Game series that just needs to go on a hiatus

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I'm not asking for RE1-3 clunky controls or bad camera angles i want more puzzle solving,actual tense atmosphere and NO GEARS OF WAR SHOOTER ! that is not however going to be the case with RE7 if that ever happens.Neither do i get anything about your incoherent rambling about pokemone.. its just same frikkin game over and over !

There is no mature Pokemon game ! there is no change is the basic story structure or the gameplay "Revolutionary" my ass ! its the same sh!t over and over.. just like how all kingdom hears is just Final fantasy with disney characters.

>As for GTA and its 10 year graphical I'm SSOOOOO impressed..
ha ha ? back in 2008 it was one of the best looking games and its physics were also unique for its time not to mention the whole city had a lot of details put into it.

>Revolutionary improvement of the century
Okay.. your bias is kinda hilarious you consider pokemon to be "Revolutionary" when despite being a multi-billion dolllar comany doesn't try anything new.. unlike that Rockstar actually had many spin-offs based on GTA *AHEM* Red dead ?? Bully ?? need i say more ??

Does pokemon have some gritty manga game adaptations where the characters don't like deformed midgets ?

>Regardless of how much new things MegaMan Zero did for the MegaMan series it was still a yearly release and it too followed its own formula
Except it was only 4 games and pokemon is like.... going on forever or something ?

Again i don't really get why you're implying as if milking a series is some kind of a good thing which it isn't.

>Kamiya himself screwed up big time with RE2 and had to go back to Mikami
Where is the source for that ?? its only a know fact that RE2 was a much anticipated sequel and its beta was much more conclusive so capcom executives scrapped it it was never stated as "kamiya screwed up" so stop making stuff up.. i myself love the RE1.5 beta.

>Kamiya wanted to take RE4 in a more action oriented direction
It wasn't kamiya's direction the game ended up being like that kamiya just went along with it

>Do you even play Pokemon (or still do) for if you did you would know you're just blowing sh*t out your a$$.
Pokemon fanboi rage detected... you can disagree with me i don't care you can't but judge my opinion.

> "They're yearly releases therefore they need to go on break."
Put it eitherway its the same thing.

>I'm sorry just cause DMC and GTA don't come out every year it doesn't make them any more revolutionary than games that are yearly releases.
Yes they are.. yearly releases are not "Revolutionary" or dare i say barely innovative ? if you're really serious about it then you're the only one who's bullshitting here.

>I'll probably get flack over this but each Pokemon installment (particularly each generation) makes more innovations for its series than DMC and GTA has ever done.
You're sooo correct !! just look at sheer the amount of uncreative pokemon they add everytime and the tedious level grinding !! its seriously rad innovative along with the drab story design too.

>Please get that d*ck out your a$$ that is GTA/Rockstar.
An eloquent argument indeed.
R* is a wayy better developer than nazitendo.

We're talking about GTA over the years not ROCKSTARS other IPs. Spin offs or not.

Also, Nintendo didn't develop Pokemon. Game Freak did and only Game Freak. Nintendo are merely the publishers and you can't compare the 2 as they make very different games. So learn your facts son.

Also the source:

Geez your one to talk R* fanboy. I'm not that big of a Pokemon fanboy. I really just enjoy the games (granted some of the games are either pointless like those odd spin offs, Pokemon Snap WTF, or a disappointment such as Battle Revolution).

Plus every GTA (and DMC) game is practically the same sh*t (except the more early ones.....I'm talking about GTA though). GTA5 is just a bigger version of GTA4. The initial gameplay is practically the same thing with some improvements or alteration so REVOLUTIONARY/INNOVATIVE.

As for Zero even if it ended with four games........GUESS got replaced with ZX which continued the same story. MegaMan continued with MegaMan X which was just a faster version of MegaMan and then that got replaced with MegaMan Zero which was basically taking the Zero gameplay portion of MegaMan X (X3-X8) and altering it to form a game and even then starting with Zero 2 they decided to recycle elements from MegaMan X such as boss skills and etc.

