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Finally : DMC5 Comfermed

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God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
SpardaTM was the same way, and he got banned. I'm sure Credo just doesn't want to make the same mistake of letting someone like that stay for too long.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
We should just be grateful that DMC5 is going to be released. I was afraid that Capcom was gonna drop Devil May Cry series until the rumours of Ninja Theory developing DMC5, which may or may not be a good way for DMC to redeem itself as one of the best action game series.

I don't really get it, but if DMC5 was 'Westernized' to become much better game, I don't mind. As long as the gameplay improves, much more darker atmosphere, Dante and Nero's return, explanation on Nero's origins and etc, this game will be good in my books.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
is it really adequate to have an asshat that offends ppl with everything he posts?
the way he posted was just rude and insulting... i'm surprised it took this long

EDIT: Well said ChaosMaster

nini dot exe

Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;270324 said:
Meh, while I like the series, DMC has a storyline with the depth of a tea-spoon and is about as clichéd as all hell get out, believe me, I've been engaged in enough of the Nero is Vergil's son debates that if I ever seen that comparison crop up again, I might just kill someone.

Primarily because I believe the theory to be the biggest cop-out answer that Capcom could possibly go for and would be the final nail in the "story" of DMC.
But that's a discussion for another thread.

Sooo, has nobody heard of the Divine Comedy? >>;
I mean, other than Dante's Inferno?
The actual BOOK?

Well, if you actually go and at least skim through it, you'll see pretty thickly based similarities between Devil May Cry and it. The first game, moreso than the second or any other for that matter.

Dante's adventure through Hell being guided by Vergil (in this case, Nelo Angelo) and the memory of Beatrice (literally guided by Trish, in this matter). While a bit cliche (in game), I will admit this, and simplified, it was charming and well done. Especially Dante, who originally caught our hearts -- well, if you played them 1 to 4. My bf played 4 first. =.=; Everything, but the action is lost on him.

This is what caught my heart. A wonderful interpretation of a book that had come to be one of my top favourites ever. It wasn't a literal spin-off, not many people see how deep the connection is, and more...modernised. It wasn't so over my little head like the first time reading that book had been.

I miss game one. And that is what's going to ruin the 5th game for me, just like the other ones did. I still play 3 and 4, and I still enjoy them, but they'll never have the same value as 1 did.

And thus, why I believe LoD is right; nobody's going to be thrilled with it.

I never said I wouldn't be happy with another DMC game; I've been hopeful and played them loyally since the beginning, but you have to have certain expectations. You can't just be happy with them. How would you Silent Hill fans feel if suddenly it was a first person shooter and the monsters were revealed to just be a genetic experiment gone wrong somewhere in the town, la de la? I know that I would hate Konami so much that I would actually boycott it.

Anyway, because this is getting too long, yes, AC. You can have your opinion, but I see more there than more do for a lot of reasons. (namely, above.) And more specifically on game 1.

Aaaaand, concerning Nero; he shouldn't have even been introduced to begin with. That's been my biggest problem with him to date. I like Nero, he's a good character, there's nothing wrong with him, but they barely just started on Dante and Vergil and barely dip into anything about Sparda himself. I can see a path where this might all lead down to more about Sparda, but I have the terrifying fear that Capcom won't grasp it and will dig themselves into a worse hole. :/


Dante's Lapcat
Er wow @ the moses thing... unexpected.

But on the topic at hand, this little slice of that article:
“Devil May Cry 5 is a game that, when started development, this will change a lot in relation to the above,” said Inafune.

Made me wonder. Here's the (google translated, mind you) part of the actual interview that that article is referring to:
from 3dJuegos said:
Devil May Cry is a game in May, when started development, this will change a lot in relation to the above (the above being a comment on RE: Revelations aiming to 'surprise' its fans.). The reason is that, despite the franchise has some very loyal followers, their sales are not particularly high, especially overseas. That is why it is likely that in the fifth chapter incorporate certain "Western touch" to make it more attractive to European and American players.

The interview in its original spanish is here: linky For anyone fluent in Spanish to offer a better translation. Did he just say the game is going to start development in May? Or that it's been in development -since- May. The latter would devastate me, tbh, knowing something that I know that may or may not be relevant at all. 'Course, it could just be an error in translation...

As for the western aim, I'm fully prepared to be completely offended by what they think it is us "westerners" want. But I maintain hope that it isn't as bad as I think it is.

I hope to heck they aren't messing with the core gameplay. Sure a tweak and much needed tuning would be nice, but DMC was the first of its kind. It invented a genre of its own. 'Tis called "Stylish Action" in this gamer's circles. You're not just mindlessly tearing things apart since body count means very little. Style means everything.

