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Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Games?

Do you want games to exclusive in certain gaming consoles or to be in multi-platform?

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New Member
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

sdf;194094 said:
Ok this will start a war, i know but have in mind that i am too old to be a fanboy, and if you say that 360 can even wash your carpet i will agree cause as i said i don't care to debate and/or argue.

IMO exclusives are better for now that the consoles aren't in the same league, 360 is limited to 8,5gb per disc PS is limited to 50gb per disc.
Many dev's have limited their games in any aspect to reduce the size cause that.
God of war 3 with variable FPS may be released in 1080p eventually (cause the demo that i have is at 720p) and Gran Turismo 5 there are roumers that will be released at "true" 1080p also, and i say "true" cause GT5 prologue is upscalled to 1080p.
Both of this games if there was a chance (that it isnt) to go multi, both would be stripped out of many things and the most important would be shorter.
A DL-DVD cant handle all that data and dev's prefer to reduce the game than release it to multiple disc's, and from the other side MS doesn't want that either cause it will be a bit of imberesing, would it?

I too agree.

X360's hardware can't compete with PS3's one. Look at Sony's Blu-Ray, which won the Format War against the now-extinct HD-DVD. I don't wanna start an arguing here too, but having a cheaper system, being released one year before the PS3, the X360 is just 3-4 million units above the PS3.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

My attitude as someone who owns all 3 next gen consoles (not bragging just saying I don't have any grudges) is that.

I could not help but shake the thought that these games could have been bigger and better (especially GTAIV) if they had not been multiplatform...or should I say on the 360. If MGS4 proved something to us and Kojima it was that the PS3 is NOT as powerful as it tried to make people believe. But still you get all these graphic comparison videos on GT and stuff and they all all exactly the same. Well of course they are exactly the same! because they have all pretty much been built at the maximum capacity of the 360 they would not dare give anything extra or special to the PS3 version even if they could because people get in such a state about it.

Like most things this probably just comes down to money and most companies could not give a damn about which system is better or which system has the most potential fans. They just go with the decision that makes them the most money. And most of the time that is the miltiplatform decision. Just look at Tomb Raider Underworld, that came out on the 360, PS3, Wii and the PS2 and it sucked on ALL OF THEM lol.


Don't trust people
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

But te DMC4 got Legendary dark knight mode exclusive on the PC. That ain't fair that they added to the PC and not to the 360 or the PS3


Well-known Member
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

Also the pc ver runs at 1080p.

Another thing why Games should be exclusive.
I believe that you know the issue about cross game chat and custom in game OST's.
Most people say that PS3 cant handle it or MS have the rights.
read this.

I promised you all an update on Cross-Game chat, so here it is.

And you’re not going to like it.

As I told you before, Cross-game voice chat has been in the works for a while now. I mentioned last time that it was on target for 3.0 providing that we didn’t hit any snags. Well guess what, we hit a snag! An all too familiar snag.

Time for a history lesson.

How many of you remember what it was like before FW 2.4? That’s right – no in-game XMB. No custom soundtracks. In-game XMB was the most heavily requested feature at the time and we worked tirelessly in order to get it in (By “we”, I mean Sony Japan – as I said before, FW isn’t my department). It very nearly didn’t happen, you have no idea how difficult it is to backport a feature like that onto a system (the game) that doesn’t even know its there, but somehow we managed it. Well, for most titles. There are still the odd few titles out there that don’t support in-game XMB (”black” titles).

Custom soundtracks was another one we had working in nearly every title. Obviously it was never going to work in black titles, but about 95% of the titles that worked well with the in-game XMB, had custom sountracks working as well.

So what happened? Why is it that titles HAVE to be developed specifically with custom soundtrack support when it was working more or less just fine?

Is it because Microsoft owns the patent on custom soundtracks in games?

This is something that makes me laugh every time I see one of the less educated ones spouting it off. That’s an absolute fabrication. Patents don’t matter, Sony as a while infringes upon thousands of patents through the whole company, both hardware and software. If you infringe a patent, you pay royalties to the owner or find a different way of doing the same thing that doesn’t infringe. That’s it. Microsoft infringes upon all kinds of patents we own but that’s up to legal to sort out.

No, the reason we had to drop Custom soundtrack support like that has nothing to do with Microsoft. It does, however, involve a different company. A rather large company.
You see, one of their games happened to fall into the 5% that didn’t support in-game custom soundtracks. And they did not like this.
When they found out that a new firmware update was going to suddenly make one of their games look inferior to just about every other game released, they protested. A lot.
They threatened everything, from legal action to dropping support for the PS3 all together.