As for Pokemon designs there has always been stupid designs (a pair of magnets and a pile of sh*t) and those are usually in there for creative design (commonly for the sake of humor considering the ugliest and lames looking Pokemon tend to be the weakest and worthless ones).

Also, tedious level grinding??? Do you have any idea how easy it is to reach level 100 and not only that they made EV training far easier and its quite easy once you learn the deep mechanics and mathematical elements of the various sequence formula and stats among each Pokemon and their abilities. Plus they added various items and mechanics to the gameplay that makes training the Pokemon how you want far more accessible such as gaining EXP from catching Pokemon, Hordes battles (where you can fight an herd of wild Pokemon all at once and KOing more than 1 at once gains you more EXP), and EXP Share All grants that all Pokemon in your party gets EXP without even taking part in the battle) and easier and due to the various types of Natures, breeding combinations, moves, and even stat distribution (can have a Raichu that is fast and defensive or a Raichi that has great physical and special attacks) as well as various holding items can create millions of different types of combinations for one Pokemon.

Thanks to the glory of transferring from your old games, trading, the Pokebank, and other functions which allows you to transfer your old Pokemon from your past games to newer or other Pokemon games you can keep that bada$$ Pokemon you made and carry them to over to future titles and other games and keep them forever which can allow you to try more various Pokemon combinations and teams.

I'm sort of done here if you can provide reasoning and evidence of how GTA really innovated its series immensely outside it looks better (hurr durr derp graphics derp) and some extra added functions and extra sh*t to do. I've played GTA5 and its like playing GTA4, GTA3, and San Andreas just better.

As for yearly releases GTA prior to GTA5 have always been yearly releases (sometimes 3 games in one year) so please be silent for you have no idea what your talking about.
Kamiya would himself be required to shoulder such responsibility, when Mikami later made him the director of Resident Evil 2. However, instead of taking to the director’s role as well as he would have liked, Kamiya says he “messed up in a big way”.

“As a result of saying okay to everything that came up, it turned out horrible,” Kamiya recalls. “We had to scrap what we had spent a year and a half making.” He adds that, despite this, Mikami allowed him to remain director, convinced that he’d learnt from his mistakes.

That's really sad.
Halo is running on empty.
Sonic the Hedgehog
They've revamped Sonic the Hedgehog till it seems more like The Legend of Zelda instead of a Sonic the Hedgehog title.

Well Sonic and the Black Knight was one of SEGA's odd experiments.

They also tried to make Sonic like God of War.

Or better yet it tried to be like Devil May Cry/Spawn or something

However, now they seem to have fixed Sonic with Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations and upcoming Sonic Lost World but I agree they need to take a break and come up with new fresh ideas otherwise all they'll seem to do is just literally copy Sonic Colors although Generations and Colors have some very unique twists and ideas that makes them stand out however I can see that. Makes you wonder what the next Sonic game after Lost Worlds will be like.
I'm sorry just cause DMC and GTA don't come out every year it doesn't make them any more revolutionary than games that are yearly releases. I'll probably get flack over this but each Pokemon installment (particularly each generation) makes more innovations for its series than DMC and GTA has ever done.

Please get that d*ck out your a$$ that is GTA/Rockstar. GTA is not a series that take its sweet a$$ time with each release either you know.

I used to play the Pokemon games when I was younger and they were great but they have pretty much recycled the same game for years now. So much so that I missed about 4 of them and then played 'the latest' at the time and it felt just like the one I had played years earlier just with a slight tweak to combat (adding more than 1 to a battle) and about 100 new Pokemon. Main reason I havent played one for ages was they felt the same game with a couple of new features each time and had started to show their age.

