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Game of Thrones season 5 finale spoilers


Legendary Devil Hunter
....Jon Snow was stabbed to death....................................................*Takes a breath*



The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
1-This is why I love the things Ramsay says. "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."

2-This is the price you pay for attachment. In this world, it's despair. >:3

3-He's not dead. Well, he is, but he won't be dead for long. All the same, he won't really be truly among the living either. Jon's origins is one of the series' biggest mysteries, and if the hints are anything to go by, he's exactly what Melisandre is looking for. It's no coincidence that Stannis bit it, and she ran off back to Castle Black on pretty much the same day Jon's men decided to shank him. Which brings me to my next point - Red Priests and Pristesses are capable under certain circumstances of resurrecting the dead. It's what happened to Catelyn in the books, and it's what happened to Barric Dondarrion with the help of Thoros of Myr. And Thoros resurrected Barric a whopping seven times back to life. Compared to Melisandre though, Thoros is practically a novice. So...Jon is pretty much all but guaranteed to be resurrected by her hand.

It's just....he might not be the same Jon Snow we all know. Thoughout his seven deaths and seven resurrections, Barric is essentially a shell of his former self. Even worse, Catelyn came back even more wrong, as practically nothing but a vengeful revenant. So needless to say, Jon's destiny took quite a turn - he's probably remotely not headed for the Iron Throne this way, but he could certainly open possibilities for someone else, wink wink.

If nothing else, his quasi-undead status might give him an edge over Night's King. And let's not forget that "Come at me bro!" he gave Jon - that is a major showdown in the making right there.


Legendary Devil Hunter
*read the books* *already knew what was going to happen* *smug smile* *also, Jon Snow is favorite character* *really didn't need to be reminded* :'(
He's mine too, and I didn't even see the episode, I just saw it on Entertainment Tonight and immediately made this thread. He!! I haven't seen any of season 5 yet. But like I said, favorite character dead, don't really care much anymore.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
*read the books* *already knew what was going to happen* *smug smile* *also, Jon Snow is favorite character* *really didn't need to be reminded* :'(

I've only read the first two so far. I have so much catching up to do. (Though I've heard tell that another devastating death--such as Shireen's--was strictly in the show for shock value; true?)

Also: Cersei, Ramsay, and Melisandre cannot die fast enough, in my books. >.> Honest to ****ing gods, I can't wait to see what happens to them for all the hell they've caused.


Follow me to Apex
I think I hate Ollie more than Joffey. I want him to get captured by Ramsey....and I want him to die a death similar to that of Oberyn.
I think Melisandre is gonna pull some juju, so I don't think he is gonna stay dead. That's not the point though...He trusted you Ollie! First you kill his woman and now you betray him?! Grrr :banghead::banghead:

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I love the fact ANYONE can die and it's one of the main reasons I watch the show. Most shows have this untouchable aura around its main characters and when they are in danger you are never really worried as you know they can't die. However Game of Thrones is not like that and I respect that and it feels good to be genuinely concerned about characters, been this way since season 1 so it hasn't changed and won't change.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
You know, I just remembered something. Jon Snow is a Targaryen, and these guys tend to have a rather interesting relationship with fire - save for Viserys, because he was just ****ing stupid to remain alive. Even the fire betrayed him!

Anyway, burning their dead is the Night's Watch best defense against having one of their own turn into a Wight. So, it's a given that even though he's a traitor to them, they'll still burn Jon's body. At that point, anything could happen. The fire could resurrect him. The fire could give Melisandre a vision. Who knows.
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Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Melisandre seems to know it. Why else did she run back to Castle Black the moment Stannis bit it?

She also looked like a broken shell of a women and didnt seem like the look of someone who had a plan or a better option. The way it was portrayed was the look of a defeated woman who put all of her trust and faith in something and had lost everything. Granted it was very convenient she showed up when she did and it has got to serve some purpose as at the moment she has no purpose. There have also been hints towards Snows parentage and her plan for him but she 'looks' lost at the moment.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I love the fact ANYONE can die and it's one of the main reasons I watch the show. Most shows have this untouchable aura around its main characters and when they are in danger you are never really worried as you know they can't die. However Game of Thrones is not like that and I respect that and it feels good to be genuinely concerned about characters, been this way since season 1 so it hasn't changed and won't change.

This I can agree with; I can't do this kind of thing with my own MCs to save my life (at least not as brutally), but I respect when a writer can. Mainly I suspect it's true; Martin lives off of the tears of fans (and wine). xD

As to Jon's possible ties to the Targaryen bloodline: I've been seeing this theory cropping up a lot. Which makes me think the crowd that has read all of the books (so far) might be responsible for that tidbit. I don't remember it ever being explained in the show so far.

If it is true in the books, there's no guarantee it will be in the show. The show has stayed faithful to a certain number of things, but not everything remains unchanged from one to the other. I agree that Melisandre looked lost, like a broken shell--that was exactly how I saw her, the moment she realized half of Stannis' army deserted (gee, I wonder why they did that? /sarcasm).

But I also think there must be something to the theories surrounding her ties to Jon...what, I have no idea. She tried to seduce him before; why? What purpose would that have served? Every time she's used her feminine wiles, it's been for something more than physical gratification.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Wait, so....Melisandre legitimately believes she's being shown visions and stuff from some fire god?
Okay. I need to wrap my head around this. I seriously had her down as a con-artist. I thought she was bluffing so she could get in league with whoever was wielding power/authority.
I had this so wrong! I need to finish reading the book. :blush:

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
Nah, she's legit, and whoever this fire god is, he's also legit. Malisandre pulled some serious voodoo before, and then there's Thoros who's made a habit out of resurrecting people from the dead.


"Plough the lilies"
As to Jon's possible ties to the Targaryen bloodline: I've been seeing this theory cropping up a lot. Which makes me think the crowd that has read all of the books (so far) might be responsible for that tidbit. I don't remember it ever being explained in the show so far.

Because the Show didn't even mostly put that much effort about all the fore shadowing and the pieces of the puzzle about Jon's heritage unlike in the books. Martin have left clues and fans just pieced the puzzle together. If you read or watch something the R + L = J theory, it actually makes a lot of sense.

Whether Jon is the "true" heir to the throne is still largely debatable. Personally, i don't want him to be king(He deserves better than to rule a ****ty kingdom) or some chosen one Azor Ahai ****e(Ironic this is coming from a guy with a Ciri avatar eh?) because that just reeks of fantasy cliche. Part of what A Song of Ice and Fire success was because it's more grounded in the reality of medieval ages for the most part.

As for this season, i think it's the weakest by far because it's based on the weakest entry of books(AFFC and ADWD) but it definitely had some improvements with the pacing and D & D cutting most of Daenerys' teenage melodrama storyline from the books and instead focused more on her learning to rule. I especially liked her interaction with Tyrion. Oh, and episode 8 was one of the best episodes i have seen from the show if not the best for me. The direction, the action and the suspense were just terrific. Sadly, most of the season especially the end ones reeks of sub-par to bad writing which i won't bother to write a rant about because i already did that stuff in other forums. But let me just say that Ramsay's 20 Good men deus ex machina made me rolled my eyes the most and also the whole ****ing Dorne storyline.

Edit: Oh, and this scene also deserves a good honorable mention:

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