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Dragonmaster's pros and cons with Dante


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Hey guys.

I've decided to make a thread about the positives and Negatives of each Dante of the series.

So here we go.

DMC1 Dante;

DMC1 Dante was the Dante that started the entire DMC series and my second favorite Dante. He had a cool and laid back personality and was still able to care for even enemies. Even though he talked a big game and was over-confident, he was still able to have heart to care for even Griffin who was his enemy, after Mundus decided to kill him off for losing. He also cared for Trish even though he had said she could never be like his mother no matter how hard she tried. He wasn't afraid to let his anger out when needed to and striked hard while letting his words be the icing on the cake. Letting his actions speak louder then his words.

He's well balanced
He can show his emotions
Didn't waste time showing off
Got stuff done while saying one liners.
Didn't try to look cool.
Could show his anger when he really needed to.
Had a really nice outfit.

His lines came off as cheesy. (But that's only cause they were cool back in that time period)
He seemed to get beat up easily from Trish in the beginning, to Nelo Angelo, and also Mundus.

DMC2 Dante:

DMC2 Dante was a more stoic and serious Dante compared to the first was my second to last favorite. He said no one liners and was only focused on getting the job done. He was silent for most of the game and let his actions be the judge of his power. Since this was the oldest Dante. he was the most serious and also the most powerful of the Dante's, and because of this, he felt there was no more challenge from the demons, and didn't even bother to get excited for any of them. Even though he was all serious, he still cared for Lucia and didn't want to risk her getting killed.

He was a stoic and more serious Dante
He let his actions speak louder then his words.
When he did say one liners, they were authentic. (Both good and bad)
Didn't show off.
Was dressed to kill.

He was way too serious and hardly said much.
No real interest in anything.
Was boring to say the least
Made all his decisions by a coin toss.

DMC3 Dante:

DMC3 Dante was the Dante that was my third favorite. He was the brash, cocky, hot-headed wild child that could make even the smallest things look cool. From surfing on missiles, to flying on a motorcycle. Plus his demeanor was that of a J-rock anime hero. However by the end of the game, Dante realized that he couldn't play around all the time and decided that Devil hunting was serious business, and he needed to take it seriously for the good of humanity, and to stop his brother from destroying humanity itself.

He's young, he's wild, he's free
He's goofy but in a good way.
He's a hot head.
He's got a style of his own
His one liner's are snappy and cool
nice coat
He was the Fonz of DMC.

All he talked about was parties
He was more just cocky and not actually rebellious like people say he is.
The shirtless man-bra thing wasn't too cool for me.
After seeing Vergil die, seemed to forget about it all and turned back into the person he was in the beginning during credits.

DMC anime Dante

DMC anime Dante is my fourth favorite Dante and is a more mellowed out DMC1 Dante. He seems to be a bit lazy in this one, acting as if he were and old man and only doing the jobs that he wanted to do. It's a good way of seeing Dante's life on a daily basis and showed what Dante's job was all about. Through out the anime he's dealt with large problems here and there, but was able to always break out and save the world. Even though he was a devil hunter, he still had a heart for demons who simply wanted piece and would even kill demons for free if the people couldn't pay well or if there's a good reason as to why he doesn't ask.

He's cool and calm
He was a dude who got work done when he wanted to.
Has a heart underneath all that red.
Allows Patty to live that long. :lol:

He's Lady's bitch
He's pretty lazy
Doesn't do much stylish moves.
He's a pretty large alcoholic
Doesn't say much cool one liners.

DMC4 Dante:

DMC4 Dante is the one of DMC4 and my least favorite Dante. This Dante is just as cocky as he was in DMC3 but this time in an older man's body. He is called by Lady to go to the town of Fortuna and handle the Order of The Sword who use Demons to make demon creatures themselves. Dante also goes there and finds Nero, a descendant of Sparda and the wielder of his brother's sword, Yamato. He goes there to take care of business just as before, but also plays around too much and doesn't even bother to take it seriously. He even sat there and let Nero be ingested by some vagina heart prison and just called him a punk. Over all; this Dante was just to show off and was a bit flamboyant with his actions for me to really call him "Dante" at all.

