First of all I hate EA just as much as the next gamer. Who doesn't? But when I heard that EA won the unfortunate award for the 2nd year in a row I first considered their opponent which was Bank of America, the ending to Mass Effect 3 and that ridiculous SimCity scenario doesn't compare to how a bank ruined some peoples lives here. Video games aren't a necessity but a roof over your head pretty much is. The bank really done goofed here people.
Is EA the worst company in the video game industry? Damn skippy. Are they the worst company in America? Hell to the no. I'm not defending EA but more so just baffled.
Gamers want EA to learn right? Well quit freaking throwing your money at them so they can stop taking it and be a d!ck about it afterwards. To me supporting EA is like throwing your wallet down a trash compactor. I mean you know if something like that were to happen it would suck but, people do it anyway. In EA's response they said the "highest tree catches the most wind." That tells you right there they still don't give a sh!t and it's sad but true, they are a very high tree in the video game industry.Chop the tree down gamers, you're the lumberjack.
Bank of America should have won the award. They truly deserved it and I think the people at the bank damn well know they did. Least I hope they do. Gaming is a huge industry. It is just as important now in entertainment as the movie biz. Is it more important than finance? Get right down to it, no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy a EA published game, the people who signed on with Bank of America though put their faith in a company that CAN'T mess up with this stuff. That's like in the job description. Boo hoo the ending of Mass Effect 3 killed all the characters and my work feels pointless. Try arguing that matters more than the person who fell victim to the Bank's f*cked up practices. I'm pretty sure that holds up quite well. :|
Is EA the worst company in the video game industry? Damn skippy. Are they the worst company in America? Hell to the no. I'm not defending EA but more so just baffled.
Gamers want EA to learn right? Well quit freaking throwing your money at them so they can stop taking it and be a d!ck about it afterwards. To me supporting EA is like throwing your wallet down a trash compactor. I mean you know if something like that were to happen it would suck but, people do it anyway. In EA's response they said the "highest tree catches the most wind." That tells you right there they still don't give a sh!t and it's sad but true, they are a very high tree in the video game industry.Chop the tree down gamers, you're the lumberjack.
Bank of America should have won the award. They truly deserved it and I think the people at the bank damn well know they did. Least I hope they do. Gaming is a huge industry. It is just as important now in entertainment as the movie biz. Is it more important than finance? Get right down to it, no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy a EA published game, the people who signed on with Bank of America though put their faith in a company that CAN'T mess up with this stuff. That's like in the job description. Boo hoo the ending of Mass Effect 3 killed all the characters and my work feels pointless. Try arguing that matters more than the person who fell victim to the Bank's f*cked up practices. I'm pretty sure that holds up quite well. :|