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Gaming hysteria

Games need to have more harder modes?

  • Yes, I have completed all games and can take more.

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No, I find them traumatic and disturbing.

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters


Don't trust people
Devil Bane said it!

I like the difficulties because, I don't play games just to hit the buttons. I play the game to make me think, creating strategies and learning combinations. Games where you have to utilize invicibility frames or cheap techniques over and over on higher difficulties doesn't open up strategies. I like games with high difficulty, with new strategies that takes more effort. That is why! Games aren't button mashers in my opinion. <.<

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
^Thank you trememndously aka.And no game is a button masher.It can be made only by "gamers"[yes those at gfaqs who claim to be "gamers"].No matter how bad a game is,it never is a button masher.It is one's choice to go that way.

And as you said some games have all this creativeness.It's not just some,it's all games.Some are more open/it's easier to see them and be creative to it[DMC for example] while others don't have the "feeling" of creativity but it still exists.The player just needs to look it up a bit.If he wants that is.


Well-known Member
Devil Bane;262063 said:
It's not just the engine.The thing is that you play a game to enjoy it.Having a harder mode on it is probably just a bonus or a test of skills in some cases.

Again not all games are fit for "difficulty selections" nor players should stick to strategies.The fun is lost that way.Unless of course the player doesn't like said boss etc and wants to get past it quickly.

All in all it's just for fun.Just because "gamers" want a challenge or they believe that no game is hard enough for them doesn't mean that others can't view it as a pleasant surprise.

I started Master Ninja on NG 1.Far too dificult and frustrated so I stoped it.I just unlocked the costumes via codes and played normal mode again and had trememndous fun.

Difficulties are meant for a fun challenge.Like the game itself,they are not an obligation.

I agree as well Devil Bane! It is true that hard modes are there for people who want them. No one forces you to play a game on that mode. There's nothing wrong with playing a game on easy or normal, but some people like the challenge. That's why they're there.


Dante's Lapcat
I voted yes. Not because I've beat everything every game has to offer though. Heck, I get beat up on SOS. :/ But I still like to know there's more challenges ahead. And on some games - like the Koei brand of hack n slash, the most difficult levels are so ridiculously hard it's comical. Sometimes its good to get your gamer ego knocked down a few notches by getting absolutely nailed by a peon type enemy. :p


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Devil Bane;262079 said:
^Thanks meg!And thanks to the people who see my point.Thank you guys.

I do see your point... I feel rather dumb.

I do not like to think that my skills are sub-par compared to others. I see myself as equal to all others in skill, at my worst of times and my best of times. So when people say "hell yeah, I love it when it's stupidly hard!" it ticks me off because then I know I'm inferior to someone and it kills my confidence that I can do something.

In short... People brag, I sag. End of story.


Don't trust people
DreadnoughtDT;262203 said:
I do see your point... I feel rather dumb.

I do not like to think that my skills are sub-par compared to others. I see myself as equal to all others in skill, at my worst of times and my best of times. So when people say "hell yeah, I love it when it's stupidly hard!" it ticks me off because then I know I'm inferior to someone and it kills my confidence that I can do something.

In short... People brag, I sag. End of story.

Telling you like hard difficulties isn't bragging. Talking about your awesome success and how friggin' bad*ss you were is. XD

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
@ DT : Don't feel dump.It's normal what you feel.You are going throught several phases and stages now that you are a teen and one of those is probably this antagonistic behaviour,your "poeple brag,I sag".It's normal at that age and if you can control it and effectivelly turn it into a spirit of healthy competition and embrace the idea of pushing one's limits positevely,in a way that you,yourself will like it,you have conquered this world.

I know,it sound slike a bit of cr$p,but take the advice of an old man,youngin'!It's good to listen to your elders.

And jokes aside,do it.You'll feel much better.I went nearly throught the same,but far worse.But I flipped the situation and matured[took a step towards maturity anway].


Well-known Member
^ Next week on Dr. Devil Bane's Help Session he will examine why Vergil is so bent on power.

Dr. DB: Well you see I think this is a case of...