He was good-looking
The graphics really makes a character look good
He had a cool coat and physique.

He was too show off
He was a 30 year old trying to be a frat boy again
His outfit was horrendous (The chaps...THE GODDAMN CHAPS>_<)
He was a bit self-centered.
He was a douche bag Johnny Bravo

DmC Dante

DmC Dante is my first and foremost favorite Dante. This Dante is like DMC3 Dante, only he's got more demons to deal with both figuratively and literally. He's a cocky, laid back, and sadistic guy who loves to see demons in pain as was how he was brought up from being tortured by them. Dante also has troubles to deal with as well as he doesn't remember anything about his past, and he's steadily trying to battle his inner demons that try to corrupt him. He drinks and has sex in order to mask the pain he feels for knowing that he won't last to long in the world of demons and will enevitably die. That is until his brother finds him and gives him a purpose for his sad life and gives him a bit of a purpose to do. Not much is revealed since the game isn't out yet, but I can tell I'll take a shine to him.

He's not all about one liners
He get's sh*t done
Not afraid to show emotions
Not afraid to let you know how he feels
He's cocky and more laid back in a reality sense
Is able to feel pain and not brush it off with a one liner all the time
cares for others
If you can't prove yourself to him, then he has no time for you
The coat looks cool to me.
He's a manwhore:shifty:
The best troll of the DMC universe and DMC fandom. "My name's Dante. Deal with it.":troll:

He's not as cool as DMC1 Dante
Doesn't seem to say one liners as good as old Dante did.
Doesn't say enough cuss words:troll:
Isn't as sadistic as I wanted him to be from what I've seen.
Still has to live in old Dante's shadow.

Welp that's all from me.:)

Angsty Panda

Rainbow poweranger, and former cat owner
My least favorite Dante would have to be the DMC3 Dante, because he's a major douche bag, and is constantly talking about parties. He doesn't really have any clever one liners, and as DragonMaster2010 said, he wears a weird man bra thing.

  • He says some pretty funny things on occasion
  • He's a bad ass, he pulls off a bunch of stylish moves
  • Even though he's a douche, he's not a boring character
  • Weird man bra thing
  • He's a douche
  • Can't be serious at all
My second favorite Dante would have to be DMC4 Dante, because he is basically a more serious, less annoying DMC3 Dante. As I said, he's awesome, and funny, but can be serious when he needs to be.

  • He's stylish. Switching from Nero to Dante was amazing. Dante is so much more powerful, and uses way more combos
  • He is the improved DMC3 Dante, he still is a bad ass, and is funny, but it's not too much. DMC3 Dante, I felt, could not be serious
  • Did I already say he is a bad ass? Well he is. He is so much more stylish, and uses so many combos.
  • He dresses like a gay cowboy. With his outfit I feel he should work at a western theme gay strip club
My favorite Dante would have to be anime Dante, he is a lot like DMC4 Dante, only he doesn't dress like a cowboy, and he isn't 30 years old. I felt more attached to him, probably because in the games I was too worried about not dying so I wouldn't have to restart the level, in the anime I was worried about the character dying rather than myself.
  • More attached to him
  • Doesn't say one liners, but still says cool things
  • Still stylish
  • Doesn't look retarded
  • He's kind of lazy
  • He didn't fight as many demons as I felt he should have


Well-known Member
Alright, if Morgan Freeman goes, I follow.

So, let's run down the list of our favorite bipolar protagonist, shall we?

Let's first start with, well, the first Dante from the original Devil May Cry.
He's cool, until he opens his damn mouth.
The first Devil May Cry shocked many with it's unorthodox protagonist, Dante. This rebellious, stylish, long-white-haired handsome devil (no pun intended) was a step in the opposite direction from the hard-boiled and gritty characters like Kratos from the famed God of War franchise. Lets go over some pros and cons, shall we?​
  • The mystery. By that, I mean that he never revealed much about himself, and as the players we would try and piece his back story together. What with the many twists involving Nelo Angelo and Trish, this Dante showed that he had a rougher life than the incarnations of Dante.
  • Appearance. The white hair, red coat, all become instant symbols of the Devil May Cry franchise as a whole. Even though most of the games kept this basic tradition, this Dante just had a much cooler look than 3 & 4.
  • Knowing when crack a joke. In other words, not being obnoxious. This Dante isn't afraid to shrug off and even make fun of a demonic force right in it's face. Signs of a true bad-ass.
Now, the cons:
  • He's one liners are not only cheesy, (even for a Devil May Cry game) but also just flat out dumb at moments.
  • We all know Reuben Langdon did Dante's voice work in the third and fourth game, right? Well, this game didn't have that honor... Seriously, the voice work is awful.
So, overall, this Dante is only my third favorite. Far from the worst.​
I'll submit my opinions on a new Dante everyday. Stay tuned kiddies for DMC2 Dante tomorrow. ^_^​

