I am dreading Yasuke's inclusion to be honest. Why are we playing as him? The game isn't called "Samurai's Creed", the devs have confirmed that his playstyle is based around the RPG combat from Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla and is all about fighting the enemies head on with his sword instead of the stealth/parkour that other protagonist Naoe is built around. Plus they've also confirmed that he has mandatory story missions that must be completed and so thus there is no escaping the lacklustre RPG gameplay. I just wanted to play as a ninja, man...I'm down for Yasuke. But the dreads are just absolute cringe. Dreads did exist back then, but the shogunate likely made him cut his hair. It's like they included dreads just to be cool/hip. At least it's not a Killmonger cut.

Honestly it just feels like Ubisoft saw how popular Ghost of Tsushima was and is trying to ape that game's Ghost/Samurai dual philosophy in an attempt at trend chasing at the cost of once again forgetting the core aesthetic of the franchise. That's not even getting into the ludicrous business tactics that Ubisoft are trying to pass off like Season Passes for a Single Player game and day one DLC - with the base game itself being something like $80 and likely won't be worth that much.