EA won worst company in America again, did they really deserve it?

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Fake Geek Girl.
Dec 11, 2012
First of all I hate EA just as much as the next gamer. Who doesn't? But when I heard that EA won the unfortunate award for the 2nd year in a row I first considered their opponent which was Bank of America, the ending to Mass Effect 3 and that ridiculous SimCity scenario doesn't compare to how a bank ruined some peoples lives here. Video games aren't a necessity but a roof over your head pretty much is. The bank really done goofed here people.

Is EA the worst company in the video game industry? Damn skippy. Are they the worst company in America? Hell to the no. I'm not defending EA but more so just baffled.

Gamers want EA to learn right? Well quit freaking throwing your money at them so they can stop taking it and be a d!ck about it afterwards. To me supporting EA is like throwing your wallet down a trash compactor. I mean you know if something like that were to happen it would suck but, people do it anyway. In EA's response they said the "highest tree catches the most wind." That tells you right there they still don't give a sh!t and it's sad but true, they are a very high tree in the video game industry.Chop the tree down gamers, you're the lumberjack.

Bank of America should have won the award. They truly deserved it and I think the people at the bank damn well know they did. Least I hope they do. Gaming is a huge industry. It is just as important now in entertainment as the movie biz. Is it more important than finance? Get right down to it, no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy a EA published game, the people who signed on with Bank of America though put their faith in a company that CAN'T mess up with this stuff. That's like in the job description. Boo hoo the ending of Mass Effect 3 killed all the characters and my work feels pointless. Try arguing that matters more than the person who fell victim to the Bank's f*cked up practices. I'm pretty sure that holds up quite well. :|
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Agreeing here. There are far worse things in the world cause by companies. Also, what about the BP oil company? They caused all that trouble, polluted a lot of water, land and wildlife and caused so much damage. But the worst company is EA for making videogames?!:blink:
Honestly, I agree with south Park about BP: 'we don't just f-ck the world. We DP it.'
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We're asking the wrong question here. It's not a matter of "should EA have won" but "what does this mean for gaming?" This is just another warning sign that if companies like EA don't change their practices soon, we're going to see more and more people refusing to buy their products.

And besides, does this "award" really mean anything? Is voting Bank of America the worst company going to put roofs over people's heads? No. We all know companies like Bank of America suck. Why do they need to be voted the worst? Polls like this should be used for gaging public opinion and nothing more.
They promise players of the new Sim City that if they weren't 100% satisfied they could have their money back, yet went back on that promise and threatened to ban a gamer who kicked up a stink about it from their servers... yeah, that's the sign of a great company.
EA are the worst in the Gaming Industry, but there are companies in the world that are far worse (like Loopy said BP, but there are other giants in the industry that are probably just as bad).
We're asking the wrong question here. It's not a matter of "should EA have won" but "what does this mean for gaming?" This is just another warning sign that if companies like EA don't change their practices soon, we're going to see more and more people refusing to buy their products.

And besides, does this "award" really mean anything? Is voting Bank of America the worst company going to put roofs over people's heads? No. We all know companies like Bank of America suck. Why do they need to be voted the worst? Polls like this should be used for gaging public opinion and nothing more.
It does mean something. It's a way the people can get a message across the way something like this should be done. It's up to the companies who are on the receiving end of the message to take it to heart as initiative to improve. So you can't say it's meaningless because it's simply not true. It's only useless if people make it that way and is sort of a form on non violent protest. I see no harm.

I saw someone say "either EA is the worst company in the world or video games have somehow become more important than finance." I'm sure if some pelicans down here had access to a computer they maybe would have been glad to vote BP last year. I live in Louisiana so I was able to see some people actually get severely affected first hand by their mistake. Again money lost because you can't do your job will never compare to something you don't like about a video game. Considering also video games were never and will never be a necessity.

No one is forcing you to buy a certain video game and take their bs. There are many other developers out there especially in the indie market who actually care about their product and the people who support them and they are worthy of that attention. We can partially blame the success of EA on gamers themselves and it is a problem that can be solved themselves. EA will never learn unless you attack them where it hurts, their wallets.
It does mean something. It's a way the people can get a message across the way something like this should be done. It's up to the companies who are on the receiving end of the message to take it to heart as initiative to improve. So you can't say it's meaningless because it's simply not true. It's only useless if people make it that way and is sort of a form on non violent protest. I see no harm.

I saw someone say "either EA is the worst company in the world or video games have somehow become more important than finance." I'm sure if some pelicans down here had access to a computer they maybe would have been glad to vote BP last year. I live in Louisiana so I was able to see some people actually get severely affected first hand by their mistake. Again money lost because you can't do your job will never compare to something you don't like about a video game. Considering also video games were never and will never be a necessity.

