Snow is the wimp of the wimps.
"Heroes don't need plans!"
I lack awesome quotes from FFXIII...
Okay, jumping to Hope then...
"What's wrong with you?! You want to help a L'Cie?!"
Mini dialogue between Hope and Vanille:
Hope:"Do me a favor, keep on smiling, it makes me happy when you smile"
Vanille:"Huh?! I didn't know you felt that way."
Hope:"Hahaha... Now we're even! *runs off*
Vanille:"Hey! Wait!"
On to the more funnier character, Sazh:
"You think you die and that's it? You think you die and everything will be sugar and rainbows?!"
"You ain't nothin'!"
"You afraid of ol' Sazh?"
"Found yourself some fertilizer, ehh?"
"Let doubt take over, and despair will cripple you."
"Worst birthday ever!"
"If you want quiet, you better take the next train."
"You can't go *****footing around everything."
"For them, we're just Cie food" (don't remember this one clearly)
Now onto the main event, KEFKA!:
"Son of a submariner!"
"*insert evil awesome laugh that is extremely epic*"
"Hope, light, dreams, where do they come from? Where do they go? It doesn't matter, for I will destroy everything!"
"Time to come home to papa!"
"Euuhhh! Aren't you hot?"
"I hate guys like you the most!"
"It's filling me up!"
"That was tilltilating!"
Got so many more... Why can't I remember those awesome lines from FFXIII?