And activision..and.. EA games and Square enix.Ubisoft would never do anything like that..
And activision..and.. EA games and Square enix.Ubisoft would never do anything like that..
I'm not asking for RE1-3 clunky controls or bad camera angles i want more puzzle solving,actual tense atmosphere and NO GEARS OF WAR SHOOTER ! that is not however going to be the case with RE7 if that ever happens.Neither do i get anything about your incoherent rambling about pokemone.. its just same frikkin game over and over !
There is no mature Pokemon game ! there is no change is the basic story structure or the gameplay "Revolutionary" my ass ! its the same sh!t over and over.. just like how all kingdom hears is just Final fantasy with disney characters.
>As for GTA and its 10 year graphical I'm SSOOOOO impressed..
ha ha ? back in 2008 it was one of the best looking games and its physics were also unique for its time not to mention the whole city had a lot of details put into it.
>Revolutionary improvement of the century
Okay.. your bias is kinda hilarious you consider pokemon to be "Revolutionary" when despite being a multi-billion dolllar comany doesn't try anything new.. unlike that Rockstar actually had many spin-offs based on GTA *AHEM* Red dead ?? Bully ?? need i say more ??
Does pokemon have some gritty manga game adaptations where the characters don't like deformed midgets ?
>Regardless of how much new things MegaMan Zero did for the MegaMan series it was still a yearly release and it too followed its own formula
Except it was only 4 games and pokemon is like.... going on forever or something ?
Again i don't really get why you're implying as if milking a series is some kind of a good thing which it isn't.
>Kamiya himself screwed up big time with RE2 and had to go back to Mikami
Where is the source for that ?? its only a know fact that RE2 was a much anticipated sequel and its beta was much more conclusive so capcom executives scrapped it it was never stated as "kamiya screwed up" so stop making stuff up.. i myself love the RE1.5 beta.
>Kamiya wanted to take RE4 in a more action oriented direction
It wasn't kamiya's direction the game ended up being like that kamiya just went along with it
>Do you even play Pokemon (or still do) for if you did you would know you're just blowing sh*t out your a$$.
Pokemon fanboi rage detected... you can disagree with me i don't care you can't but judge my opinion.
> "They're yearly releases therefore they need to go on break."
Put it eitherway its the same thing.
>I'm sorry just cause DMC and GTA don't come out every year it doesn't make them any more revolutionary than games that are yearly releases.
Yes they are.. yearly releases are not "Revolutionary" or dare i say barely innovative ? if you're really serious about it then you're the only one who's bullshitting here.
>I'll probably get flack over this but each Pokemon installment (particularly each generation) makes more innovations for its series than DMC and GTA has ever done.
You're sooo correct !! just look at sheer the amount of uncreative pokemon they add everytime and the tedious level grinding !! its seriously rad innovative along with the drab story design too.
>Please get that d*ck out your a$$ that is GTA/Rockstar.
An eloquent argument indeed.R* is a wayy better developer than nazitendo.
How long is microsoft gonna milk it.
It's like one really long episode of some boring tv show.
That's really sad. Halo is running on empty. Sonic the Hedgehog
They've revamped Sonic the Hedgehog till it seems more like The Legend of Zelda instead of a Sonic the Hedgehog title.
I'm sorry just cause DMC and GTA don't come out every year it doesn't make them any more revolutionary than games that are yearly releases. I'll probably get flack over this but each Pokemon installment (particularly each generation) makes more innovations for its series than DMC and GTA has ever done.
Please get that d*ck out your a$$ that is GTA/Rockstar. GTA is not a series that take its sweet a$$ time with each release either you know.
Nintendo OWNS pokemon's little soul it decides where it goes and where it ends and clearly it doesn't want to evolve or find a more mature audience it just wants to milk the series to death like Megaman X.Also, Nintendo didn't develop Pokemon. Game Freak did and only Game Freak. Nintendo are merely the publishers and you can't compare the 2 as they make very different games. So learn your facts son.
I'm with this. AC started out as one of my main addictions. Not any moreI respect a company's right to keep making games so long as they sell and the fans right to buy these games every year. That said, Assassin's Creed needs to stop. I played all of them and 3 was so bad it was mind boggling. I still can't understand how Ubisoft managed to make the game so boring. Revelations story was snooze worthy, but next to AC3 it was an edge of your seat thriller. I have a very, very small interest in Black Flag. I'll be keeping an eye on it and looking at what people say about it. But even then, I'm not even considering touching it until it hits the bargain bin.
