


Well-known Member
What is evil ? a concept made by humans ? everything is not so cut&dry you know ? things just happen for good or for bad.

i have already talked about evil previously in other threads.

good and evil are not solid definite terms same as right and wrong you can do something horrible but if you thought it was wrong you probably wouldn't do it.

lets not forget how there is typically more thne 2 sides you can choose you can agree a little with a opinion, you can agree a lot, or you cna think something tottaly different.

no solid good or evil but in my mind humans are in the "wrong" over-all


Well-known Member
I agree. My point is that there is good. Unfortunately the good in people only come forth in the face of catastrophe.
Maybe that's why we're having so many natural disasters. A way to bring people back together.

doubt that would work. still good thinking


Devil hunter in training
I agree. My point is that there is good. Unfortunately the good in people only come forth in the face of catastrophe.
Maybe that's why we're having so many natural disasters. A way to bring people back together.
There's another slightly less appealing theory as to why more natural disasters are happening: the Earth is trying to wipe out all humans because of the damage they do... and that god is angry, like Noah and the flood angry. :blink:

People can also be pretty opportunistic in a disaster. They loot shops, steal and take advantage. But at least there are people trying to do good to balance that out.


Well-known Member
There's another slightly less appealing theory as to why more natural disasters are happening: the Earth is trying to wipe out all humans because of the damage they do... and that god is angry, like Noah and the flood angry. :blink:
scarier thing is we wrecked everything so much we did it to ourselves, probably bad luck though (or nature agrees with me, which would never realistically happen.)

People can also be pretty opportunistic in a disaster. They loot shops, steal and take advantage. But at least there are people trying to do good to balance that out.


Keyser Söze
but if you thought it was wrong you probably wouldn't do it.
exactly ! psychopaths lack basic human cognitive skills they don't even feel emotions so if they do hurt anyone else is that person really evil or just sick ?
you can agree a lot, or you can think something tottaly different
The world would be boring if everyone agreed without everyone it would the literal murder of curiosity.
but in my mind humans are in the "wrong" over-all
yeah but you can't really judge the entire human race just like that you are human too are you not ? are you suggesting that there is no other human like you ?
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Devil hunter in training
yeah but you can't really judge the entire human race just like that you are human too are you not ? are you suggesting that there is no other human like you ?
Speaking of judging the entire human race...I bet if aliens existed and they judged us on the content of youtube videos/ the internet, we'd be so dead. We'd probably look like a bunch of moronic nutcases to them.:p


Keyser Söze
Speaking of judging the entire human race...I bet if aliens existed and they judged us on the content of youtube videos/ the internet, we'd be so dead. We'd probably look like a bunch of moronic nutcases to them.:p
IDK but if they have a sense of humor they'd sure cage us for entertainment.


Devil hunter in training
IDK but if they have a sense of humor they'd sure cage us for entertainment.
Maybe...at least us humans are already used to caging ourselves for our own entertainment...the show Big Brother comes to mind. >_<


doubt that would work. still good thinking

It only takes that one person to do the right thing to get others to follow their example. History dictates this. It still happens today. Not all of it makes the media so I guess unless you're in a situation where something terrible has happened, you won't see the good that people can and will do.
A few examples from the media: the relief teams that have pitched up to help in the aftermath of the tsunamis in Haiti/Japan.
The terrorist who killed an (ex?) soldier in broad daylight in London - people who risked their own safety to try and help the victim. And the lady who told the nutcase if he was to bring a war, he was going to lose, and I'm fairly sure most people at the scene would have backed her up on that claim.
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