You are judging GTA by its cover and how its looks on the surface, yeah it is pretty damn good looking though guess people could say the graphical leap hasnt been HUGE between titles though still impressive. It has drained every bit of juice that it can out of the consoles and I think its a miracle that Rockstar got it running so well on the current consoles and chose to release it for them instead of going next gen. The actual engines and systems under the hood are certainly revolutionary in GTA and they have got other developers in awe of it as to just how they got it all running together so well. Some of the ideas they trialed in GTA V (character switching mainly) was genius and an idea I can see other developers looking into in future games. Great way to have multiple perspectives/story-lines all running in parallel with each other as well as being able to have multiple stories/characters to interact with and switch on the fly. GTA V 'feels' like a totally different game than GTA IV, great mix of GTA/Red Dead/Max Payne.

Onto Halo I can see why people are saying that it needs to take a break and in one way I can agree. It needs some time to come back with some new revolutionary ideas though the last Halo probably had my favourite story since the original so it was back to form in that respect. However they need to bring something new to the table as its starting to show its age on the old engine now and needs an injection of new ideas.
Also, Nintendo didn't develop Pokemon. Game Freak did and only Game Freak. Nintendo are merely the publishers and you can't compare the 2 as they make very different games. So learn your facts son.
Nintendo OWNS pokemon's little soul it decides where it goes and where it ends and clearly it doesn't want to evolve or find a more mature audience it just wants to milk the series to death like Megaman X.

>Geez your one to talk R* fanboy.
Really ?? i just stated the facts and i'm not a fanboy i just like their honesty.. they don't milk GTA for every ounce of content.. they don't pretend like their expansion packs more than just expansion packs like these:-

>I'm not that big of a Pokemon fanboy
Oh yeah i'm totally convinced :lol:
>Plus every GTA (and DMC) game is practically the same sh*t
Ha ha ha NO i love how you're so defensive about pokemon it just shows how much of not a fanboy you are XD anyway DMC 3&1 have a difference of light&day same goes with GTA 3&GTA 4.

You can track the evolution of the series by played these 2 games BESIDES there is milking done for GTA or DMC.. so your point is irrelevant.
>GTA5 is just a bigger version of GTA4.
And has the Best ever open world online experience ? and the Biggest Map in open-world ever ? and the best looking open world game to date ?
>it got replaced with ZX which continued the same story.
Eh.. yeah a WHOOPING 2 games for NDS boy that is some atrocious milking !
>MegaMan continued with MegaMan X
REALLY ? HAVE EVER YOU PLAYED MEGAMAN AND MEGAMAN X ?? there is a difference of light&day between the level designs and characters.
>Also, tedious level grinding?
YES.. you have level up.. everyone of your pokemans and also keep fighting tedious battles in the same screen.
>and some extra added functions and extra sh*t to do
What irony that's exactly i feel about pokemans
>I've played GTA5 and its like playing GTA4, GTA3, and San Andreas just better.
Except you missed the part where it took a huge leap in physics and amount of detail in San andreas to GTA 4.. GTA 5 merely optimized that expanded that potential to max.
>As for yearly releases GTA prior to GTA5 have always been yearly releases
Except they didn't feel like halfassed regurgitated bullcrap like brotherhood or revelations.

--Vice city improved everything wrong with GTA 3 and made it 100x times better and it wasn't even a direct sequel it was a prequel.

--San andreas was the best open world game in the PS2 era it was that good.

--GTA 4 A HUGE leap in phsyics,driving mechanics and story telling and graphics for 2008

--Chinatown wars pushes Ds's capabilities to the max..

--GTA advance pushed GBA's capabilities and liberty city stories&vice city stories push the PSP's limit to the max that's innovative and revolutionary in my book none of these games feel like they've been exploited for money instead of being something worthwhile.

