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Falcon or Winter Soldier

MCU: Who should replace Steve Rogers as Captain America?

  • Sam Wilson/Falcon

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • James 'Bucky' Barnes/Winter Soldier

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Other (Say Below)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Legendary Devil Hunter
So, since Civil War is on the horizon, there's rumors that Chris Evans' Captain America will soon reach it's end.
I dunno if Cap is gonna retire, or if they're gonna kill the character off.

Either way, the end of Steve Rogers, doesn't necessarily mean the end of Captain America. As there are rumors that a successor will take up the mantle of Captain America.

There are two possible worthy successors in the MCU, who both took up the mantle in the comics.

They are.....


Sam Wilson AKA The Falcon



James "Bucky" Barnes AKA Winter Soldier
In many ways, they would both make a great Cap, they're both soldiers for one. Falcon's already a hero, Bucky fought in WWII and very likely is gonna go through a heel-face-turn and start to become more of an anti-hero, now that he seems to be getting his memory back in the Civil War trailer.

I think both would be great....but I personally lean a bit more towards Bucky becoming Cap for a few reasons.
By Falcon's own admission, he can do everything Cap can do "just slower" vs Winter Soldier who's at least Cap's equal, if not stronger, both due to also being injected with a serum and his cyborg arm.
I also think Bucky makes more sense from a story perspective. As the Winter Soldier, Bucky was a cold calculating killing machine, having him develop from unwilling villain, to anti-hero, to taking up the mantle of Captain America, would just be a bit more interesting.
Plus they've kinda foreshadowed Bucky as Cap. A lot of people considered the times Bucky has used/caught/held the shield as foreshadowing.

But that's my opinion, and honestly I would be okay if Falcon was the one who became the MCU Cap (He is the current one in the comics)

Who do you think should be Captain America 2?


Fake Geek Girl.
But how hollywood is now i think they'll go with Sam Wilson AKA The Falcon because it's a cheap way to prove they're so politically correct.
Oh stop it with this BS! If Falcon would take over the mantle as Captain America, it's because he's a good choice, not because they just want a black Captain America. You'd be pretty damn hard pressed to find someone better than Sam Wilson. I mean really. Bucky was never even a good Captain America in the comics.

So yea, I choose Falcon simply because Anthony Mackie as The Falcon is great and I imagine he'd do a great job adapting to the transition. Bucky could totally still do his Winter Soldier thing for longer.
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Well-known Member
I vote Bucky. It would follow the storyline in the comics to have Bucky take on the role of Captain America after

Steve Rogers gets assassinated/unanchored in time/whatever

since that is what happened following the events of the Civil War comic book.

Although, since Steve Rogers is my favorite superhero, I kinda don't want anyone to be Captain America but him. Since no one else is nearly as good. :'(

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
How about we just let them both share the role and split the film oppurtinuties between them?

Bucky gets the solo movies and Sam gets the Avengers or vice versa?
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