Game series that just doesn't live up to the hype

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Weren't the FFVII graphics so weird because it was very early on in the PS1 life cycle? The FMV graphics did get better in FFVIII and FFIX. Still not sure why they decided on that kind of graphics style for FFVII though:/ All I can say is thank goodness they made Crisis Core for PSP, so you get to see some of the VII scenes in decent graphics.
It was a 1990's game the models aren't going to look that great, honestly.
I didn't like FFVII, but I sure as hell loved FFVIII
It was a 1990's game the models aren't going to look that great, honestly.
I didn't like FFVII, but I sure as hell loved FFVIII
Besides, usually as a console gets older, the games become better graphically as the developers know what they are doing by then. At least that's how it seemed between FFVII and VIII.

Assassin's Creed (pretty much all of them, I think). Yay, kill this guy. Kill another guy! Let's do it some more! Jump into a hay cart; the highlight of the game! [insert boring cutscene with guy nobody cares about].

I liked the first Assassin's creed. It was an interesting concept back in the day. I had fun with it. But it was nothing compared to AC2. The graphics, the locations were so beautiful and I actually liked being Ezio. But as more games are made, they lose what AC2 had. Something just seems missing. By the time AC3 came out, I couldn't bare to play it for more than 1 hour before turning it off. It's not about assassination, well, not like AC1 and 2 were. The main character was boring, too barsh and too angry. They could have done so much with him, but they messed up. His whole 'Where's Charles Lee' thing, the thing that had motivated him since he was a child was resolved by running around a burning boat and then randomly stabbing him in a bar during a cutscene. Talk about a letdown.:/
I would much rather have played as his father, Haytham. At least that guy had more personality in a few hours of gameplay than Connor did during the whole game.
I'm not sure what to make of 4. It'll be much of the same, but with added boat battles...which I hated in AC3. Putting more into 4 is not going to change my hatred. I'm certainly going to wait a few months before getting it. The games are just becoming so stale since AC4.
Final Fantasy. Despite the graphics being poor by the stadards of today, I did enjoy playing VI, VII, VII, IX, X and XII. But the games have really gone down the toilet over the years. Some people say XII was the beginning of the downturn, others say anything after SNES era, but it seems like XIII and its spinoffs that have really changed what Final Fantasy was about for me.
Not that I didn't enjoy XIII and XIII-2, but they're just not the same as the classic games. Sure, the graphics are really pretty, and the worlds are nicely designed, and I like most of the characters, but the games are just missing the charm of the classics. They're becoming too linear and they are giving priority to long cutscenes instead of world map and town exploring which I used to love doing on the older games.

I'm still not sure if I want to get XIII Lightning Returns on account of it becoming like X-2. I don't like the idea of taking a strong character like Lightning and turning her into a dressup doll, that and the childish announcement that they made her chest larger just so that it would bounce:mad:
On the other hand, I do like how Snow has become. He's less of a moron and more serious. And I do want to see more of Fang, Sazh and Noel.
But certainly, Lightning Returns does seem like it is going to be hyped, so I will be cautious of bying this game.
Final Fantasy: I don't see what's so brilliant about FFVII

Legend of Zelda: I got a collector's edition disc with my Gamecube. Played it. I just don't see what they hype is about.
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but seriously...ALL the CoD games. halo 4. mass effect 3. transformers fall of cybertron. star wars force unleashed II. mortal kombat vs DCU. 007 legends.
Like a lot of people, it was the ending of Mass Effect 3 that really got me. All that work, 3 games of getting to know characters and working towards the end...then that happens>_<
All I can say is I'm glad Bioware made up for it by making the extended cut ending and that Citadel DLC which was a pretty awesome farewell to all the characters that I'd gotten to know.
Now when I play Mass Effect 3, I play the Citadel DLC party, let the party end and then turn off the game. That party is the true ending of Mass Effect for me.:P I like to pretend the other stuff doesn't happen.
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare.

I just...NO!

Assassins Creed. Purely based on the fact that I could care less.

Fifa. The last game I had to kick a ball around. I'm betting that's still the case with no new button layout just incase we forget how to jog around the pitch or dribble the ball. The games are a load of dribble if you ask me.
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The most overrated game to me is CoD. I know I'm beating a dead horse here but dang it I don't care *continues to beat the hell out of that horse* I can't stand the CoD series. It's sooooooooooo boring! Seriously. And I can't say I hate FPS too much. I mean, I enjoyed playing Unreal Tournament. I loved that game. Wish I could play it now.

I just don't see the appeal of CoD. The levels are bland, the gameplay is bland, the overall design is bland *continues to ramble on*

Ok that's over with, sorry bout that little mini rant of hate right there *ahem*

As far as the FF series goes, I agree FF7 is overrated. I played through it, and it's not bad by any means. I enjoyed it actually. It's not my favorite though (no that honor goes to FF12 with FF8 being close behind) I guess I just didn't have the luxury of growing up with it since I didn't really get into FF until I was in highschool.