>Kamiya says he “messed up in a big way”
That is in no way hinting that it was RE 1.5 which was 80% finished
I respect a company's right to keep making games so long as they sell and the fans right to buy these games every year. That said, Assassin's Creed needs to stop. I played all of them and 3 was so bad it was mind boggling. I still can't understand how Ubisoft managed to make the game so boring. Revelations story was snooze worthy, but next to AC3 it was an edge of your seat thriller. I have a very, very small interest in Black Flag. I'll be keeping an eye on it and looking at what people say about it. But even then, I'm not even considering touching it until it hits the bargain bin.
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I respect a company's right to keep making games so long as they sell and the fans right to buy these games every year. That said, Assassin's Creed needs to stop. I played all of them and 3 was so bad it was mind boggling. I still can't understand how Ubisoft managed to make the game so boring. Revelations story was snooze worthy, but next to AC3 it was an edge of your seat thriller. I have a very, very small interest in Black Flag. I'll be keeping an eye on it and looking at what people say about it. But even then, I'm not even considering touching it until it hits the bargain bin.
I'm with this. AC started out as one of my main addictions. Not any more

I also think they should rethink what they're doing with FF these days.

CoD can die in a fire.

MGS. I used to be, like, the biggest fan of this series. Now I'm just a quivering wreck. Okay, exaggeration. But I'm not even intrigued about the next any more, (and it's not because of Hayter). I know they take their time with MGS games and I appreciate that. But the last few have been... wtf. Abducting dudes, hexagonal wheels, and oh my God what did you do to The Boss. And the gameplay. I played 4 and felt like *I* had cancer by the end. Revengeance felt more "MGS" and fun than this. And that's saying something.
I'm with this. AC started out as one of my main addictions. Not any more

I also think they should rethink what they're doing with FF these days.

CoD can die in a fire.

MGS. I used to be, like, the biggest fan of this series. Now I'm just a quivering wreck. Okay, exaggeration. But I'm not even intrigued about the next any more, (and it's not because of Hayter). I know they take their time with MGS games and I appreciate that. But the last few have been... wtf. Abducting dudes, hexagonal wheels, and oh my God what did you do to The Boss. And the gameplay. I played 4 and felt like *I* had cancer by the end. Revengeance felt more "MGS" and fun than this. And that's saying something.

Oh're in for quite the verbal thrashing when Chansey gets here.
Why? Just my opinion. If he's gonna waste time typing about my opinion, more fool him. Don't need to justify myself.

(That's a cue, if someone does reel one off about what I just said, there's a high probability I won't even be arsed enough to reply ^^)
Call of Duty.

Every game is just a re-skinned package of fail that attracts foul-mouthed 12 year olds and those who seem to genuinely believe they could take on the enemy in real-life front-line battle. And I wish some of them would go right ahead and try instead of making the gaming community live up to the stereotype of being dumb knuckle-dragging socially inept morons who cannot function outside of their console.

It's just the same nonsense over and over and over and over again, trying to beat off competition from Battlefield, and not really doing anything amazing or awesome or innovative. Renaming a killstreak bonus or giving player the chance to make their weapon pink or whatever is not worthy of a whole new title in the franchise. Granted, there have been some decent offerings within the world of CoD but considering the hype and drama that surrounds each new release, lately nothing they have produced is worthy of such attention.

But everyone except me seems to love CoD and defends it to the death and gets all mad when I say how utterly diabolically crap it is. Whatever - give me Rainbow 6 any day of the week.


Getting sick of GTA too. Like I said when 4 came out, the people animations still are not up to a standard I would expect by now in this day and age. Absolutely loved GTA3 and that is where it ended for me. But to be fair, at least they don't do an Activision and chuck out the next title within 12 months of the previous one.


Final Fantasy. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the games. I still have FFX-2 or whatever it is to have a go at next. But in all honesty, it doesn't really change enough to make it fun any more. The formula remains pretty much the same and the stories get more and more bizarre as each title goes on. I think they should have stopped at 10, personally, and left it there. Sometimes you need to quit while you're still vaguely ahead.
After reading the posts on this thread, I feel kinda odd and awkward for saying this, but I DON'T want any series to end or go on a hiatus. Reason? I, for one, believe in more the choices = better for consumers. There're people who enjoy the annual releases of some games, be it same or not, and they happily give their money to the companies. There's nothing wrong with it.
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Hmmmmm, okay my turn to say

