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Favourite moment in all of Devil May Cry history?

I Make The Devils Cry

Well-known Member
What do you consider your favourite moment in all of Devil May Cry, it could be from the games, the novels or manga, the anime, even the controversial reboot of the franchise. So, what is it ladies and gentlemen?


Fake Geek Girl.
Ok this is actually nothing to do with the game but it's related to Devil May Cry in a way. When DMC 1 first came out it was like one of the coolest games I ever played and I decided to go outside and play around as if I was Dante. Grabbed 2 toys guns and a sword and just went to town. Trying to pull some stupid move off I jumped from the roof of this shed we had in our backyard and landed on my mom's car parked next to it without paying attention and actually cracking the windshield.

Yea, I got in some major trouble and the punishment was no fun but just looking back on it it was a memorable moment thanks to Devil May Cry I guess.


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
Being a terrible gamer.... the ending credits. It means I managed to survive till the end.:troll:

Seriously, it would be hard to choose. I am undecided between the scene in which Arkham/Jester reveals his plan and activates Temen-ni-Gru, and the part in Vergil's Downfall in which Vergil confronts "Hollow"Kat.

I Make The Devils Cry

Well-known Member
For me, it would be (a three-way tie between) the first time I finished Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening or DmC: Devil May Cry.


"Waiting for one's arrival."
  1. Dante's Speech-
    I took a stand, fought back, killed, didn't matter the consequences. So I chose my path and I lived by it, and after all that anger, violence, and death...you have to dig deep.. Deep into your own heart to see if your still sane, or if you can still call yourself.......human. ~ I just love this quote and the little flashback to go along with it. I just like the rough and sort of raw feeling to it, it showed just what he had been through and how he was coming to terms with not being human. It showed just a bit of what he had to go through as a child and teen, and allowed for me to gain a better understanding of him.
2. Credo's Transformation-
This scene is just plain cool, we get to see his angel form...which is really cool just on it's own. If they ever released​
an action figure set of all of the most popular DMC/DmC bosses, Credo would be mine! l:D


"Plough the lilies"
^What she said and:


Well-known Member
The final battle between Dante and Vergil in DMC3 and Vergil's "farewell" cutting Dante's gloves with Yamato. I also like when Griffon implies that Dante is "stronger" than Sparda, and Dante gets ****ed with Mundus in this cutscene:

Another two cutscenes i like.

Griffon was a nice demon. He was awesome looking and he was loyal.

And what did Mundus to repay him? Kill him.

Must say though i got a Igor vibe from Griffon

+ I've heard a voice similar to Griffon's in a homosexual context. I dont remember where (damm i must find out).

The voice of Griffon has a similarity with voice of High Priestess in Year One (the movie feature Jack Black):

Note: i am not saying they have same voice, it's something that strikes me as similar to them. When i heard Griffon speak i got a association with this High priestess from that movie.
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