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Fatal Frame


Well-known Member
I figured with Fatal Frame 5 coming to the west that now would be a good a time as ever to create this thread. I havent seen any other thread for this series and if they are around they have long since died.I know there are a few fans of the series on here.I cant be the only one.I cant be the only one annoyed that I have to get a wii u now :laugh: I just hope that more than one fatal frame game gets released on nintendos next game console.I also hope we get fatal frame 6 and dont have to do petitions,etc to get the game to the west cause that is bs.:mad: Obviously this is a thread to discuss fatal frame series and its possible future.I dont know if anyone has heard this but according to the fatal frame 5 guidebook that the next fatal frame will be very different from what we have seen.Be afraid my fellow fatal framers.


Supporter 2014
I really don't think you should get a WiiU... especially since the NX is more or less officially around the corner.

To be honest, I really like the WiiU itself; however, it's more trouble than its worth, and BigN really needs a new system now. I would actually buy one if I could just for Smash Bros, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Zelda... and maybe even FF5, as well.

Listen, if no one bought The Calling (a good idea that had flawed execution) for the original Wii, then the market might not be there for FF5.


There are fans of course, but every sale counts with the WiiU. There's that ever-present lack of third-party support to consider, as well.


In the meantime though, I really don't feel like buying one if Nintendo's next big system is coming out in about two years (the release date is theorized to be around fall 2016).

For all of their flaws, they've almost always have been able to bounce back eventually. Besides, they're still in better financial shape than Sony, so at least they have that.


If you think having a petition for FF6 is bs, then wait until you hear about Virtua Fighter: Final Showdown. People have waited ages just to be able to get their hands on it.

We're still waiting for Shenmue III, by the way. Sleeping Dogs are able tide us over with their own "Far East" simulator for so long.

The Yakuza series are also great, but like FF5, there's no guarantee that it'll come out in the west, either.


Back on topic: While I don't know much about the FF series itself (outside of the haunted village in the second installment and that the first is "based off of a true story") I will say that as long as they don't change the formula too much, I don't think they'll have to worry about upsetting fans.

I just hope it'll end up being decent. 7 hours of quality gameplay (even with a shoddy story) is more than enough to ask for, imho. I wasn't as enamored with the characters in any of the FF games as I was with other horror series, but I don't think that I really have to be.

For instance, I didn't need to be all that invested in the Amnesia and Penumbra characters in order for the game itself to be effective -- so I think the same holds true in this case.
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I Saw the Devil
Well, I don't know if Fatal Frame has enough for the thread to last very long. I'm sure that for a while those who play 5 when it's out will want to talk about it but I haven't seen much traffic in the horror franchise threads.

How about this, if there turns out to be very little traffic here we turn this into the horror/ survival horror general section.


Well-known Member
I really don't think you should get a WiiU... especially since the NX is more or less officially around the corner.

To be honest, I really like the WiiU itself; however, it's more trouble than its worth, and BigN really needs a new system now. I would actually buy one if I could just for Smash Bros, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Zelda... and maybe even FF5, as well.

Listen, if no one bought The Calling (a good idea that had flawed execution) for the original Wii, then the market might not be there for FF5.


There are fans of course, but every sale counts with the WiiU. There's that ever-present lack of third-party support to consider, as well.


In the meantime though, I really don't feel like buying one if Nintendo's next big system is coming out in about two years (the release date is theorized to be around fall 2016).

For all of their flaws, they've almost always have been able to bounce back eventually. Besides, they're still in better financial shape than Sony, so at least they have that.


If you think having a petition for FF6 is bs, then wait until you hear about Virtua Fighter: Final Showdown. People have waited ages just to be able to get their hands on it.

We're still waiting for Shenmue III, by the way. Sleeping Dogs are able tide us over with their own "Far East" simulator for so long.

The Yakuza series are also great, but like FF5, there's no guarantee that it'll come out in the west, either.


Back on topic: While I don't know much about the FF series itself (outside of the haunted village in the second installment and that the first is "based off of a true story") I will say that as long as they don't change the formula too much, I don't think they'll have to worry about upsetting fans.

I just hope it'll end up being decent. 7 hours of quality gameplay (even with a shoddy story) is more than enough to ask for, imho. I wasn't as enamored with the characters in any of the FF games as I was with other horror series, but I don't think that I really have to be.

For instance, I didn't need to be all that invested in the Amnesia and Penumbra characters in order for the game itself to be effective -- so I think the same holds true in this case.
I am aware that the wii u has pratically no third party support and that the NX is coming very quickly. I really want to play FF5 and support the franchise and hopefully improve the chances of a FF6 coming to the west.

From what they have said in the FF5 guidebook they were thinking of getting rid of the camerao_O The camera is a main component of the series.It wouldnt be fatal frame without it. As for story telling,well there is this little detail in FF5 that is going to p### alot of people off and if there story telling continues more in that direction well..I just have to hope it doesnt.I dont want what happened with SH to happen with this series. If they stay within the realms of what makes a fatal frame game(failed ritual,haunted location,ghost,camera as that is essentially fatal frame) then yes fans should be okay with what comes next.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
Get a Wii U if you want the exclusives like Smash Bros., Bayonetta, Fatal Frame, Star Fox or Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei.
If none of those brands mean anything to do you, don't get a Wii U. Get it later and collect for it post-Wii Gamecube style.


Supporter 2014

Well, all I have to say to that is... sometimes, companies have to take risks.