As far as its graphics are concern, all I can say is, it hurt my eyes haha.
FFXII, XIII, XIII-2 are all terrible games that i see alot of people put on pedestals for reasons i seriously don't get.

But then VI, VII and VIII are given the same treatment, only more people applaud them. IX is the only one i give any real credit to but i'd be a hypocrite if i said i think it should be held in higher regard.

Battlefield is a game series i have nothing but scorn for, both 2 and 3 are terrible games and are just giant unbalanced clusterfucks when they aren't having overly large maps that just give snipers an excuse to take a **** on you, not even CoD is this bad about stuff like this and when that's the case about your game, then your game is BAD.

Counter Strike. All of them.

FPS nuts will crucify me for this because i know alot of them see this as the holy grail of the FPS genre but this is probably THE most unbalanced, unfair, bullshit FPS experience of them all and THIS is why:

FFXII, XIII, XIII-2 are all terrible games that i see alot of people put on pedestals for reasons i seriously don't get.

But then VI, VII and VIII are given the same treatment, only more people applaud them. IX is the only one i give any real credit to but i'd be a hypocrite if i said i think it should be held in higher regard.

Battlefield is a game series i have nothing but scorn for, both 2 and 3 are terrible games and are just giant unbalanced clusterfucks when they aren't having overly large maps that just give snipers an excuse to take a **** on you, not even CoD is this bad about stuff like this and when that's the case about your game, then your game is BAD.

Counter Strike. All of them.

FPS nuts will crucify me for this because i know alot of them see this as the holy grail of the FPS genre but this is probably THE most unbalanced, unfair, bullshit FPS experience of them all and THIS is why:


...naw I'm kidding :P

I apologize if this is a silly question though. I don't play Battlefield so I don't have a clear idea on what's going on in the vid. But it looks extremely frusturating and annoying. Is it an abusive skill or are the servers clunky or what? I don't see how people can put up with it
Weren't the FFVII graphics so weird because it was very early on in the PS1 life cycle?
PS1 was just fine FF7 has average-mediocre in-game graphics games like fear effect have great in game models.
All I can say is thank goodness they made Crisis Core for PSP, so you get to see some of the VII scenes in decent graphics.
Oh yes that game is like a redone FF7 thank heavens it doesn't have the turn based combat or minecraft models !
I loved the first Assassin's creed It was an interesting concept back in the day I had fun with it
I'm with you on this one i was one of the people who played first Assassins creed on 2007 and i loved the sequel even more but just like RE4 i knew this wasn't the sequel which it needed the addition of so many characters and focus shifted away from mystery to generic popcorn flick in brotherhood and that's when i gave up on the series.

Neither being an assassin felt like a novelty nor did the assassinations seemed to hold any relevance anymore.

And i don't see why smash brothers is so hyped either i think the game is just too simplistic for adults or teenagers.... besides are we freaking 12 yrs old ??? why the hell are we hyping that ?

ooh megaman should be on smash bros i'm like LIKE WHO CARES !? i don't want to play that game i'm not a 10 yr old kid !

...naw I'm kidding :P

I apologize if this is a silly question though. I don't play Battlefield so I don't have a clear idea on what's going on in the vid. But it looks extremely frusturating and annoying. Is it an abusive skill or are the servers clunky or what? I don't see how people can put up with it

The vid is Counter Strike Global Offensive and all the servers are like that, explaning how tickrate works basically boils down this explanation:

"During each tick, the server processes incoming user commands, runs a physical simulation step, checks the game rules, and updates all object states. After simulating a tick, the server decides if any client needs a world update and takes a snapshot of the current world state if necessary. A higher tickrate increases the simulation precision, but also requires more CPU power and available bandwidth on both server and client."

and alot of games aren't great when it comes to tickrates but here's where it's a major problem in CS, because one/two/three good precise shot(s) will beat out auto fire out almost every time and when the majority of your shots actually end up missing (Especially in competitive matchmaking where other players WILL destroy you for trying to play any other way) then it becomes a problem where you KNOW you've hit a guy a bunch of times only for the game to turn around and say "Actually you only shot him once" because it wasn't updating quickly enough to know otherwise. I don't know if this is a great explanation or not but it basically boils down to something even more frustrating then lag.

Also i hate 12 because of it's battle system and Vaan. Bonus points if you can guess which one of the two things i hate MORE!
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Also i hate 12 because of it's battle system and Vaan. Bonus points if you can guess which one of the two things i hate MORE!
Vaan?:troll: That guy was so annoying, more annoying that Tidus and that's saying something because I really hated him. Vaan was like some hanger on who did not belong there. I'd say Balthier or Ashe were the leading characters, not the annoying kid who was on almost all the promotional art.

