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I am Joe
i know this might sound a little strange, but, i have many different types of people for friends, different ethnicities, religions, social classes and, of course, different console preferences. the whole fanboy concept just intrigues me, if anyone could shed some light on why these people are so passionate about something that, in my opinion, is a trivial, cosmetic preference that'd be great.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
People who voice their opinion on liking a particular thing and being a fan of it is perfectly fine as we are all fans of 'something'. When its done in a respectable manner or they actually accept other peoples opinions and the fact not everyone is into the same thing it can generate some good topics. However over the last few years the term fanboy normally revolves around people whose IQ is lower than their shoe sizes and they tend to just want to cause arguments for the sake of arguing about their passion for inanimate objects. Ive been a gamer for a pretty decent amount of time and nothing in gaming grinds my gears more than listening to immature people argue about consoles or games in a manner that would make 7 year olds cringe with embarrassment. Fanboys (the ones im referring to) are the plague of todays gaming and have an unhealthy obsession with a particular console/game and feel the need to defend it like its a family member under threat. I do find the arguments quite amusing but also get tired of seeing them on nearly every gaming site i visit. I personally want to play games and dont care if they are on an Xbox 360, PS3, Wii or a Microwave Oven for that matter... if its got some good games im interested in on it i will buy it as im a gamer and dont care for companies or platforms i care about games.

I have one expression for fanboys and it is the following...


Get a life as the whole thing is boring now.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
My own personal definition, from the dicitionary of Angelo Credo. :p

Fanboy: Adjective: A word used to describe those who are so very obsessed with a given film, band, game, gaming platform and the like, lately most applied to the latter of these, to the point where it gets worrying, there is no known reason for the level of sheer stupidty they exibit; seemingly unable to accept real logic and fact if it so happens to either A: Prove them wrong, or B: Make what they love look bad, they will deny, with great bravado and gusto, even the most factual and flawless arguments that no one in their right mind would be able to pick apart in order to defend their precious idol.

Not a single "hardcore" fanboy is in the correct frame of mind, there is no real reason for the way that they are, and no one but them could offer any logical insight into their ways, but then again, that would require you to be talking to a fanboy that grasped the concept of logic to begin with, and those fanboys are absolutely non-existant.

Don't try to understand them, just don't, honestly, not only is it more effort than it's worth, but you'll get a headache just trying, it's like trying to understand the Grandfather Paradox relating to the theory of time travel, it'll make your brain explode just trying.

EDIT: If you ever encounter a being of such immense stupidity, the first and immediate course of action is to eliminate them, at whatever the cost, doing so will raise the global IQ standing by at least 10 points.


Well-known Member
Double WIN for Mr. D and Mr. C, +rep to your both ^_^

Not much I can logically add to those two posts. ^_o
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