Forum Memories

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Forum memories...

My first would be spamming the fanfic thread with my DMC-obsessiveness.

Catching a new DMC fic on FFN and realising that it was a member from this forum, and so befriending my twin brother Zany Blac (we still haz teh epic fites)

I can't remember exactly how Trish67 and I became friends, but her, Zany and I were really close for a while. I mean, chatting on MSN for no less than 6 hours straight every day (EVERY day) for a couple of months close. We still are close, we just don't chat as much because life gets in the way. :(

My first fallout with a member, whom would be no other than SpardaTM. He's exactly what was portrayed in that photo he sent. VB will know what I'm on about (tehehehehehe XDD)

Meg's thought provoking threads. It makes you think. Which is good when your brain needs more stimulation than simply talking about the ten different ways you can beat/avoid a Blitz in DMC4 with Dante.

Ebony sharing my love for the Dante-ness. It's nice having someone just as in love with his character as I am! Despite the impression my avatar might give, I'm a hardcore Dante fan through and through.

I started up the whole RP thing with my wingmen Trish and Zany, and got to know a lot of members via the RP. DT and GGC. What fun battles we had. Well, it wasn't fun at the time, but looking back at it you kinda go :eyeroll:

I still think Xevnas should pay for making Vergil fall on his butt. But that's off topic.

VB and I became good friends, too, and we shared a mutual loathing (you know who we hated, and shame on any of his groupies still hanging around here), and a mutual goal (finding our Vergil/Dante).

BD and Tonks - the awesome duo of the forum. I won't lie, I wanted in to their clique. Yeah, you guys have a clique, you're just that awesome! I've had a lot of laughs because of their awesomeness. Too many to name, really, but if you know them, you know what I'm talking about.

Angelo Credo's rant about people dissing on Bayonetta without having played the game.

LoD coming back and granting members gold. As someone said before, he is like our unspoken leader. LoD goes one way, we all just kinda fall in line.

Oh, and Moses and Vampi. My gosh! Those two were hilarious...then again, if you don't know them that well their posts can come off as offending. I think I was on the better end of the straw having chatted to them off the forum about things non-DMC and getting to know them a bit better. They really were fun to talk to.

Angel and I having nice long chats via email. It's nice having some common ground with another member, which is not necessarily fan-of-this-or-that centered.

Oh, and I remember Spawn first signing up. I thought he sounded really sweet, and he's proved me right time and time again. He's a really great guy to chat to, and honestly I don't think I've talked to anyone else here as I have with him.

And Romero. :oops: Er..what can I say? I have a little crush on his country of origin, I realllllyyy want to go there. And him being so friendly and cool to talk to doesn't help the crush much. And I <3 Nordic people, so... :p

And then, some other fond memories, is the way the community comes together at times. My RP and the prompts have only been a success because of everyone else joining in.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
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I know what you're talking about MV...gee, who could forget that sight (feeling even more sick).
No vergil for me yet though, all i seem to attract are Arkhams.
I remember some of the...less than fun times me and MV had (hence why she thinks I'm scary). I do blame myself for that, but I'm glad we were able to move past it. ^_^

I also remember a certain member(s) response to some concrit. Not something I'm proud of and still kinda beat myself up about. e_e
I've really only had one not so good moment here and that is in the past it was a petty argument over a joke but all in all I like this place although I liked it better before cause less people seem to get on now and for shorter perios of time.
I've really only had one not so good moment here and that is in the past it was a petty argument over a joke but all in all I like this place although I liked it better before cause less people seem to get on now and for shorter perios of time.

It's probably due to the lack of news concerning really... Well, anything. :/
Ooooh yeah that was a 'forum memory' for me when FF13 came out and I had to ask Meg and AKA a load of advice about what to do next in the game. Also us ranting about Hope and Vanille and of course how annoying Snow was.....good times! :D

You found Snow annoying??? I personally thought that Vanille was the most irritable. hahaha.

I know... kinda SUPER late on the reply but STILL.
Man, I got that game for my birthday... I just can't get into it.
Ooooh yeah that was a 'forum memory' for me when FF13 came out and I had to ask Meg and AKA a load of advice about what to do next in the game. Also us ranting about Hope and Vanille and of course how annoying Snow was.....good times! :D

OMG I thought you meant "Also Known As".
But my username was used in CAPS.
Means it must be just as epic as FF13 since that was the only other thing you wrote in CAPS! =O
I'm like YES!