:lol: Its good advice I just had to say that.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
^Hey!If I 'm gonna be on your show,at least use me properly!

Now then...

*Shuffle shair a bit,puts on glasses with a thin skeleton and puts on a jacket that is hal eaten by moths and starts sitting at a chair often used by psychiatrists.*

As you see,Vergil,Dante's brother,is bent on revenge and other negative thoughts because...

Now that's the way to do it meg!Also,you have to pay my trademark.;)

Joking aside,thanks.


Well-known Member
^ Pay?! o_O My own joke has been used against me! :lol:

Well what do you know I made this thread happy again :D


Well-known Member
It's not jus "hard" modes but hysterically hard modes where gamer feels character is weak to carry out such missions or enemy AI is too strong but still its gamer's headache to get through them somehow , someway.

Eg: GODHAND - Hard mode - Insanity is the only term.Its the same way i felt when playing DMD in DMC3. Even now , i have difficulties in missions such as 19. Mission 20 on royalguard? Well thats the only style that helps dante have some integrity from vergil chasing him with yamatoa. But is hard as hell to guard most attacks. Hell, it is hysterical when you have guarded all the way till the end and all of sudden vergil DTs and starts spamming. You may not survive if u can not perfectly guard his judgement cuts or helm-breakers.On any other style, He would regain life by the end of it.I have died countless times just when vergil was about to be finished cuz of his DT spam at the end even though i had full life.

Harder modes are also a handicap where gamer loses more life with each hit than any other modes. I can understand increase enemy AI difficulty but why does gamer suffer a handicap of losing so much health for each hit. I understand that it improves skill of gamer, but when finishing missions at the fag end , sometimes enemy AI spams can kill entire health though it is full. I am suffering such hysteria in godhand - hard mode.

I guess it is for a sense of completion but really is hysterical to die at the fag end where gamer has a perfect mission completion.I am not sure how many games are out there with such missions.But i think such modes disturb characterization with handicaps.


Atleast, handicap should have been in normal modes where i could practice with such handicaps and then move to hard with same character and not turn hysterical for each hit draining so much life on such higher difficulties.


Well-known Member
^ I really wish there is a review board that review such hysterical difficulties if anything can be changed without losing essence of mode. Little tweaks like enemy AI becomes less aggressive with characters increasing competence towards end of combat.Kinda like an increase in rep. I feel drunk after playing such modes.It sucks so much of my time away.


Entertain me.
aka958;261940 said:
The only thing I've come close to Very Hard on Ninja Gaiden is doing missions on Very Hard. I could even beat some missions on Master Ninja! Proud of myself! xP

i am going to assume you were playing ninja gaiden sigma or black. much like DMC, the later releases of the game added more content and toned down the difficulty. if that isn't the case i will be somewhat doubtful if not very impressed.


Is not rat, is hamster
My issue is, and always will be, that there are some gaming developers out there who make what could be awesome games but seem to think that "casual" mode means "just as hard as any other mode" - this gets to me greatly.

I am a crap gamer, but a gamer nonetheless. To include a casual mode and then to make it almost no different to higher difficulty levels smacks of elitism to me. It's almost as if developers are saying, "look, it's nice you want to try and play with the bigger boys but how about you sit down with a nice cup of tea for a bit until your brain stops overheating".

If casual mode exists (or the equivalent such as difficulty sliders), then for the love of crisps, please make it casual. Not challenging, not hard, not even normal - casual. Clue is in the name.

Dragon Age is a prime example of how NOT to make a casual game mode - the first two patches BioWare released were focussed on the difficulty spikes in casual mode being almost as hard as two modes above it. This is not fair on those who just want to enjoy a game without making it frustratingly difficult and therefore a totally miserable experience. Why should casual gamers be pushed to one side like this? We pay good money to play games we are really looking forward to, only to find that casual mode (which is usually described by the developers themselves as "for those who have never played or have little experience") is damn hard.


I think some should have more harder modes but dmc shouldn't i mean what will the put next hell or chaos,chaos or chaos :wacko:
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