FFXIII exceeded my expectations.

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Wut?! Men are evil? That's nonsense. Can't judge a whole gender because of a person.

Demanding a present sounds a little forceful, why do you demand one thing for forgiveness? Isn't he supposed to take the initiative for such things?

Collectors edition... Never got one, still don't want one. No new gameplay features, only art images and soundtrack, nothing new.
I was only joking with the men are evil thing :P

I made him feel guilty and he bought me it - he wanted too - he is evil, as sold one of the christmas presents I got him on ebay - lol - I went mental - he didn't think I'd mind!

I buy him things too and he knows I like the artwork/collectors packages. :)

I'm loving the game so far. ^_^

Sorry if the above post seemed forceful, I was trying to be funny, it's not what it seems - I'm not a complete bitch :)
No, I know that. You've not been acting like one.

Where ya at? I'm on the beginning of the EVIL chapter 10 on my second playthrough.

I'm only up to chapter 3 - I like the games to last, so I'll probably take it slow - how many chapters are there?
As many as the games number. It's quite funny... Chapter 13 is the last chapter in Final fantasy 13.

Still, chapters will take longer time as you progresses. There is even a chance that Chapter 11 will double your gametime when you've completed it. Chapter 4, 7, 9 and 10 are pretty long ones too.
Wow! Well, I'll take my time - I can't let myself get too obsessed - it'll take over my life!
Just found out Sazh is pretty much OP with his blitz attack...

37K for each bullet hitting that adamantoise, poor poor thing. It's unfair...

Still, I want to see how Hope would do his blitz... I want Hope as my main commando. Not gonna happen though I know.
aka958;212124 said:
Still, I want to see how Hope would do his blitz... I want Hope as my main commando. Not gonna happen though I know.

Really? Hope? i know I'm only on chapter 3, but so far he seems like a pain in the ass, lol. :P
^Lolwut? He is a pain when he hasn't developed. He comes more awesome later on in the game.

He is the BEST ravager and in the beginning a defensive sygernist, he gains all offensive buffs later on except vigilance. He is the best medic on pair with Vanille, he just got less HP.

His commando role is awesome, he is surely the worst commando but he is awesome, still haven't seen his Blitz attack though.
I just got this game...and I gotta say, next to Final Fantasy VII, this is the best one I've played, although it's fairly easy xD
BlueDevil;212433 said:
I just got this game...and I gotta say, next to Final Fantasy VII, this is the best one I've played, although it's fairly easy xD

As you said, you've just started the game. It's a walk in the park at the start. Try out against chapter 9 end boss or the boss at chapter 7, one chapter 11 boss that can kill your whole team in 1 attack if your not careful enough.

Enemy fights taking up to 5 minutes, some up to 20, not counting boss battles.
Angelo Credo;212435 said:
Don't worry, Hope mans the hell up in chapter four.

Mans the hell up lol, I'm Intrigued now!

Everytime I play a FF game theres always one character that I sorta forget about and never use. I'm pretty sure, unless I have to Hope will be off my radar, but you never know!?
^Mine was Vanille and Snow, Vanille has only 2 abilities that my current team does not. She is the most annoying character I've ever seen, and Snow... He just got a big bunch of HP and is the best sentinel, everything else he sucks in. Fang is almost just as good as him as a sentinel so you don't have to worry, and yes, sentinels are important.
I just had to say I don't hate Hope as much as I thought I was going to!
Why would you believe he was such a bad character in the first place?
All his complainings in the trailers?
No, just first reactions of him being a total whingy wimp! Like i said before there's always one character I have no time for and I thought it would be him, but it's turned out it's actually Snow! :D
Snow is the wimp of the wimps.
"Heroes don't need plans!"

I lack awesome quotes from FFXIII...

Okay, jumping to Hope then...

"What's wrong with you?! You want to help a L'Cie?!"

Mini dialogue between Hope and Vanille:
Hope:"Do me a favor, keep on smiling, it makes me happy when you smile"
Vanille:"Huh?! I didn't know you felt that way."
Hope:"Hahaha... Now we're even! *runs off*
Vanille:"Hey! Wait!"

On to the more funnier character, Sazh:
"You think you die and that's it? You think you die and everything will be sugar and rainbows?!"
"You ain't nothin'!"
"You afraid of ol' Sazh?"
"Found yourself some fertilizer, ehh?"

"Let doubt take over, and despair will cripple you."
"Worst birthday ever!"
"If you want quiet, you better take the next train."

"You can't go *****footing around everything."
"For them, we're just Cie food" (don't remember this one clearly)

Now onto the main event, KEFKA!:
"Son of a submariner!"
"*insert evil awesome laugh that is extremely epic*"
"Hope, light, dreams, where do they come from? Where do they go? It doesn't matter, for I will destroy everything!"
"Time to come home to papa!"
"Euuhhh! Aren't you hot?"
"I hate guys like you the most!"
"It's filling me up!"
"That was tilltilating!"

Got so many more... Why can't I remember those awesome lines from FFXIII?
Wow I forgot this thread existed! Let me say that FFXIII more than exceeded my expectations. I thought it would be good, but its awesome!

*ahem* moving on. Snow is the worst character. He talks soooo dang much about the same. freaking. things. I'm not surprised Lightning's so against him dating Serah. And he sucks in battle to! AGH!
Gawd that's a awesome sig you got there meg!

And I agree 100% of what you said. Snow is the guy with loads of health but not that strong. Endurance isn't that good later in the game, it pretty much never is if your that bad at fighting in the first place.