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Fan Art and GFX - Rules

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Well-known Member
Fan Art and GFX - an addition to Fan Fiction
Creative Corner Rules and Notice

Some of our more attentive members may have noticed a sneaky little name change to the Devil May Cry Fan Fiction forum, courtesy of the Administration.

It has been decided by the Staff, that after a number of requests for a GFX section, that we will create one on a TRIAL basis.

If, after 30 days (from this post) the Fan Art & GFX Section that has been placed inside the Fan Fiction forum, is still active, productive AND most importantly, hasn't drained all life from the other areas of the forum...it will remain.

If, the GFX and Fan Fiction drains the life from the forum and also generates Trolling, Flaming and a bigoted attitude, it will cease to exist.

Simple eh ;)

So, some rules methinks.

Along side the Forums Rules, I have these to say:

-All GFX/Fan Art Threads must have clear Titles

Due to the fusion of three creative areas, Thread titles should clearly specify which category they fall into, GFX (general images/photoshop etc), Fan Art (Artwork relating to established series -- not just DMC) and Fan Fiction.

-No nudity, excessive violence, language etc

Remember, Devil May Cry is a series that is aimed at those of around 15 years. The forum follows suit, and also has many younger users too. We take pride in knowing that the forum is suitable for many people. Any explicit images will be removed and punishment will follow.

-Credit Where Credit is Due
If you have used someone else's image CREDIT it, preferably with the name and website it was taken from.

-Source is Nice with Spaghetti
Ok, an odd title. But, if you have decided to use a character from a lesser known series, let people know! It may just be a hidden gem people are looking for. While this isn't mandatory it is a nice thing to do!

This is my one pet peeve. People who flame without helping.
Everyone needs criticism, even me....well, no, not me...I'm perfcet, OBVIUOSLY! =p
If you feel that criticism is necessary for someones work, then make it constructive...i.e. "That persons head is bigger than their body, make it smaller and it will be better, the average anime character is approx. 6 heads tall...hope that helps!"

If anyone has any questions relating to this section of the forum, or this post, please feel free to let me know via PM or Visitor Message. :)

I look forward to seeing some amazing Fan Art and GFX
You have 30 days, starting.............NOW!

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