What could we do? There was almost no way of getting it to work correctly due to the way their game was made (i.e. Poorly) and we certainly couldn’t leave a broken implementation in there. That’s when the hard decision was made to remove all support for older titles and instead adopt the “opt-in” approach that, to this day, most developers simply ignore. I have to hand this to Microsoft – they did their system right from the beginning and by completely separating it from the developers, they have universal support. Its very unlikely that you’ll ever see mandatory support for custom soundtracks in games on our system, I’m afraid.
So yeah, lets nail this on the head: The next time someone starts blaming Microsoft for something the PS3 doesn’t have, tell them they’re an idiot, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Are we clear on this? This is a pet peeve of mine because while everyone’s happy to go around blaming Microsoft, the real culprits are getting off scott-free. Of course, I can’t actually name them directly or, should I get caught, I might even get done for slander (you can never be too careful), but you can figure it out – it’s not Activision and they have a poor history with the PS3.

So what has this got to do with Cross-game voice chat?


I warned you that we might hit a snag and we did. We’ve found a couple of titles that just don’t like it. Similar to the custom soundtrack fiasco, it can cause lag, crashes, desyncronisation (very very bad when this happens), you name it. It can’t be used in these games and it just so happens that some of these games are owned by the same company I’ve been talking about above.
So we’re in a predicament: Cross-game chat is useless if only certain games support it. It’s not too bad if its just the odd one that doesn’t like it, but at this rate we’d have to drop support for the ENTIRE back catalogue, which would (As I said) make the whole thing useless.
Furthermore, we can’t rely on developers to implement direct support for it. It didn’t work with Custom Soundtracks, so why would it work here?
So right now, we’re trying every little trick in the book to find a solution that works for everyone, but don’t hold your breath on this one, so far it looks like the best you’re going to get is a gimped implementation of it that only works with a handful of new games.

Now as I said, FW isn’t actually my department and even I’m not supposed to know some of this stuff, but this is actually where we are right now. It sucks majorly, but there you have it. Depending on the end result, it could come in FW 3.1 or it could come in FW 4.0, hell it might not even come at all but rest assured they are working very hard on it. And if it doesn’t come, you know who to blame.

And with Super_Secret's accuracy being spot on with the Slim, it's removed features and many other "predictions" being correct it is nothing short of a confirmation in itself; BUT the real kicker came from Naughty Dog because they actually slipped up on a post over @ the Official PS Forums ~
here is the screenshot

It's really just a matter of time.
Sony has SOOOO much speed behind it right now that from here on out, I see it outselling it's competition and gaining much ground in position. There is just so much going for it and the fact that the 360's double price drop (1 permanent and 1 "test" in less than 6 weeks) followed by the Wii's price drop (which have not made the substantial sales they where expecting) indicates that my assumptions/predictions where correct.

I wont name the company either but it isnt Capcom, Konami, Ubisoft, Activision, Atari, Sega.
34 or 313)7r0n!) 4r75
i really do hate this company from the PS1 days i always disliked it.


New Member
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

darth_angelo45;194113 said:
My attitude as someone who owns all 3 next gen consoles (not bragging just saying I don't have any grudges) is that.

I could not help but shake the thought that these games could have been bigger and better (especially GTAIV) if they had not been multiplatform...or should I say on the 360. If MGS4 proved something to us and Kojima it was that the PS3 is NOT as powerful as it tried to make people believe. But still you get all these graphic comparison videos on GT and stuff and they all all exactly the same. Well of course they are exactly the same! because they have all pretty much been built at the maximum capacity of the 360 they would not dare give anything extra or special to the PS3 version even if they could because people get in such a state about it.

Like most things this probably just comes down to money and most companies could not give a damn about which system is better or which system has the most potential fans. They just go with the decision that makes them the most money. And most of the time that is the miltiplatform decision. Just look at Tomb Raider Underworld, that came out on the 360, PS3, Wii and the PS2 and it sucked on ALL OF THEM lol.

Metal Gear Solid is a special example. It has always been a problem to fit and to be rendered, because Kojima likes cut-scenes more than gameplay.

Porting a game to a different system, change the configuration of It to fit that system takes a lot whole of money than just keeping It exclusive. Exclusives have always been a step ahead. The problem with Microsoft, is that they think they can dominate the other fields of the market just like they have been doing with Windows.

Companies are too lazy to expand the quality of games into Blu-Ray and they just keep the damn games in the same quality of the X360, which sucks in terms of hardware to the max - and these are to multiplatform games.