I'm with this. AC started out as one of my main addictions. Not any more
I also think they should rethink what they're doing with FF these days.
CoD can die in a fire.
MGS. I used to be, like, the biggest fan of this series. Now I'm just a quivering wreck. Okay, exaggeration. But I'm not even intrigued about the next any more, (and it's not because of Hayter). I know they take their time with MGS games and I appreciate that. But the last few have been... wtf. Abducting dudes, hexagonal wheels, and oh my God what did you do to The Boss. And the gameplay. I played 4 and felt like *I* had cancer by the end. Revengeance felt more "MGS" and fun than this. And that's saying something.
Oh no there is a lot wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with it.
Be careful you might be accused of being a R* fanboySeriously, Why can't Developers be like Rockstar Games ? So glad Max Payne is with Rockstar Games
whew !
Oh no there is a lot wrong with it
1)Quality is compromised
THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID. Or meant. I simply said it's better to have more choices. You don't like CoD, you've BF. You don't like MGS, you've Hitman. See what I'm saying? And yeah, that 'You' was used as in general terms, not specifically directed towards you.2)Over saturation of gaming market is a bad idea
Besides why do we need annual releases anyway ?
Yes i'm talking about the former the game's quality is compromised for a quick buck.Quality as in bugs and glitches? Or is it the game's content quality you are speaking of? If it's the former
You like AC 3 ? can you say the same for like the bazillion of games that are cramped between AC 2 and AC 3 ?->I like AC 3. I finished main storyline in 10 ten days, finished my side quests in another 10 days, replayed the whole game for the next 10 days. Now, I want more AC. But alas! I've to wait for years to get another one. <-
I hate this classy "Don't like it don't watch it" bullshit... its a wrong practice which devs use to exploit their franchise for more money.There are people like this, and annual releases are for them. Besides, it's not like you're forced to buy the games that are released annually.
Skyrim - does this need any explanation?Yes i'm talking about the former the game's quality is compromised for a quick buck.
There already are plenty of choices there is no need for annual releases as i said eariler just because GTA 5 hasn't released for PC doesn't mean you can't play 30 other games on your to-play list.
You like AC 3 ? can you say the same for like the bazillion of games that are cramped between AC 2 and AC 3 ? AC Brother hood AC Revelations AC Bloodlines AC Altair's chronicles AC 2 discovery
I absolutely love how you completely ignored my first point. I dislike games that have first-person view and only CoD I played was CoD2 back in......I don't even remember, but I'm not at all bothered by its annual releases. Though it pains me when I can't play games like Dishonered, Bioshock etc. because of my mind's irrational view on first-person perspective but at the end of the day, they are just games.I hate this classy "Don't like it don't watch it" bullshit... its a wrong practice which devs use to exploit their franchise for more money.
I don't know what to say on this matter. PROPER SEQUEL? You must hate DmC for being nothing close to a sequel, let alone a proper sequel? I don't think that GTA 5 is a proper sequel. It doesn't bother me, but perhaps you wouldn't be buying it for this reason?you have tons and tons of games to occupy yourself until a proper sequel is announced.
yes they all are just GLITCHES every game has some glitch and assassins creed 3 had the most glitchiest gameplay in any assassin creed game or PS3 version of it just sucks.You know what's common in them?
yes they all are just GLITCHES every game has some glitch and assassins creed 3 had the most glitchiest gameplay in any assassin creed game or PS3 version of it just sucks. eitherway i have no qualms with glitches my problem is with the end product
Yes you can just go to and browse for games
Were they necessary ? no they weren't they were unnecessary milking of assassins creed 2 with minor to no changes.
Dishonoered isn't really that good of a stealth game and Bioshock infinite is just a pretentious bullshit story padded up M.night shyamalan twists The gamepaly of Bioshock infinite is really mediocre you're not missing anything only the first game was the best one. I don't buy into popular opinions i play&research the game for myself.
IT wasn't a sequel it was a REBOOT DMC 4 was a mediocre sequel.
Wait... A sequel isn't something that moves forward the story of a previous game? Or my whole life was a lie?Really ? why ? it improves on everything that was wrong with GTA 4.. i haven't played it but by the look of it it looks 100X times better than GTA 4 and that's a big improvement.
I just asked you out of curiosity.Just because you don't think so ? nah