Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Not really about the cursing itself, just the quality of it.
Griffon: "Are you the one who challenges the Darkness Mundus?"
Dante: "Flock off, Featherface! Or you'll learn the hard way!"
Does this sound like it was written by a child? No. Why? Because it made me feel pumped and ready to kick some feathered buttocks!
Dante: "This party's getting crazy! Let's rock."
Does sound like it was written by a child? No. Why? Because it made me feel pumped and ready to kick some skulls in!
Poison: "F*ck you!"
Dante: "F*ck you!"
Poison: "F********CCKKK YOOOOUUUU!"
Does this sound like it was written by a child? Yes. Why? Because they sound like a bunch of little kids.
Yes, I can.
Since when do little kids cuss like that? The first few sound more like something a bunch of kids would say though because kids can be corny. Those lines are pretty dated.