dante_13;221194 said:I don't like any FF i don't know why i just hate it.
dante_13;221194 said:I don't like any FF i don't know why i just hate it.
Ebony;221262 said:So regardless of strength and abilities - just character - who is eveyones favourite.
I like Sazh and Lightening.
aka958;221422 said:Yeah I can...
Yeah, Lightning was having a bad time, all that stuff happening to her.
But she started slapping all people around...
Snow hid his emotions...
Hope just walked around angry and bursted up so easily...
Vanille... She lied... So goddamn many times...
Fang... Is Fang, she didn't do anything of that, never trying to hide something.
aka958;221751 said:Snow is annoying, but how in the hell could she hit him for just trying to guess and do what he thinks is right?
I mean, she could be against it, she could just not agree and say why, not just say "SHE IS DEAD!", she tried to steal his hope just because she hates him. Hitting him just because he stays positive, screw her! She just wants to make him feel bad. She ain't even smart enough to figure out that he hides his pain, trying to stay positive and go through and find a solution.
You guessed right!? Someone on the GameFAQs spoiled it without warning, I wasn't really let down because I was spoiled though.
aka958;222113 said:Hey, I just told the facts. I don't think you can tell if I'm showing it down my throat or just telling it, since it's just words.
Does this mean you imagine me talking with strong words in that sentences?
Should I have waited until I told my full opinion?
Should I have used more smileys and words like "lol" to not come out that "strong" as you say?