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Do people really mean it when they say they want "something new"?


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
In X-Men people wanted Juggernaut
They got this:

Not this.
A Juggernaut that actually looked like he could fight the Hulk.
Not the X-Men last stand version look like he has a costume from the Flintstones.

People aren't whining even though they get what they want.
They're whining cause what they get is half handed crap.

Juggernaut was supposed to be a giant anyway. So they didn't do some things right, like not regarding animated series or even the comics.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
I think some fans will take new things just fine, as long as its done good.

Good change;

The inFAMOUS series started with Cole, continued with Cole, and ended it with Cole. Cole dies and that's it, he's not gonna come back. So what will they do next? Well obviously, go forward to new characters. Thus we have Deslen, a new guy who's got powers. Only this time, he's actually enjoying his new powers and will do with them what Cole didn't do with them; have a little fun. This is a new thing that fans saw and fans like characters who can have a little fun. So, inFAMOUS second son is now being anticipated happily.

bad change;

Now I like DmC and will play it all day long, but even I know this change was for the bad. DMC wasn't a series that really needed to be rebooted, but rather touched on and be made better with story, character, and gameplay. But because of DMC4 bringing in a new character instead of Dante, fans were mad. Now all would've been forgiven if Nero was actually a good character, but Capcom got complaints of Nero being a whining guy who kept crying and wasn't as cool as Dante. So Capcom decided that it needed a new image; rebooting. So now there's Dante with black hair and middle fingers away.

This was not a good change. It was a reboot, but it was also a big change from the over the top anime feel of DMC3 and DMC4.

Good point. All in a good reason for me to believe this franchise is never a series to begin with!


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
But fans can be so stupid when it comes to what they like.

Batman is the best example I can think of.

Batman Begins;


years later, sees Ben Afflick play Batman;


And let's not forget Ledger and the Joker hate.


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
But fans can be so stupid when it comes to what they like.

Batman is the best example I can think of.

Batman Begins;


years later, sees Ben Afflick play Batman;


And let's not forget Ledger and the Joker hate.

I kinda liked Ledger's Joker's question "Why so serious?"


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Batman begins i didn't care much for.
I thought the Joker was weak & average, trying to hard to be psychotic & resulted in predictable thug.
The Batman suit i liked because it was pure black but i didn't care for the mask having material made of porcelain.
TwoFace was awesome. Best TwoFace i've seen.

Ben Affleck playing Batman is as great as Nicolas Cage playing Superman.

I think you're the first person I've met who didn't Like Ledger's joker.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Now here's where a real psychotic Joker would've come in.
A real psychotic Joker would've blown up the ferry left, looked Batman in the eyes while laughing & said there's no happy endings in Gotham city.

That's a real psychotic Joker.

But if he did that, what would it have accomplished? All that would mean was that the Joker had no real reason to do it. I always remembered the Joker always having a deep meaning for why he does what he does. The reason he did what he did in the dark Knight was to not only prove that Batman was only human, but to also prove that humanity was a blood thirsty species and when pushed to the edge, they will kill each other. He wanted to prove that to batman and slowly break his will to continue protecting the city, but the Joker's plan back-fired on him.

blowing up the ferry would've just made him nothing but any other psychopath terrorist who had no uniqueness to himself, while also defeating the purpose for this test he put the two ferries through.


Keyser Söze
Well the plane crash did from afterlife. The plane crash nose first directly into a mountain, Alice flies head first to the cockpit as it hits the mountain. And she walks out of the burning wreckage with little injury.
LOL reminds me of playing RE6.. leon survives like 10 times crashing.. 1 helicopter crash,2 car crashes,2 plane crashes.

I seriously wish i was making that up :/
Batman begins i didn't care much for.
IMO i still think its the best movie in the trilogy.. it just had something special to it.
I thought the Joker was weak & average, trying to hard to be psychotic & resulted in predictable thug.
He was actually a very awesome joker even mark hamill appreciates him
he nailed the joker IMO

And this >
Best Live action joker IMO i don't think its easy to top this.
Ben Affleck playing Batman is as great as Nicolas Cage playing Superman.
Oh come on don't jump on the bandwagon ! we all know Bale sucks as batman with his throat cancer voice.:D

I still remember this >


Keyser Söze
Yea i lost interest in the ResidentEvil games after 5, 6 wasn't even a thought for me. The movies , Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Resident Evil: Extinction, Resident Evil: Afterlife, Resident Evil: Retribution, should be given away free with a purchase of any movies that are better. Or sold in a bundle for $2.50
lmao 2.50$ XD I think best movie was the one which wasn't directed by paul W.S andreson.
The entire trilogy looks good
IMO TDKR was terrible too many drastic character changes which were unbelievable like alfred leaving bruce,batman surviving a bomb in a cliched scene.. i mean seirously i think the movie would've been wayy better if he died in the end and this was just stupid >

Seriously a BATSTATUE ?? that's just retarded ! not to mention an awfully sappy ending to a gritty trilogy that was just lame.

