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Final Fantasy

Which one?

  • III (3)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IV (4)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • V (5)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • VI (6)

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • VII (7)

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • VIII (8)

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • IX (9)

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • X (10)

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • XI (11)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • XII (12)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The devoted
I REALLY want to get into the FF series but i have one problem, which one should i play first to really get me into the series, i have watched FFVII advent children, and loved it, played a little bit of FFVII dirge of Cerberus and FFXII but not enough to really get into it.
Please put which you have voted for and why, i am not putting in FFI and FFII or FFXII because i cant fit them into the poll.


TimeLord Detective
The only one I have played is FF7: Dirge of Cerberus. So I really can't make a choice. However since Drakan mentioned the huge FF7 fan-base I may also add that EVERY person I know that has played both FF6 & FF7, likes FF6 more as a game. FF7 just was new-er and had better graphics and these stuff.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Tony_Redgrave;65237 said:
However since Drakan mentioned the huge FF7 fan-base I may also add that EVERY person I know that has played both FF6 & FF7, likes FF6 more as a game. FF7 just was new-er and had better graphics and these stuff.

Thats very interesting to hear, i dont know many people at all that have played FFVI but interesting viewpoint none the less.

Devil Leon

Devil Hunter
OK I voted before I read the topic, I thought it was asking which one I like best.

I voted 9, which is my personal favourite. I think that all 3 of the PS1 titles are equally suitable for new players, theyre all solid titles but all have their pros and cons. So out of those three I would suggest IX out of personal preference.

However, for a new player I would probably suggest Final Fantasy X. The PS2 means that its better graphically, and probably easier for a new player to get into as its not so much of a step back (not to say that the PS1 ones are bad).

XI is online, and its the only FF game that really doesnt hook me at all. It takes far too long to do anything, and you really need to take solid months out of your life to actually get anywhere. This is for hardcore players of either FF, or MMORPGs, in my opinion, and shouldnt be used to really get the first experience of a true FF title. The battles are more real time, which is different to all of its predecessors.

XII is newer, but it strays quite far from the traditional battle system (in a similar way to XI). Its not a bad game, but I enjoyed X more, and I think XII took longer for me to really get into.

So overall, I would reccomend X. If you like that, pick up its predecessors (and follow ups :p) afterwards.

Devil Leon

Devil Hunter
VIII has had mixed feelings, often people who really like VII or IX dont like it due to the ability/stat system. VIII was the first FF I completed (I bought it after renting VII) and I really enjoyed it. For a long time it was my favourite (Squall still is my favourite lead character) but over time IX grew on me.


Gosh Napoleon...
I think FFX is the best gameplay wise and ff7 is the best story wise,
anyway dont bother with ffx-2 its horrible


The devoted
ok well we have no real conclusion so i am asking again for people to keep voting, as i cant really afford to buy all of the games so far

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
personally i dont have much experience in the field of FF but from the 2 FF's that i have played..wich are 8 and 7, id have to say i liked 7 more cuz im the kinda guy who gets into a game based on how the story grabs u. 8 was good dont get me wrong, but some of the twists and turns in the story really mess u up if u dont pay attention really closely..and some of them still mess u up even if u pay as close attention as humanly possible..however in the end those same things that messed u up so bad will make sense for the most part if u have completed the game all the way through...and that means getting 100% game completion..wich is hard cuz u have to beat omega weapon, wich has 1,000,000hp and does a move called lvl5 death wich kills of a random party member if their level is a number thats divisible by 5..but anyways..thats getting off topic...i'd start with 7 and then decide wether u liked it enough to try 8 cuz if u find 7 to be as much of a breeze as i did then 8 wont give u too much problems till u hit omega weapon


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I've played FF7: Dirge Of Cerberus and X-2, but I prefer cerberus, I completed it using a controller that moved the character at slow speed when I pushed the analog stick forward, also the second time I completed 7:Cerberus my controller was completely messed up, Vince's guns kept firing when I didn't want them to, and the item screen kept coming up * which is very annoying when facing a boss, and surprisingly I've never completed Cerberus with a normal controller as I dont actually own the game *.


Well-known Member
FF7 was my starting point, and its still the game i love most to this day. It had the best (imo) ability system, materia. FF8 is also a great game, but theres not nearly enough customisation of abilities ie not enough learnable character abilities. Plenty of options. But FF8 is abit more advanced in my opinion, so if your looking for a starting game, ff7 all the way.


The devoted
Ultimadream;67579 said:
Question about this thread where is Final Fantasy II, Its a fantastic game which should be discluded,
When i was making this thread i thought which are the 10 newest ones that i should put on, and it jsut happened to be those so sorry for not putting in 1 and 2 and the expansions like FFVII DoC and FFX-2


Well-known Member
Though its been said many times that FFVII is an overated piece of garbage, I am not one of those people.

<fanboy>Final Fantasy VII is pretty much the best game I have ever played</fanboy>

Final Fantasy IX is a pretty close second though :)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
i choose FFX:lol: ...why...?because it revolutionised PS2 rpg games...yet,the game has problems with voice synching with the characters mouth...gameplay,graphics are good...FFVII is good too,but the game itself has spawned too many side stories which really ticks people off...:( FFVIII and FFIX is great game,but FFVIII does not have the MP System,which sux and :( FFIX has returns it's old FF games system,which makes the game sux...:mad: Don't bother FFXII as i don't really like the gameplay...:mad:DOC's gameplay are a rip off from DMC game series and the FFX-2 is a real crap project:mad: ...I rather play Kingdom Hearts games...:)

However,the soundtracks of FF games are amazing...:lol:



The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I have played through all the new games to PS1 and PS2. Final Fantasy VII - watched Final Fantasy VII Advent Children - Final Fantasy VII Dirge Of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VIII - Final Fantasy IX - Final Fantasy X - Final Fantasy X-2 - Final fantasy XII.
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