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I would say i dislike the anime Dante and DMC4 Dante because both just felt like they were given nothing to do so they just felt shoehorned in those respective plots. I was more interested in everybody else but them.

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
We all know Reuben Langdon did Dante's voice work in the third and fourth game, right? Well, this game didn't have that honor... Seriously, the voice work is awful.

Drew Combs wasn't all that bad except for a couple lines that honestly could NOT be salvaged. It was still levels above what we got for DMC2 Dante with Matthew Kaminsky and the utter lack of personality in the voice acting in that game.


Well-known Member
Dear God, this completely slipped my mind!
Anyway, let's move on to Dante from Devil May Cry 2.
Well, at least he's less likely to say something stupid, right?
After the success of the first Devil May Cry, people were clamoring for a sequel. So, Capcom whipped together a sequel. But, it may not have been what we wanted. The overall openness of the first Devil May Cry was replaced with a more linear trajectory, and the combat was based more on tactics rather than style.​
But, peoples biggest gripe, Dante himself. Let's run down the pros and cons.​
  • Dante's look. The apparel Dante wears is just simply bad ass. It's got a Van Helsing esque feel to it.
  • Dante's abilities. In this game, nothing can stop you, further showing how much Dante has developed from the first game. Hell, you can kill some of the more minor demons using Ebony & Ivory alone.
  • Dante doesn't talk. Like, at all. There are a few exceptions, but he never says anything, ruining the charm.
  • There's a major lack of backstory to his character. You could say the previous game serves as backstory, but there's never any mention of Mundus, Trish, or even future characters like Lady and Arkham.
In hindsight, even though this Dante doesn't talk or really do that much, he compensates with his bad-assery. Making him my fourth favorite.


Well-known Member
The Reboot Dante is just stupid IMO because its just not Dante, sure he doesnt have white hair until DT but overall i dont like the overall look of him, his liners or pretty much anything about him, i would rather stick with the original honestly. Oh and the voice actor for this Dante sucks, he has those slurrs



Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
The Reboot Dante is just stupid IMO because its just not Dante, sure he doesnt have white hair until DT but overall i dont like the overall look of him, his liners or pretty much anything about him, i would rather stick with the original honestly. Oh and the voice actor for this Dante sucks, he has those slurrs

Will you shut up about the new look already? We get it, you hate it.


Nothing is true, everything is permitted
The Reboot Dante is just stupid IMO because its just not Dante, sure he doesnt have white hair until DT but overall i dont like the overall look of him, his liners or pretty much anything about him, i would rather stick with the original honestly. Oh and the voice actor for this Dante sucks, he has those slurrs

Your crusade is cool and all, but you are wasting your time, especially in this forum. At this point of time, not buying the game is the rational way of being against this game.


Well-known Member
The Reboot Dante is just stupid IMO because its just not Dante
Flawless argumentative skills. This isn't a thread to hate or love on one Dante in particular, rather to talk about all of them.

But, I'll prove you wrong once I get to talk about DmC Dante, but first I need to finish my writing about Devil May Cry 3 Dante.


This partys getting crazy
IIT: Post your opinions on different versions of Dante, when there's only two. If you're posting about new Dante, then only say positive things else you are de-railing/trolling.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
IIT: Post your opinions on different versions of Dante, when there's only two. If you're posting about new Dante, then only say positive things else you are de-railing/trolling.

I don't mind people disliking new Dante. I just prefer people have better reasons other then "Oh and the voice actor for this Dante sucks,"

Really? Blame the voice actor?
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