I remember when the argument against Dante vs Wesker made VS threads banned as well as giving me a warning.

I remember when sending VB this really strong insulting PM giving me an infraction.

I remember when I came to an argument when the first DmC trailer had gotten out and got myself another brilliant infraction due to someone interfering with me and someone else.

I remember when I personally asked Dark Drakan to lock me out of the DmC section.

When SpardaTM was banned.
When Jo- I mean DreadnoughtDT changed his name to Storm Silves.
When Marisa and I got together.
All the couple-related discussions on the forums.
That fetish thread I was interested in reading in but never wanted to post my own fetishes in. o.o
When the "What are you thinking?" thread was rather new.
When Jone- I mean DreadnoughtDT (aka Storm Silves) and Daring Dani (then named Incomplete Dani) made an RP thread in Bloody Palace locked due to what was being RP'd.
When I first joined and sent my introduction thread two weeks later.
When I first chatted with: Vauxchen, Damien (wasn't named Damien then though... don't remember his past name. >.<), One Winged Angel, Lord of Darkness, DreadnoughtDT, Biohazardmaster, Meg127 (now Meg), and several more.

I remember the Nero hate when DMC4 was released.
The anticipation of DMC4 as well.
I remember how I made a thread when I joined this forum asking if DMC2 was available for PC and that someone a year later made the same thread.
I remember discussions about the DMC timeline.

I remember that Wesker can see in 300FPS and that it is a clear advantage against pretty much everything.

I remember when Clairvoyance (Dante Stalker/Master Vergil) first tried to talk to me about how I raged. I didn't take it well to begin with but I went on and agreed with her.
I remember when Master Vergil (Dante Stalker/Clairvoyance) took my argument against her completely out of proportion and insulting me in a thread (giving hints it's towards me).
I remember when Meg127, Clairvoyance and I think there was some more who talked about not insulting or writing rants against other members in the forums in the thinking threads because of blablabla reasons.
I remember when I wrote a crapload of bullsh*t to Meg saying I was something I'm clearly not since I was bored and slightly annoyed. Yet still it held some truth.

I remember when VB got a lot of sh*t because she wrote that internet couples are fake and a whole load of BS.

Remember last Halloween, how the forums where malfunctioning and as soon as it got back I was the first to get online. Thinking no one else would get online but next time I updated 5 others suddenly were with me, and then it grew even more. =O

There probably is more... I should get some sleep and post that in another post if this thread is still alive.
There's some awesome stories being shared, folks. Keep 'em coming!

Here's one of mine: The day I bought a vBulletin license (the forum software we'd previously been using for a solid three or four years (maybe more)), installed the forum and started the ball rolling, as it were, was the day after me and my wife (then-girlfriend) started, well, 'going out'. It was also the very last day that the forum software was on offer (prior to the V.A.T. prices going up).

A less-exciting story: The majority of template-work for the forum was done on my wife's computer whenever I would end up hovering around her gaff - and I would clear her cupboards of all the nice food while I was there, too.

One last quick one: The very first template we used for the homepage (the homepage was there for over a year before the forum was installed) was a very lightly-modified version of a WordPress theme called Solipsus. And designing a template (more of a crappy mish-mash of Devil May Cry-related graphics, really) for was basically how I began to learn XHTML and CSS. The code used to power the homepage has seen thousands of revisions over the years, and the design has been scrapped, re-built, improved upon (subjectively speaking) and updated about 50-times. Check out's Wayback Machine if you want to catch a glimpse of over the years.

Edit: Okay, I have just enough energy to bore you with one more: was first started on December 19, 2005. I remember it because I was desperately checking for a good DMC domain name and, despite not thinking for one second that a .com, .net, or .org would be available, it turbed out that the .org was and I bought it then and there. That makes this place five years, seven months and ten days old.
oh man...let's see...
1. VB bein mah first friend :D
2. RP's with DreadnoughtDT (aka Storm)
3. gettin VS threads banned...I still don't know who'd win between Dante n Wesker but my money's on Devil Boy :D
I have memories of the forum, but the one that sticks out is when SpardaTM got banned. It became quite quiet for a while after that.

That fetish thread was quite 'out there' too.

1. y'd he get banned again?
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oh man...let's see...
1. VB bein mah first friend :D

Aww, shucks. Normally, I'm only remembered for the bad things.

SpardaTM got banned for being a grade A a$$hat. Sexism doesn't really go down too well in this day and age.
As for the fetish thread, I can't find it.