Final Fantasy XII was like Final Fantasy for the lazy people. I could just set up my gambits, walk into a battle and do basically nothing...kinda like FF XIII where you just spam the auto battle command. >_<
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Vaan?:troll: That guy was so annoying, more annoying that Tidus and that's saying something because I really hated him. Vaan was like some hanger on who did not belong there. I'd say Balthier or Ashe were the leading characters, not the annoying kid who was on almost all the promotional art.

Final Fantasy XII was like Final Fantasy for the lazy people. I could just set up my gambits, walk into a battle and do basically nothing...kinda like FF XIII where you just spam the auto battle command. >_<

Vaan was made to appeal to the bishonen-thing that still plagues Japan's media. So he and Penelo could have been killed off or not even exist and the story would have been fine. Basch fon Ronsenburg was the original main character, but for whatever reason in Japan being over 29 years-old automatically makes you an old man. Personally, I would love to see more games from any developer from any country have older protagonists. This is why I like Basch, Sam Fisher, Solid/Old Snake, Big Boss, Sazh Katzroy, Victor "Goddamn" Sullivan, and technically Raiden who by the time of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is around in his mid to late thirties. I mean come on, what's more badass? A 50-something year-old man going through hell to fight for what he believes in or some, early 20 year-old greenhorn who fate chose to have awesome powers? I'd go for the old badass. He's fighting through hordes of hell and back pain - seriously, you could throw out Old Snake's back in Metal Gear Solid 4.

I really don't understand the desire and love for young, inexperienced, usually stupid and ignorant protagonists. It's getting old, ironically. Why can't we have a 43 year-old lady rain justice? Or a 52 year-old man fight dragons, demons, and the undead?

As for Final Fantasy XII. You gotta admit that the voice acting was awesome. Gideon Emery did a fantastic job with Balthier. Keith Ferguson gave Basch such an epic voice while making him humble. Nicole Fantl's voice for Fran was soothing and, I don't know, seductive. Something about Fran's and the Vieras' accent feels mystical. The soundtrack does highlight the areas and atmosphere of the game, but it really is forgettable. As for gameplay... It really sucks considering it's like a MMO and (usually older) MMOs tend to incorporate grinding, farming, low item-acquisition percentages, and the other crap that makes most MMOs really annoying. Also, the combat was basically set up everything, have them do stuff and micromanage some actions that the AI and gambits don't account for - apparently, you can set up gambits so all you have to do is hold the analog stick in a direction and go around an area for any amount of time and basically level up characters without actually playing the game. I can't really say much about the story since I (still) haven't finished it.

Final Fantasy XIII, at least the side quests, which came way too late to make a difference since many people gave up before getting to Gran Pulse, still involved (more) input from players than Final Fantasy XII did. Now with each installment, especially Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, combat actually involves playing rather than mashing "X" or watching Balthier, Basch, and Vaan beat up everything with greatswords. Vaan, the character that wasn't relevant to the game, had the highest overall stats compared to Ashe, Basch, Balthier, and Fran, who unfortunately, had the lowest overall stats. Really? Make the irrelevant, young idiot the most powerful character and make the beautifully awesome Fran the worse character in the game?
The Walking Dead video game , the fact that it won 2012 GOTY is annoying, everyone said that it was one the saddest games ever i thought the story was okay at best and it was also a point and click game, so to me it hardly qualifies as a video game to me.
Point and click games annoy me
Call of Duty, oh well, I see many have posted this
Dunno what's so special bout this that Activision makes it an annual franchise
I played Black Ops, was bored like ****, Same with MW3

Moving away from COD, I don't have a single game to name lol :P
Call of Duty, oh well, I see many have posted this
Dunno what's so special bout this that Activision makes it an annual franchise
I played Black Ops, was bored like ****, Same with MW3

Moving away from COD, I don't have a single game to name lol :P

My beef with Activision?

Well judging by my sig, I think you can guess what I'm mad about.
My beef with Activision?

Well judging by my sig, I think you can guess what I'm mad about.

Lol, All I see is an Evil Shape Shifting Dude standing and grinning towards the camera and an anime chick dancing angrily while having her school bag b/w her legs :lol:
Lol, All I see is an Evil Shape Shifting Dude standing and grinning towards the camera and an anime chick dancing angrily while having her school bag b/w her legs :lol:
the shape shifting guy is Alex Mercer from Prototype, a game made by Radicl Entertainment who works for Activision. Activision was shut down for workers being laid off and Prototype 2 not reaching enough popularity. Now Activision couldve hired more people to continue Prototype but they care too much for their precious CoD to put any effort into getting it back. Thats why activision p*sses me off.

Oh and that anime girl with the bag between her legs is Nee-san from Plastic nee-san. her friend made her mad because she didnt confess who she liked so Nee-san could mess it up, so to make her talk, Nee-san is rubbing her her butt on her friend bag...yeah its a
pretty wierd anime. XD
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