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Final Fantasy talk. Who doesn't love Vivi?!

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
If your a fan of Final Fantasy than start talking about it! ^_^

My step-brother introduced me to FF years ago and damn FF is a kick @ss series. FFX was my first series, Yuna was my first video game crush and Lulu was the first "interesting dressed" woman I had ever seen in a video game. Lol Than FFX-2 came out and every dude fan in the world including myself had our first "accident." Yuna made me a man, LMBO! :lol: Good times, good times, so One Winged Angels and Gullwing fans get your FF on! :cool:


Enma Katana no Kami
I haven't played most Final Fantasy games so I can't really say i am a fan of Final Fantasy as a whole but i have played a few. FFXIII is my favorite RPG with FFX-2 as a close second and i also loved FFX and FFXIII-2. However i didn't really like FFXII. I haven't played the rest of them but i really want to.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
FFIX fo life yo.
Closely followed by VI.

EDIT: Okay, feeling the need to expand.

I suppose the reason I call IX my favorite is because it's probably the first game aside from the original MGS that I really found myself getting involved in. Sure, I played FFVII and it was, I believe, my first FF like many, but I didn't find myself caring about the protagonists, the villains or even the storyline of that game anywhere near as much as I did in IX.

I probably hold Kuja up as one of FF's greatest villains, tied with Kefka, simply because the development of his character, as well as his motivations for his actions were clearly defined and interesting to follow.
Watching a well kept, calm and sardonic initial background character be revealed as the mastermind orchestrating half the events that occur in the game, and then watching that character's downfall into complete and utter hopelessness and madness after being told that everything he's worked for will basically amount to nothing because of the nature of his very existence...Well, yeah, that was a pretty impressive piece of storytelling.


Is not rat, is hamster
I remember the first time I saw Vivi and I thought he looked just like Marvin the Martian but in a robe.

As for the games as a series, I've only played a few of them and am currently really stuck with X because I'm rubbish - but I do enjoy them despite the feeling of endlessly grinding to get to a level where I can beat the next boss to move forward. I'm not a very logical person either so the puzzles confound me...however, from what I have played I've enjoyed them and have my own little Moogle sitting on my shelf (made by Lexy) as well as some costume jewellery from the games.


TimeLord Detective
I like FFIV a lot. Played FFXIII, some of FFXIII-2, FFX, some FFVII spin offs and have watched a friend play FFXI. I love them all. Mostly for the characters inside rather than the story/gameplay.


Welcome to my world....
I was a huge FF7 (I have bad eyes and counting all the ‘I’s behind the ‘V’s gives me a headache, even though it looks swish) fan for years, loved the story, loved the characters bar Cloud ( I always seem to have something against the main character in FF games... ) Crisis Core was actually really good too and I fell in love with Zack (yay, a main character I like!)

FF8 was ok. I wasn’t fussed on it much when it first came out. The Junction system confused the fudge out of me, 12yr old me wasn’t too smart. When I went back and played it when I was older, I loved the Junction System and the love story, though I feel the main story is lacking a bit; the Laguna thing was interesting though.

FF9 didn’t intrigue me. I did love most of the characters, especially Vivi but Quina freaked the pants off me O_O And of course, the whole Kuja turning into a feathered version of Super Saiyan 4 was epic.

FF10 was sooo pretty when it came out! Story was interesting, I like that it was centred around the summons and Auron and Lulu are awesome!
FF6 is one of my favs, probably because the main character is female and she’s not your typical video game character ie. Skimpy outfit, weak attacks etc. I love Terra :3 Kefka is my fav villians too because he creeps the bejebus outta me. Gawd, that laugh… *shudders*

FF12 and 13 remain uncompleted. I still have 12 so I might go back to it one day but 13 I just didn’t like at all and I traded it in for Red Dead Redemption :D

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
FF6 is one of my favs, probably because the main character is female and she’s not your typical video game character ie. Skimpy outfit, weak attacks etc. I love Terra :3 Kefka is my fav villians too because he creeps the bejebus outta me. Gawd, that laugh… *shudders*



Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter
Versus XIII needs to be out already!!! Like seriously, is SquareEnix really enjoy toturing us? At this point. I'm pretty sure that Lightning Returns will come out before Versus.

Anyway other than that, I enjoyed IX quite a bit more than the others. All I wanted to do is give Kuja a hug.

Crisis Core made me cry because I already know what happens to our lovable 1st class SOLDIER. R.I.P. Zack Fair. And Dirge of Cerberus was actually quite fun for me. Defeating Omega was a pain in the ass though. Got to love never-ending boss battles.

EDIT: Actually.... I enjoyed VI as well. But in the end, I have to go with IX

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
FF9 was epic good in many regards. I can still remember my step-brother playing that game into the wee hours of the night.
Vivi! Everybody's using the Roman numbers that I've getting confused! Lol Damn Romans! LOL


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
That series of games just introduced me into gaming. Mine favs was FF VI,VII,VIII,X,XII.XIII-2.


Well-known Member
I actually really don't like Final Fantasy. XII was my first and I hated it. Crisis Core was pretty good. I love Zack. :D Dissidia was bad....VII was bad...II was bad....and XIII was meh. I remember picking up XIII just because it was supposed to be the exact opposite of XII, which I hated, so this was perfect. But the terrible writing, characters, and plot, along with the poor pacing, really hurt it. The battle system wasn't bad, but it took to long to get going. Final Fantasy games always have nice music though. That's one thing I have to give it. Some of the best music I've heard in gaming was in FF games.

And then there's....you know. :shifty:


Well-known Member
You disliked both Dissidia's or liked one or the other. I thought Dissidia 012 (which is part 2) was a fun battle game with the most complex story ever, even among FF games.
I never played part 2. I wasn't gonna waste my money on a sequel to a game I couldn't stand. :/

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
I never played part 2. I wasn't gonna waste my money on a sequel to a game I couldn't stand. :/

Hmm good point. Although 012 "bettered" the fighting system not by much but enough to look into. Lightning and Laguna are scary strong in the game. I'd suggest watching YouTube videos and see if you like the "improved" battle system. If not than I've wrote this whole paragraph in vain! >_<


Well-known Member
Hmm good point. Although 012 "bettered" the fighting system not by much but enough to look into. Lightning and Laguna are scary strong in the game. I'd suggest watching YouTube videos and see if you like the "improved" battle system. If not than I've wrote this whole paragraph in vain! >_<
I saw videos of it when it came out and wasn't impressed. I also don't have a PSP anymore, so I couldn't play it if I wanted to. :p
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