Hack'nSlash games are a dime a dozen now. There aren't many out there that reward you for doing it with flair, and DMC was the first - they should endeavor to keep it the best. Dante's presence aside (Still the deciding buying factor for me, I admit without an ounce of shame.) If they change the gameplay drastically, I doubt I like the game very much. Especially if they change it in favor of crimson rivers and jiggle mechanics and dime-a-dozen ragdoll physics.

So I sure hope they don't lose what they have because they have fallen prey to the downright insulting idea that all us US/UK folks want in their games is blood, gore, guts and boobies. I'm not so easily satisfied. Alas, I can only speak for myself tho. Not to mention there are plenty of other games to deliver that stuff without the gameplay and style that has made DMC what it is.

Sometimes I wonder if developers just put these demographic labels on games so they have something to blame other than their poor decision making and stupid focus groups when it fails.

Anyway: TL;DR - I'm apprehensive and hopeful for 5 as well. But it's been that way for a while now; since the role and appearance Dante in it became questionable. All this news may have done is made me lean slightly more towards the apprehensive side.

As for the Divine Comedy bit: I know folks who are fans of both that and this game who get all sorts of weird on you if you start to compare DMC to the literature. Because of this, I take the relatively safe take on it that only some of the names are similar. :p


New Member
Kittn;270438 said:
For anyone fluent in Spanish to offer a better translation. Did he just say the game is going to start development in May? Or that it's been in development -since- May. The latter would devastate me, tbh, knowing something that I know that may or may not be relevant at all. 'Course, it could just be an error in translation...

I read and speak Spanish and he doesn't say anything about it being developed in May. He only says that DMC 5 is going to change sumwhat from its past predecessors so it can be more attractive to Americans and Europeans.

Here's the direct english version of it http://www.vg247.com/2010/09/02/inafune-devil-may-cry-5-to-have-western-touch-to-attract-buyers/


Dante's Lapcat
Thanks for confirming. Have found a few more translations too on other sites stemming from the CC source. That's a relief, at least. The general reaction seems to be the same on all of the sites though. Doesn't seem to be very well received...


So if it will have a "western touch" do they mean there will be something like

staff of light +10 against demons +50 life? :D
will we level up and add points to abilities?
or will it be nonlinear game? (I hope not it doesn't suit DMC series)
I hope that they don't mean something like that because I won't buy DMC then and I will hate capcom.

The only different game genre I know between west and east is:
wRPG and eRPG.

And why the f*** is ninja theory working at DMC? They're s*** from what I know.


$mok!n $!ck $tyle!
bobek388;270492 said:
And why the f*** is ninja theory working at DMC? They're s*** from what I know.

Ninja theory is a good development studio , they made Heavenly Sword,Enslaved and so far these games are great.
but we don't know how will they deal with DMC5 , are they going to use the same engine that capcom used in the previous games or build another one ? <<< that's what I'm afraid of


Super Penguin Number 2
^That's pretty much my top fear too. I don't want Ninja Theory to make a new engine. Just use the old one with a couple of touch ups (if anything is decided to be changed)

I don't really care where NT takes the story line, just as long as they explain everything that Capcom has created.


Lead Guitar
that "western touch" thing really scares me.because i really don't wanna see a GOD OF WAR or PRİNCE OF PERSIA copy as titled devil may cry 5.i hope they not gonna change the game so much.but maybe a co-op option can be good.but i agree that free play dont suits dmc...


Super Penguin Number 2
I really doubt they're going to morph it into God of War. Seriously.

Anyone who has a clue about DMC should know that changing it like that would P*SS people off.


Lead Guitar
i hope its gonna like you say.i just say i dont want that thats all.
and i totaly agree that dmc is has its own things that makes all 4 games really special an original.there are lots of western touched game,who need another one?

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
About time I got here...and...well...I believe mr.Credo deserves to be called Mr.Credo again.[It would work better if yhou had kept the Byakuya avatar,but it's ok.It really inspired fear and respect.]

Ahem...about the interview : I happy that things are finally starting but...western touch?I thought that DMC,along with Vanquish the Castlevania series and the MGS series was already "western" enough,even for our standards...I really can't imagine what more we could add...real kissing scenes?I'm curious.


Well-known Member
by "western touch" i am guessing that they are just gonna change the cutscenes and the storyline to God of war type games...i am pretty sure they will keep the previous gameplay engine intact...but if Kobayashi works on it, he might actually turn the whole game into a complete western one...

the game is still not officially confirmed right??


Lead Guitar
keiji said to a spanish web site "devil may cry 5 is ready to make". I guess they gonna officialy comfirm it on tgs show.Hope they gonna show some teaser video.we really miss some new dmc action


Well-known Member
i hope Capcom pays attention to games like uncharted 2 for the "western touch"...uncharted's storytelling was almost flawless...


New Member
It should be more like Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver or Eternal Darkness rather then Uncharted.
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