>3. That's mark hamill not me.
Yeah and that guy has played joker for half of his life if anyone knows better about joker its mark hamill

>4. I'm not jumping on any bandwagon i just think Ben Affleck is a poor choice for Batman.
Why ? you have seen his movies ? is he an emotionless terrible actor ? i haven't seen many of his movies and i have no biases against him whatsoever.
>I'm wondering are you for Ben Affleck as Batman just because you're getting another Batman movie?
I'm just not a fan of throat cancer batman i'll take anything over that


Keyser Söze
Which one was that because all except the first ResidentEvil movie was bad.
Actually the second one.. but that still sucked anyway.. its just a mindless action movie mostly a waste of human resources.
3. Still don't give a flying fig what mark hamill likes or not likes.
He is The Joker.. he's the best portrayal of joker in any form or media if he think heath's joker is good then its reputable..
4. Yes i've seen Ben Affleck's movies but that doesn't make me think his right to play Batman.
Well he's an actor... right ?
There you go.
Screw the right cast, you just want another Batman movie.
Sorry but i rather they put effort into building a great cast suitable to each part, not building a cast of big stars just to fill a role.
I think i gave you the wrong impression i meant to say that this batman is going to be different and its interesting to see what they're going for.

and besides it isn't another batman movie its a a Man of Steel sequel i just want to see a new live action batman because another batman or batman spin-off movie would likely not come before like 3 years or so.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
That's what i liked about Superman's suit, his ma made it. It was something of his mother's love & home he always had with him.
i never really liked that about the suit. not even donner liked that about the suit. and a lot of fans complained after analyzing the movie that the suit was kryptonian. it and the fortress are the last little "teddy bears" he has from krypton

WonderWoman's new look to she looked like a sidekick in training.


this is boss. its classy, sleek, "divine" :shifty:, and helps her maintain sexy look while still being presentable
or this because it feels like an actual greek warrior's attire

you can be sexy and awesome without wearing princess leia's metal bikini


Keyser Söze
I disliked ResidentEvil 2 because he was in it
To me ResidentEvil 2 wasn't all that great & Mike Epps made it worse.
Well he was there to die anyway >_> and besides it had jill and the hilarious nemesis fight scene XD that alone makes it the best movie in the series for me.

>Really really really really really don't care what mark hamill thought.
Whatever you say he's the best joker.. you can't deny that.
> I'm sick of idjit directors & their idjit views on already built storylines, THE LAST AIRBENDER!
Oh come on you're comparing this to that piece of garbage now ?

>The Man Of Steel/Batman seems out of desperation to cash in & i won't pay to see it.
Still i won't judge it before i watch it >_> its going to be better than green lantern and that's for sure :D


Keyser Söze
OMG Jill was so freaking ridiculous. Talk about poorly written, obnoxious version.......like WOW!
Eh.. she still was better
written than this :-

i'd take the apocalypse movie jill over RE5/revelations jill anyday.

And honestly none of the movies have a coherent story... so why even bother ? i just enjoyed the fan service my only serious gripe with the movie is that they couldn't get Nemesis's "S.T.A.R.S" right..

>2. Best Joker voice yea, but for Jack Nicholson was the best live action Joker.
I respectfully disagree Heath ledger kills jack nicholson as the live action joker both in acting&character faithfulness.
>3. Yup, the moment Ben Affleck was picked to play Batman it falls in with The Last AirBender.
Even though Ben affleck is a successful director and has 3 Oscars ? you seriously need to justify your reasons of calling ben afflecks as illegible.

>4. I'd rather sit through the green hornet twice before i pay to see it.
Meh it has a new batman and i'm going to rent the dvd at least >_>
>By encouraging bad casting choices,
Again why is ben affleck a "bad" casting choice ?
>Makes methink the South Park Raising The bar episode really fits this thread.
I just enjoy things for what they are instead of being disappointed on what they aren't.


