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This why some gamers become pirate:
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Well...well what we have here......a judgment cut storm for DMC 3 and all possible with new version of DDMK (I hope this video doesn't count as a repost and if another person post it please tell and I will credit and redirect to original post):
Mod by: Serpentiem
Mod page: DDMK github
Support page: Patreon
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I don't want take any side but if we look at the dev's work he tried his best to provide a complete version of his game in a new mode despite demo still in progress after 7 year, I think at this point he proved with his limitations he can complete the game but still need optimize his code:
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I assume it's fine to ask for recommendations here ;)

Sooo, any recommendations for a MMORPG game fit for 3-5 players, quest-based, preferably with character customization? I'm looking for something like good ol' D&D Online. Or something like the Viva La Dirt League's Honeywood in their comedy clips. You know, something easy-going enough to keep a bunch of gamers entertained but co-operative. PvP is not necessary (and the ability to switch it off at least from others than members of your own team is a must).

We're already playing Valheim and it's great, even though not actually quest-based.
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I assume it's fine to ask for recommendations here ;)

Sooo, any recommendations for a MMORPG game fit for 3-5 players, quest-based, preferably with character customization? I'm looking for something like good ol' D&D Online. Or something like the Viva La Dirt League's Honeywood in their comedy clips. You know, something easy-going enough to keep a bunch of gamers entertained but co-operative. PvP is not necessary (and the ability to switch it off at least from others than members of your own team is a must).

We're already playing Valheim and it's great, even though not actually quest-based.

Valheim is pretty cool, the main MMO at the moment is New World but I would wait for a little while for that one as it still needs some work as its had a lot of issues that have needed patching since release but it has potential. Others are Elder Scrolls Online (which isnt bad these days ive heard) and a lot of people seem to rate Lost Ark quite highly (launching on Steam Worldwide in March 2022) reviews are based on the alpha from some time ago. I havent played an MMO since Guild Wars (original) so hard to give much of a solid opinion on modern MMO's.
I think "Tenet" would've worked better as a 1st person shooter. It's main character is a cipher which is easier to accept in a game. Plus I think Nolan wanted to make an Inception game back in the day so its not without precedent.

Here's a take on some of Jak's problems as a series.

I'm fine with a reboot. It would recapturing the kid friendly vibe of the first game. A current Jak 4 wouldn't be able to. Jak can't be a naive kid again.

In a reboot, I'd ditch the time travel plot but I'd keep the genre mashup between a platformer and something else. The sequels would have a darker shift but more gradual than the second game.

This about some of the problems Sly 5 would face.

It's not as bad as he says.
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I think Sega should remake Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom but with a twist.

Instead of Sonic, Shadow should be the protagonist of 06 and Silver should be the protagonist of Boom.

Both games have identity issues in both gameplay and story. Using a different protagonist is a way to solve it.

It's a longshot but a dream worth sharing. ;).

PS. I wrote this before, I just got embarrassed rereading my old post.
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Reactions: Dark Prince
I think Sega should remake Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom but with a twist.

Instead of Sonic, Shadow should be the protagonist of 06 and Silver should be the protagonist of Boom.

Both games have identity issues in both gameplay and story. Using a different protagonist is a way to solve it.

It's a longshot but a dream worth sharing. ;).

PS. I wrote this before, I just got embarrassed rereading my old post.
Everyone in Cafe has their own opinions so no problem but under forum rules ;).
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Reactions: therogis

My ideal Jak and Daxter reboot/remake/crossover is based on this mod for KH2FM.

Step aside Sora, let the demolition duo show you how it's done.

I was more of a hack and slash teen than a 3rd person shooter. So I don't mind swapping play styles. I'm fine with keeping the platformer but just add some hack and slash flair.

To deal with gun wielding enemies, Jak could just parry with his sword.

Here a reference point for each game's tone.

Terra-Xehanort and Terra Casual Outfit [XPS] by LexaKiness on DeviantArt

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Finally.......maybe pandemic did some damage to all countries but about this subject I totally fine because I believe in God (On other hand I want good ending and bad ending for article 17).

Stay safe everyone
If Yandere Dev is one man with glitch army with his spaghetti code and for example from 100 computers 10 of them will crash but I don't know about Windows 11 honestly it's at stable stage or not :confused:.
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These scrapped concept for a sci-fi game by Naughty Dog are pretty cool. I hope it gets ressurected one day. Or they could retool it as Jak 4...;).
If Yandere Dev is one man with glitch army with his spaghetti code and for example from 100 computers 10 of them will crash but I don't know about Windows 11 honestly it's at stable stage or not :confused:.
Update: OK.......o_O I take the risk for upgrading to 11 and.......everything was fine, I checked everything (including games and if you're curious DmC still rocking :whistle:) and all of my files are fine.
The new OS has a little bit missing options and I don't know why (also with extra option means).
I will test 11 as working system and see if I'm feel at home or not :unsure:.
This why some gamers become pirate:
》If this subject harmful report it to forum staffs or PM me to remove it.

