I vomited blood as soon as I heard about "fire, water, wind", "the power of the crystals", "the fate of the world", etc.The first gameplay footage I've seen for Bravely Default 2.
I'm sad there's no fanfare for Panzer Dragoon Remake. Buy it, damnit. Yeah, you. You. You. And, you. Yes, you too, a'hole.A lot of interesting new things. Catherine Full Body gets a port, Xenoblade Chronicles DE gets a collector's edition, plus a new final chapter. The first gameplay footage I've seen for Bravely Default 2.
There is also another title.The first Nier gets a remaster for the PS4, Xbox one and PC.
Annnnd another franchise gets the mobile treatment. Though, they could do a lot with Nier's "ode to classics" design mantra...There is also another title.
This one is mobil.
With Nier: Automata popularizing the Nier brand name, they can go all the way with Replicant and do away with the need to "appeal to the Western audience" with Gestalt.The first Nier gets a remaster for the PS4, Xbox one and PC.
They don't even try to appeal to western audiences with Automata... Sold extremely well for an RPG/action/adventure/90's gaming experience - the game has everything you'd want in a game.With Nier: Automata popularizing the Nier brand name, they can go all the way with Replicant and do away with the need to "appeal to the Western audience" with Gestalt.
They said it was designed from player and developer feedback. Personally it reminds me of a Star Trek design.I DO like the design aesthetic, but the practicality seems a bit odd. I mean, it seems a little rounded. I like the old controller(s), because they stick outwards away from other...