Is not rat, is hamster
I still think Jack Nicholson was best as the Joker - but that's because I think the guy is genuinely a little unhinged in real life :lol:

As for Ben Affleck as the new Batman...well, I think I shall reserve judgment until I see it. I can't work out how he's going to nail the part but we have had many varied incarnations of this character from camp to dark and I think it will be interesting to see what he does with it.

Kind of like with Hulk - I didn't think much of Eric Bana's role but I did like Ed Norton. But then I saw whatever-his-name-is from Avengers Assemble and I thought he was great. I'm just open to seeing what something is like before I tear it to pieces...you never know, Ben Affleck might do a great job as being Batman. I can't see it myself yet...but I'm open to the possibility at least.


Is not rat, is hamster
VampireWicked said:
6. That's fine.
Being open to possibilities is great but supporting hollywood stupidity, wrong casting choices, poorly written characters, & idiotic director ideas leads to getting more of just that. Hollywood stupidity.
If i don't fine something appealing with no redeeming quality, then why spend & support it just for the sake of being open to possibilities.
You're coming off as a wee bit defensive now - I should hope you are aware that I am speaking only for myself and not with the intention of changing anyone else's views. What you see as stupidity is not necessarily what others see and vice versa. Nothing wrong with either view.


Keyser Söze
From first appearance on screen, she came off as cheesy. She spoke & it sounded like she grabbed the wrong script.
I seriously have no clue what you're talking about she clearly wasn't as bad RE5's jill and weren't RE games always kinda cheesy ?? "I'll give you STARS !" lol
>4. Nicolas Cage has Academy Awards, a Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award. So does that mean he'll be a great Superman ?
Well he isn't the type of actor for Superman.. Nicholas cage is always dull and morbid on his dialog delivery whereas ben affleck is charismatic and all round good actor who can play both bruce wayne&Batman.


Keyser Söze
Yea she was far to cheesy & cliché because every stars member starts off as the over the top action hero or heroine that fully understands the situation instead of the inexperienced rookies & veteran Stars members they were.​
Well i'm pretty sure she was based off RE3 jill and she was an experienced STARS member in that game.​
And yea the game was cheesy but considering ResidentEvil3 was made when games were games & not attempts at being movies, the cheesiness is excusable.
Now that doesn't make any sense if the source material is cheesy&cliched why should movie pretend like it isn't ?​


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
Batman begins i didn't care much for.
I thought the Joker was weak & average, trying to hard to be psychotic & resulted in predictable thug.
The Batman suit i liked because it was pure black but i didn't care for the mask having material made of porcelain.
TwoFace was awesome. Best TwoFace i've seen.

Ben Affleck playing Batman is as great as Nicolas Cage playing Superman.

the suit in the dark knight was ok. i would just like a bit more gray on the suit sorta like the smallville version of batman.
i think joker in film hasn't been perfected yet and that ledger was poking at what i wanted but didn't quit get it. two face was great but i didn't like how he was killed off. great character with great potential.
and to be fair, we don't know what cage's superman would have been like. believe it or not, there was a time when he was actually a respected actor. lol, jk. he CAN act. its just sometimes he doesn't put his heart into a lot of projects. but when he does like in kick-ass, he's a beast. cage is a huge superman fan (ask his youngest son), and i believe that he would have acted his heart out in that movie and made some of those cheesy lines kinda cool


Keyser Söze
1. I think Jill starting in the first ResidentEvil & ResidentEvil 3 was a bit more timid.
No jill in RE3 wasn't timid she was experienced and most of the time knew what to do.
Not weak afraid of everything but more nice polite, aggressiveness wasn't her style unless really pushed.
She wasn't aggressive in the movie either she was pretty much like RE3's jill more or less.
So it doesn't make sense for a director of today with current writing teams & up-to-date technology to make cliché & cheesy movies off games that weren't really intended to be cliché & cheesy.
That's just bad hollywood movie making.
ITS LIKE OBVIOUS ! its a video game adaptation and a cheap summer action flick !

What good is there to expect ? LOL its like expecting oranges to fall off from an apple tree i don't know of any good video game movies.

I was just happy to see jill from RE3.

I'm just like this guy >


Keyser Söze
Wait.. did you just repeat your last post ?? :blink: i clearly stated that this is video game adaptation + a cheap summer flick.. complaining here is pointless and having prerequisites for these movies is downright stupid.

Just enjoy these movies for what they are.. cheap video game adaptations they're never going to get any better.
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