No one is forcing you to buy a certain video game and take their bs. There are many other developers out there especially in the indie market who actually care about their product and the people who support them and they are worthy of that attention. We can partially blame the success of EA on gamers themselves and it is a problem that can be solved themselves. EA will never learn unless you attack them where it hurts, their wallets.
No one is saying that Bank of America isn't a piece of sh*t. All I'm saying is do you really think companies are going to care much if they are voted one of the worst companies in America? They should, but not all of them do. EA has made it pretty clear they don't. Maybe Bank of America will respond more maturely. But if BoA brushes this off by going "well see, we aren't the WORST harr harr" then what does that say about them?
While i do agree that there are companies that are far worse out there then EA, i do think that it's getting silly that for the second year in a row EA have come out saying "Okay we've goofed, but we'll do better we promise" only for them to do nothing differently.
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No one is saying that Bank of America isn't a piece of sh*t. All I'm saying is do you really think companies are going to care much if they are voted one of the worst companies in America? They should, but not all of them do. EA has made it pretty clear they don't. Maybe Bank of America will respond more maturely. But if BoA brushes this off by going "well see, we aren't the WORST harr harr" then what does that say about them?
Can you actually say that yet? It's up to company and I said that too but EA already had the message given to them and then liked screwed up even more. Think gamers would learn but they really are just throwing their money away. Maybe EA is actually doing it right because there are just exploiting how dumb people are. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"

What really gets me is that maybe a big minority of gamers are this sad. EA beat out Bank of America by a margin that was like 70 to 30. Are you kidding me? I thought EA wouldn't even hold a candle compared to the recent practices of Bank of America but hey, guess the millions who played Mass Effect and Dragon Age 2 really feel like this deserved the most attention.


Yea again it's up to the Bank to fix their f*ck ups, just like it's up to EA to fix them but, seeing such a mass majority of gamers p!ssed off by EA so much to make clear that their concerns are of the greater importance really says something about the gaming community. And EA is only as big as they are today because gamers give them money. And they keep doing it. Whatever.
Can I say what exactly? :blink:
Well to say that it the poll meant nothing because you think that nothing will change. Let's not throw around rash assumptions because that's not the way it should be looked at. To point is to get a bit of change rolling.

All this being said I think maybe I'm more annoyed about how this really looks from the outside looking in. If a bunch of butthurt gamers really came out and voted in a stupid video game company as if they did something so BAD that in their eyes they deserve to be crowned the worst over a Bank that made people even lose their homes, it really does seem to push the popular assumptions gamers are really a bunch of losers. It's like how DMC fans made that petition to the White House. It's a crying shame.The margin was 70 to 30. Like what the hell man?!

If gamers out there want to just keep giving EA money so they can d!ck around them some more then maybe they deserve it. No one can give me a good reason to buy an EA game. They just keep sh!tting on everything they touch. I'll be happy in the awesome safety of the indie game market having fun swimming in the cool pool. Maybe other people should join, the water's fine and they have cookies. ^_^
Well to say that it the poll meant nothing because you think that nothing will change. Let's not throw around rash assumptions because that's not the way it should be looked at. To point is to get a bit of change rolling.
That's not what I said. I said EA made it clear with their response that it meant nothing to them. I said it might make a difference to Bank of America.
That's not what I said. I said EA made it clear with their response that it meant nothing to them. I said it might make a difference to Bank of America.
I apologize, I misread that.

Let's hope so though. I have no sympathy for the gamers who were just upset with the ending of Mass Effect 3.
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I apologize, I misread that.

Let's hope so though. I have no sympathy for the gamers who were just upset with the ending of Mass Effect 3.
In all fairness, people had a right to be upset over the ending. EA did lie by saying it would have more than a few endings. It was perfectly reasonable to report EA for lying and false advertising. Because they did. However, does that excuse all the people who completely flipped sh*t all over the Internet. Well, no. Not at all.
In all fairness, people had a right to be upset over the ending. EA did lie by saying it would have more than a few endings. It was perfectly reasonable to report EA for lying and false advertising. Because they did. However, does that excuse all the people who completely flipped sh*t all over the Internet. Well, no. Not at all.
Mass Effect is severely overrated if you ask me. I just seem to pick up it stars Captain Generic Space Man and they're a bunch of gamers who like to have sex with some blue alien chick. That's like Mass Effect in a nutshell. For one I don't know if they seriously just thought that there would be no more Mass Effects because in video games they never just end it with a trilogy. Also I don't know why so many people are voting for some Mass Effect prequel. A prequel just means all the choices they made in that game would just lead to the events of the first game. It would have to.
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My friend put it best when saying that EA is probably the worst video game company out there right now but its no where near the worst company in america
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The consumerist should make a separate Worst Video Game Company in America poll, because the majority of voters on the internet are gamers and they will vote for EA every year no matter what EA does, they want EA gone and they'll do what ever it takes.