Kinda sad seeing Steam region-locking games and DRM still being a thing considering Gabe Newell's quote:

“One thing that we have learned is that piracy is not a pricing issue. It’s a service issue. The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates.”

The same thing is going on with Netflix and other streaming services; people were happy to pay a fee to have access to as many movies and shows as they wanted but having content region locked or straight up non-existent in that service to where they have to pay money for another service, and another, and another, because every corporation wants to have their own streaming app for their own IP yet there's still nothing good to watch, is just the nonsense with cable TV but with extra steps.

Anyway, I'm still side-eying the fact that digital games cost the same as (if not more than) games sold at brick-and-mortar stores for no real reason. Like, I didn't hallucinate when digital games were being hyped as cheaper than physical games due to no manufacturing, packaging, or distribution costs involved, right? The publishers even cut out the middleman of having a physical retailer (Walmart, Target, etc.) holding those copies for them. Yet with digital: same price as retail, actually somehow even more costly in other countries despite NO shipping fees (R-I-effing-P to Australia and Argentina as examples, a $60 game is NOT $60 over there), can't resell, potentially lose access to the game if you lose your account, some other drawbacks I'm forgetting.

Digital vs Physical is now a moot point because now even physical games require an install from disc to even function so you can start playing it, and then a patch that could potentially be the same size if not bigger than the actual game as it was on the disc -- which is a theft of time and the money paid for it.

No, I'm not still incensed about Final Fantasy XV's Royal Edition being the day one disc of the game (43.5GB initial size not including Day One Patch/Crown Update) with a 70GB download voucher attached, which means the Royal Pack voucher is essentially overwriting the entire game with an extra 18GB left over for the Character Episodes (not including Episode Ardyn) -- changes which include existing scenes being dubbed or animated differently, additional scenes between chapters that weren't there before, and the sudden backload of bosses in the Insomnia end-game section that breaks the lore and makes chapter 0 effectively a useless end-game spoiler dropped in the first five minutes of playtime for no reason, and I certainly don't think all this nonsense could be avoided if they simply reprinted a new disc for the game with all of those changes built-in instead of giving you a useless disc serving as a "license key" to download the "real game" off of the internet, ruining the entire point of getting the game physically to begin with, what makes you say that?


Anyway, I've turned my tastes toward retro gaming. There are plenty of games from back in the day that AREN'T over 5GB, that don't take forever to load, that don't require a patch unless you want to mod the game yourself for whatever reason.
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Reactions: Dark Prince
Update: OK.......o_O I take the risk for upgrading to 11 and.......everything was fine, I checked everything (including games and if you're curious DmC still rocking :whistle:) and all of my files are fine.
The new OS has a little bit missing options and I don't know why (also with extra option means).
I will test 11 as working system and see if I'm feel at home or not :unsure:.
You're not worthy as my opponent :mad: (Vergil DT voice for showing how worthless is win11).
Win11 for me kinda at first look clean but when I start working on it today the option means are by Microsoft design to me but you must dig through all options for some options which kinda make a little bit complicated but if you want try 11 on bare metal (without VM) then go ahead and try it, see any improvement or changes make your PC faster :cautious:.
For me I had small problems but here we go:

▪︎Windows defender didn't work so you must use a powershell command to reactivate defender again.
▪︎Defender notification didn't appear after 2 or 3 scan on clock area.
▪︎Wasting your time just because you want do simple copy and paste with showing more options and more complex areas.

》Microsoft still working on 11.........shame.......incomplete OS :cautious:.
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This feels better here-

I thought about a reboot of Jak and Daxter where Jak grew up with his father in the desert city of Spargus.

He's more aware of his family's legacy and determined to live up to it.

Which feels like Paul from Dune.


I'm not sure what starts his journey. You could keep Daxter getting turned into an ottsel. Jak is repentant and determined to make it up to him. So they leave Spargus and find a way to reverse it. Daxter just grew up in Spargus with Jak.

This reboot keeps that core but flips it on it's head by putting Jak in a society of exiled warriors living in the desert. So there is a greater source of tension than the original series.

Gameplay takes inspiration from the third entry with a focus on surviving in the desert. Combat leans towards hack and slash with a light focus on 3rd person shooter mechanics. The series started out as a platformer so he'd be able to move around ruins the same way.

Jak and Daxter started out as a boy's adventure series like Star Wars so we'd lean into that as a niche. But Jak would grow older with each entry so the storytelling and themes will too.
YO! I had no idea that there’s gonna be a game based on the Monkey King! Esculent me as I scream!

The studio developing it has an official YouTube channel at Black Myth. You can subscribe to them there and keep track of their updates.
They originally debuted with a 13-minute pre-alpha gameplay trailer back in 2020 to drum up interest, then went radio silent to avoid their staff getting poached (perfectly understandable given the quality they were showcasing). A year later they put out more gameplay footage using Unreal Engine 5. Naturally, the UE YT channel has stuff to say about that too.
Anyway, hype.