I made an account simply to say this-- I'm a female and I don't agree with Meg on this being sexist, AT ALL. It's fan service and honestly, I think the costume is adorable. I was planning on cosplaying as Serah at this next Anime Expo here in Cali, and I most def will be doing this bathing suit costume. Does that mean I'm degrading myself because I want to wear a bathing suit? When women go to the beach and wear bikinis and play in the ocean, are we degrading ourselves? No. We're having fun. And that's exactly what this costume is about-- fun. It's cute! Get over it.
Anyway! On topic. I'm very excited for both costumes and the Sazh story =D I'm hoping for more DLC instead of an entirely new game with XIII. I don't want to wait to see what happens next :[
Welcome to the forum!
Regarding your views about sexism and what not, as you saw, this wasn't the best thread to continue this conversation. If you want to, you can share your views into this thread that Meg made for this reason. Only FF stuff here if you please
Again welcome!