If you play it safe during every release, then you'll end up going nowhere when it comes to gameplay (or even story). It's a comfortable nowhere (like ice cream), but once in a while, an experiment is necessary.


Well-known Member

Well, all I have to say to that is... sometimes, companies have to take risks.

If you play it safe during every release, then you'll end up going nowhere when it comes to gameplay (or even story). It's a comfortable nowhere (like ice cream), but once in a while, an experiment is necessary.
I understand companies have to take risk and change things around in a franchise to bring in new fans but that hasn't worked well in the past.Look how well change worked out for resident evil,silent hill, and devil may cry?As much as I like DmC it did not bring in as many new fans and it did alienate the existing fanbase.The same could be said for Silent Hill and Resident Evil,both franchises wouldnt be trying to go back to their roots if their current direction was working for them.Fatal Frame isnt popular in the west and probably never will be.I was in a japanese class in high school and only one person knew what I was talking about.The series has a small following and I feel alienating them and trying to bring in new fans will backfire.I'm talking big changes.Of course every fan has their own idea of what constitutes as a big change.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Fatal Frame is probably second creepiest game i played after SH. It easily gives many franchises run for money, so I hope it would be good, since FFIV wasn't all that good sadly, but it's one of the games that pushes my will to buy wiiu


Well-known Member
Fatal Frame is probably second creepiest game i played after SH. It easily gives many franchises run for money, so I hope it would be good, since FFIV wasn't all that good sadly, but it's one of the games that pushes my will to buy wiiu
What didnt you like about FF4?


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
What didnt you like about FF4?
I dunno. It just didn't had feel of older titles. First it felt more fairy tail like. Ghosts weren't as scary with all those wooden masks. It wasn't bad game, it just didn't lived to previous ones.


I Saw the Devil
I dunno. It just didn't had feel of older titles. First it felt more fairy tail like. Ghosts weren't as scary with all those wooden masks. It wasn't bad game, it just didn't lived to previous ones.
I think I know what you mean. I saw about 20 minutes of the new ring movie and the new ju-on movie and they are just weak. The Ring 3D replaced it's narrative with something that actually includes a pretty boy that shops at Shibuya and other moronic crap while the original was more grounded and realistic with characters that dressed and acted rather normally. Ju-On was not as obvious but the characters were too phony and they were constantly talking about in exposition and their dreams of the future (who talks like that? Even in Japan?). They feel like pale imitations, fanfics, rather than part of that same story. You can just tell it wasn't the same people making the movies.

These are extreme examples but when people leave franchises you can tell when something changes. Try as they might the feel is just different when you start to change those people involved, the little things that make something recognizable start to morph into other things and they become not what it was. DMC is an excellent example, too.


Well-known Member
I dunno. It just didn't had feel of older titles. First it felt more fairy tail like. Ghosts weren't as scary with all those wooden masks. It wasn't bad game, it just didn't lived to previous ones.
I think its because FF4 is set in a 'western setting' where as the previous games were set in a more traditional japanese setting. I'm not saying hospitals are a western thing but you tend to see them more often in western horror games. The main character herself didnt even look asian.As for the ghost,well they werent as disturbed looking for the most part I agree. The ghost were also very easy to beat and sparse.I dont think there was even random encounters in FF4. FF5 has gone back to a similar aesethetic as the first 3 games of the series but the ghost encounters I would say are similar to 4 in that they are easy from what I've seen and heard.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I think I know what you mean. I saw about 20 minutes of the new ring movie and the new ju-on movie and they are just weak. The Ring 3D replaced it's narrative with something that actually includes a pretty boy that shops at Shibuya and other moronic crap while the original was more grounded and realistic with characters that dressed and acted rather normally. Ju-On was not as obvious but the characters were too phony and they were constantly talking about in exposition and their dreams of the future (who talks like that? Even in Japan?). They feel like pale imitations, fanfics, rather than part of that same story. You can just tell it wasn't the same people making the movies.

These are extreme examples but when people leave franchises you can tell when something changes. Try as they might the feel is just different when you start to change those people involved, the little things that make something recognizable start to morph into other things and they become not what it was. DMC is an excellent example, too.
Yes it's pretty much this. But i don't really blame makers of FFIV since it was Grasshoper Manufacture and it was mostly commerce title for them :)
@Lani I pick FFV as soon as i get wiiu since despite all this i think FFIV was pretty good horror game, albeit not as good as it could be


Fake Geek Girl.
We can use the gamepad as a camera? You know, they could have totally done this with a hypothetical new Pokemon Snap game. You can have that idea for free Nintendo.

I got a WiiU, so I'll probably check this out.


Well-known Member
I remember back when Resident Evil 5 was released and there was an argument that "walking and shooting will ruin horror/challenge".

None of these people played Fatal Frame (or Silent Hill or Siren, etc.).


I Saw the Devil
I remember back when Resident Evil 5 was released and there was an argument that "walking and shooting will ruin horror/challenge".

None of these people played Fatal Frame (or Silent Hill or Siren, etc.).
You know that people are morons, specially about their fandom, they don't actually know what will and won't work, all they care about is what they want and a whole lot of reactions towards those who disagree. And we all know that isn't just restricted to video games.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Argument with RE5 was completely valid, but it's separate story. Fatal Frame is one of those games that isn't really challenging but very creepy due to it's visual and sound.


Well-known Member
You know that people are morons, specially about their fandom, they don't actually know what will and won't work, all they care about is what they want and a whole lot of reactions towards those who disagree. And we all know that isn't just restricted to video games.
Well said.
If only there were more comments like this back in 2009-2010.
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