Statues (score stylish meter & the fragment is yours)
Rebellion: Mission 3 on the roof. Mission 7 in lift chamber
Cerberus: Mission 5 near the door (Soul of steel is required).Mission 8 after you take Ignis Fatuus
A&R: Mission 6 nearly before end. Mission 11 before riding
Nevan: Mission 10 near the waterfall. Mission 13 go left instead of entering Judgement Lair
Beowulf: Mission 14 blocks the door. Mission 17 hole in the wall
6 blue orbs can be bought in "shop"
Secret missions:
1: mission 3, right from the place of Reb's statue
2: Mission 5, near the lift, scull on the wall
3: mission 7, jump in the hole in the wall
4: mission 8, destroy the obstacles blocking entrance to the bottom of ship
5: mission 9, beyound the waterfall jump up to the cavern
6: mission 10, behind the altar, take Nevan with you
7: mission 11, near the exit from the 1st room jump onbalcony and then AH up
8: mission 13, the red lamp while descending a staircase
9: mission 13, when you take Orihalcon jump left to the hole in wall
10: mission 16, a room with the stone ball. Go right from the place, where you take GS
11: mission 17, jump up in Pitch black corridor and use the glowing statue
12: mission 18, go left from the leg
Mission 3 above the entrance to SM 1
Mission 4, jump up in room where you first met Hell Gluttony
Mission 7, Jump up in Pitch Black corridor
Mission 8, Jump on the ship
Mission 9, jump up near the statue (where is first light puzzle)
Mission 11,where you first meet Soul Eaters. Jump up near the entrance
Mission 14, Hell Road, hard to miss
Mission 15, before taking 3rd orihalcon fragment, turn wheel once, enter the door and go forth until you reach underground arena, jump down
Mission 17, reach the first platform, enter the door, kill enemies, go out from other door.Blue orb is on the lift
Mission 18, kill all bosses