Assassins Creed : No Kidding, I like the series, I really like it it, But, I played AssCreed 2-3, Aaaand while I liked em, I couldn't help shake the feeling dat from AC2 to Revelations, It was just a cut copy pasted all over again with just some new features added in, Nao, I reaaaaallllly LOVED Assassins Creed 3, Nao that was something sweet and breathe of fresh air.But I really wish, that Ubisoft would stop annualizing this and focus on the quality of each individual game and make em' feel unique

Call of Duty : ****, Do I really need to explain myself again ? :lol:

On a Side Note : I really see Ubisoft as a Developer with huge creativity, It's just that their stupid annualization policies
which annoy the livin' hell outta me

Seriously, Why can't Developers be like Rockstar Games ? So glad Max Payne is with Rockstar Games
whew !
Oh no there is a lot wrong with it

1)Quality is compromised

Quality as in bugs and glitches? Or is it the game's content quality you are speaking of? If it's the former, then there are many games (Skyrim immediately comes to the mind) that are bug infested with plenty of texture glitches despite being developed for years - or a couple of years. It'd be better if companies took their time to iron out bugs and glitches, but everything doesn't happen according to our will, does it? If it's the latter, then that differs from person to person. For instance, Assassin's Creed. I see the quality advancement in AC 3, like it's world, gameplay etc. Though I found the protagonist quite boring and passable, I enjoyed the overall game -point being, I was alright with its content.

2)Over saturation of gaming market is a bad idea
THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID. Or meant. I simply said it's better to have more choices. You don't like CoD, you've BF. You don't like MGS, you've Hitman. See what I'm saying? And yeah, that 'You' was used as in general terms, not specifically directed towards you.

Besides why do we need annual releases anyway ?

->I like AC 3. I finished main storyline in 10 ten days, finished my side quests in another 10 days, replayed the whole game for the next 10 days. Now, I want more AC. But alas! I've to wait for years to get another one. <-

There are people like this, and annual releases are for them. Besides, it's not like you're forced to buy the games that are released annually.
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Quality as in bugs and glitches? Or is it the game's content quality you are speaking of? If it's the former
Yes i'm talking about the former the game's quality is compromised for a quick buck.

>I simply said it's better to have more choices
There already are plenty of choices there is no need for annual releases as i said eariler just because GTA 5 hasn't released for PC doesn't mean you can't play 30 other games on your to-play list.
->I like AC 3. I finished main storyline in 10 ten days, finished my side quests in another 10 days, replayed the whole game for the next 10 days. Now, I want more AC. But alas! I've to wait for years to get another one. <-
You like AC 3 ? can you say the same for like the bazillion of games that are cramped between AC 2 and AC 3 ?

AC Brother hood
AC Revelations
AC Bloodlines
AC Altair's chronicles
AC 2 discovery
There are people like this, and annual releases are for them. Besides, it's not like you're forced to buy the games that are released annually.
I hate this classy "Don't like it don't watch it" bullshit... its a wrong practice which devs use to exploit their franchise for more money.

you have tons and tons of games to occupy yourself until a proper sequel is announced.
Yes i'm talking about the former the game's quality is compromised for a quick buck.
Skyrim - does this need any explanation?

Dead Island - not being able to load saved games.

Darksiders 2- random crashes. Apparently it was only my copy as reinstallation fixed it completely.

DmC - that infinite gliding bug.

Some of the examples I can think of at the moment. You know what's common in them? They aren't annual releases. So, as I said earlier, it'd be better if companies focus on eliminating the bugs before launching the game to the mainstream market.

There already are plenty of choices there is no need for annual releases as i said eariler just because GTA 5 hasn't released for PC doesn't mean you can't play 30 other games on your to-play list.

It also doesn't mean that I can play "30 other games" because GTA 5 hasn't released on PC.

You like AC 3 ? can you say the same for like the bazillion of games that are cramped between AC 2 and AC 3 ? AC Brother hood AC Revelations AC Bloodlines AC Altair's chronicles AC 2 discovery

Only played Brotherhood and Revelations. And yes, there had been some 'this and that' improvements.