Take PS3 exclusives and you'll see the high quality they have.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

Dark Drakan;194092 said:
Some fans were unhappy that a series that started on another console were becoming exclusives for others. Same thing that happened to the Air Combat series when it went from Sony to Microsoft and a couple of other series too. Cant please everyone all the time but good to expand your userbase to other consoles and expand your brand elsewhere.

Ask whatever you like, i dont mind answering questions.

I see, thanks. If the Halo games were ported to PS3, I can guess that some Halo fans will be extremely unhappy and ****ed off.

But I think it would be wise if they make the game to be available in multiple video game consoles, so that consumers' demand can be met, and so that everyone can get to play the game, especially die hard fans who didn't to get to play newer games like Resident Evil 5 and Metal Gear Solid 4 due to financial difficulties. And like you said, the userbase can expand to other consoles and the video game companies can promote their brand better, and probably the fanbase too.:)

To me, fans played quite an important role for the games' sales. Would you agree, Dark Drakan?

Also, I have been wondering... Again.:lol:

I have seen that many reviews about some games that are in multi-platform, the scores for XBox 360 are usually slightly higher than the PS3 counterpart, but not all games. Was it because the graphics or something? I know that reviews are people's personal opinion, but I can't help wondering why XBox 360's counterpart have higher scores than the PS3 counterpart? I though Blu Rays have a massive amount of space, like 25 GB or something, and shouldn't graphics would not be a problem if the game is in PS3 since Blu Ray has massive amount of disk space?

P.S - Just bought an Xbox 360 Arcade, and it is an awesome console. Now I see why people preferred XBox 360 than PS3.:)


Well-known Member
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

Chaos Master do your self a favor and dont look at reviews, games that goes multi are identical. I give you my word in this.
I have a 40" bravia and i compared Hawx/RE5/DMC4 i really havent found any gfx different, what they say in reviews is BS and to be honest very few site are (???? my english dont help me here) neutral?? i believe you got the point.

Blu-Ray 25gb Slingle Layer, 50gb Dual-Layer.

PS3 is more powerful in any aspect but the thing is that Sony lately started to extend the support to 3rd party dev's, and as most of the time Dev's dont bother to upscale games to look better in PS3, cause the time/cost that is needed.
Top titles will sell anyway.

About that
Chaos Master said:
P.S - Just bought an Xbox 360 Arcade, and it is an awesome console. Now I see why people preferred XBox 360 than PS3.
You shouldent say that, this thread is not a console war thread, plz dont start.


New Member
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

Chaos Master;194147 said:
Just bought an Xbox 360 Arcade, and it is an awesome console. Now I see why people preferred XBox 360 than PS3.:)

What a bunch of crap.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam


I'd like to point out that this thread is not to discuss the technological differences between the PS3 and the 360, you wanna do that? Start your own thread, this thread is solely to discuss whether or not you want certain games to be exclusive or multi-platform.

Don't soil what has been a mature discussion, take the fanboy angst elsewhere please. Preferably not somewhere on these boards.


Well-known Member
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

Well timed Mr. Credo.

I'm not really sure where to truly place my footing here, part of me would love all games to be on all formats, but with different media's and mediums being used all over the place I can see why some games are sometimes more restricted, not just because they 'can't match the PS3' or 'cant fit on a 360' but, simply because keeping compatibility and making it simpler requires them to compromise between the two.

The other part of me craves for individuality, after all, why buy a 360 or a PS3 if their library's are identical? I want a Zelda game on a Nintendo console, it wouldn't be the same if it was on the 360 or PS3, same applies for Halo or Uncharted.

I'm kinda waiting for One console to rule them all, One console to find them, One console to bring them all and in the darkness bind them...hey, they sounded pretty good! ...and yet familiar.

I love both consoles, and see merits and flaws in both of them, hence why I always think Flame Wars are pointless -- afterall, the bad guy in a war always depends on who you ask ^^

I guess at the end of the day, if you want to play Halo, buy a 360, if you prefer Uncharted get a PS3, if you're a picky guy like myself who wants EVERYTHING then look for a well paying job >.<

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

Multi-platformed for sure,but with limitations.While i want to see my old games being bundled as ports to newer consoles[ex Ocarina of Time on the DS]I also wish that some games remained exclusive.A great example would be the halo series and the metroid series.

Darkstar Darin

The Badass In Black
Re: Do you want future or any other games to be Exclusive Games or Multi-Platform Gam

its always bugged me that games some games come out 4 one system like RE remakes and the Sonic Adventures on gamecube so i say multi...mor fun dat way
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