As for Mass Effect, I thought the 1st game was amazing and IMO had the potential to rival Star Wars, but when EA came on board it was all just generic shooting s**t and banging the blue chick became the most memorable thing about the series apart from it's awful ending. I don't give a flying f**k about the so called prequel, I haven't bought a thing from EA since ME3 and never will.
I don't like EA as a company due to the policy they are running. But the worst? I wouldn't say that, no.
There are definitely much worse than EA. So they're making Battlefield into a Call of Duty contender, going in the wrong direction with Medal of Honor, frustrated the hell out of fans with Mass Effect, withheld Mirror's Edge 2 for I think Battlefield: Bad Company 2?, have crappy servers, influenced Dragon Age 2, Dead Space 2 & 3, Crysis 2 & 3, and probably Fuse aka Overstrike - though I think that's more on Insomniac Games finding out they screwed themselves over with game design and releasing very early concepts to the public -, tried to be a God of War contender with Dante's Inferno, created Origin to compete with Steam and thus screwing OriginPC, who make PCs not sell digital stuff and held "Origin" as their former name I think, and among other things, but they are not the "Worst Company in America".

EA does not employ cheap/slave labor, buy blood diamonds, pollute and blame it on the people, influence people through "perfect" human models, make addicting substances including food - yeah, I know, self-control and all -, influence or even intimidate and corrupt politicians - as much as I think W. Bush was a bad president, there were times after learning more about him that make me feel like he was a puppet to lobbyists and ultimately made him a bad president instead of decent -, control parts of America, slow the development of alternative fuels and such, give funding to Nickelback, screw musicians over, have stupid ads all over the damn place, etc.

What does EA do? Screw gamers over. Oh, no! I didn't get my perfect game! EA is sucks, what a terrible company! Really?! Really? Really ... Hey, at least the Sims is doing okay.

To me, it feels like gamers complaining more and more over ridiculous things. I can understand complaints over Ninja Gaiden 3's, God of War: Ascension's, DmC's, Splinter Cell's, and Final Fantasy XIII's directions, but when it's something like "Oh! It's not a Metal Gear game because *insert stupid complaint here*" Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a continuing spin-off; it continues where Metal Gear Solid 4 left off and gives the oh, so desired cyborg ninja gameplay. David Hayter not voicing Big Boss in The Phantom Pain makes sense since Big Boss is getting older, nine years older. He's not going to sound like he's 30-40 his whole life and Solid/Old Snake's a different story since it was such a drastic change compared to Big Boss going through natural aging. Though it would be weird for Ground Zeroes since it's been like 10 days after Peace Walker, that I understand.

Then we have complaints like where God of War: Ascension had an area patched because it was "difficult". Okay, as much as some would say that God of War is not difficult compared to say, the original Ninja Gaiden, but this isn't playing Barbie's Dream House Wonderland or even checkers. God of War is not supposed to be easy, if anything it's supposed to be challenging, but not frustratingly, blood-curdling like Ninja Gaiden or Fire Emblem Awakening's Lunatic Mode with every enemy unit having counter. And if it's so hard, bump the difficulty down. If you're already on the lowest difficulty, then I have no idea how the hell you managed to make it that far, much less why you're so incompetent and lazy enough to learn a few combos.

And at least BP tried to fix their screw ups and so far seem to be a better and more environmentally aware company. Ironic since they're an oil company, y'know, the thing that makes yellow skies and kids cry.
I don't get it.. why hate EA ? when all other big companies are doing the same ?
EA have the following problems, not listening to customer feedback, homogenising all games under them of an intended peripheral similarity in genre, publishing half-finished products (e.g. the actual ending of dead space 3 is DLC), Making Activision look good (through the one virtue of not being EA). I'm not saying they are the worst company out there, but at the end of the day, they are supposed to provide a service, the service is provided in a staggeringly semi-competent and ultimately underwhelming manner.

Are there other companies that have these attributes? Most certainly, the problem is that most companies either pick their act up or have too much inherent value to be rid of. Following this logic, I'd say EA deserves this title every bit as much as any other company.