I hate this classy "Don't like it don't watch it" bullshit... its a wrong practice which devs use to exploit their franchise for more money.
I absolutely love how you completely ignored my first point. I dislike games that have first-person view and only CoD I played was CoD2 back in......I don't even remember, but I'm not at all bothered by its annual releases. Though it pains me when I can't play games like Dishonered, Bioshock etc. because of my mind's irrational view on first-person perspective but at the end of the day, they are just games.

you have tons and tons of games to occupy yourself until a proper sequel is announced.
I don't know what to say on this matter. PROPER SEQUEL? You must hate DmC for being nothing close to a sequel, let alone a proper sequel? I don't think that GTA 5 is a proper sequel. It doesn't bother me, but perhaps you wouldn't be buying it for this reason?
You know what's common in them?
yes they all are just GLITCHES every game has some glitch and assassins creed 3 had the most glitchiest gameplay in any assassin creed game or PS3 version of it just sucks.

eitherway i have no qualms with glitches my problem is with the end product
>It also doesn't mean that I can play "30 other games" because GTA 5 hasn't released on PC.
Yes you can just go to and browse for games
>Only played Brotherhood and Revelations. And yes, there had been some 'this and that' improvements.
Were they necessary ? no they weren't they were unnecessary milking of assassins creed 2 with minor to no changes.
>Though it pains me when I can't play games like Dishonered, Bioshock etc.
Dishonoered isn't really that good of a stealth game and Bioshock infinite is just a pretentious bullshit story padded up M.night shyamalan twists
The gamepaly of Bioshock infinite is really mediocre you're not missing anything only the first game was the best one.

I don't buy into popular opinions i play&research the game for myself.
>You must hate DmC for being nothing close to a sequel, let alone a proper sequel?
IT wasn't a sequel it was a REBOOT DMC 4 was a mediocre sequel.
>I don't think that GTA 5 is a proper sequel.
Really ? why ? it improves on everything that was wrong with GTA 4.. i haven't played it but by the look of it it looks 100X times better than GTA 4 and that's a big improvement.
>but perhaps you wouldn't be buying it for this reason?
Just because you don't think so ? nah
yes they all are just GLITCHES every game has some glitch and assassins creed 3 had the most glitchiest gameplay in any assassin creed game or PS3 version of it just sucks. eitherway i have no qualms with glitches my problem is with the end product

I specifically said they are examples of games that are NOT annual releases but still have glitches. Every game has glitches, annual or not, and that's what I was saying.

Yes you can just go to and browse for games

Preference, bro. Preference. I prefer GTA over Sleeping Dogs and others, and so I'd want to play that. I hope this time I'm clear.

Were they necessary ? no they weren't they were unnecessary milking of assassins creed 2 with minor to no changes.

I don't know. Ask them who got "milked". Seriously, dude, if you don't like them doesn't mean nobody does.

Dishonoered isn't really that good of a stealth game and Bioshock infinite is just a pretentious bullshit story padded up M.night shyamalan twists The gamepaly of Bioshock infinite is really mediocre you're not missing anything only the first game was the best one. I don't buy into popular opinions i play&research the game for myself.

Opinions, opinions. But yeah, I did my research and find Bioshock Infinite's world worth exploring and creative kills of Dishonered worthy of my money.....if only they were third person......

IT wasn't a sequel it was a REBOOT DMC 4 was a mediocre sequel.

What's the point? DmC still isn't a proper sequel. Weren't you speaking of "PROPER SEQUEL being announced"? I guess it's high time you told me the meaning of "occupy oneself with other games until a PROPER SEQUEL is announced". I think I might have got you wrong.

Really ? why ? it improves on everything that was wrong with GTA 4.. i haven't played it but by the look of it it looks 100X times better than GTA 4 and that's a big improvement.
Wait... A sequel isn't something that moves forward the story of a previous game? Or my whole life was a lie?

Just because you don't think so ? nah
I just asked you out of curiosity.