DMC5 Bad Review *SPOILERS*

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Well-known Member
Jun 8, 2012
Ayyyy been waiting for this! These guys go to town on DMC5. I'm kind of at the point where I forgot all the nit picky things that bothered me, just because it's been normalized by now. But there's a lot of opinions in this review that I was waiting for SOMEONE to say. Thoughts? Long as **** video but I laughed at how spot on most of it was.

Also, not trying to start **** or make anyone mad. Just interested in hearing what you guys have to say!

Skipped all the story talk cause it doesn't interest me.

IMO this guy sure has problems being consistent with himself. First he says that the levels are samey, only to then claim the "scenery changes every level" when saying the game is catered to a more casual audience. Speaking of which, first he says that, and then that the game is made so that only the hardcore fans would stick around to replay it on multiple difficulties (which is a duh, but anyway).
Just make up your mind man, overall he gives the vibes of someone who changes his arguments to fit the current train of thought he's going through, even if that means contradicting himself.

He also criticizes the fact that the game has you switch characters too often so you can't get good at them but that's a non issue since the Void exists. Something I don't even think he mentions at all.
He goes ahead to try to sell us on the idea that the game rethreads the reboot's ideas (fighting Vergil, unlocking a DT form, the family picture...), a game that he also hates, surely as a way to justify his dislike for DMC5, but forgetting that those things were always in the past games before DmC. Reminds me of that criticism I've seen people give him in regards to his previous videos where he said that DMC5 Nero's moves were taken from the reboot, when DmC Dante's moves were already inspired by DMC4 Nero in the first place.
Although, agreed on that DMC5 is way too generous with gold orbs and that that bring down the difficulty (as far as just beating the game goes) a lot.

I dunno man, this review (or at least the part treating the stuff I'm interested in) was kind of all over the place. I imagine he blasted the story too, and if that's the case, while I didn't mind it myself, and got the job done for me, I can't disagree that some criticism is deserved. Some parts of it are a WTF and the ending is pretty weak. Some characters are wasted and underutilized too.

Yeah overall I think this dude's videos for the most part reek of ignorance and/or poor research, with a few good points sprinkled in here and there. And this particular video is no exception.
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Oh no, this guy again? It's the same guy who did the "Already Sucks" video. I swear, either he just can't let it go, or he's doing this for attention
Oh no, this guy again? It's the same guy who did the "Already Sucks" video. I swear, either he just can't let it go, or he's doing this for attention
Let it go? This is exactly what he said he was going to do. I'm pretty sure he said it was going to happen at the end of the last video. I'm just surprised it took this long. Besides, nothing he says is something that would qualify as trolling or lies; he believes what he says and that is his genuine opinion.
@berto Before DMC5 came out, he did that "Already Sucks" video, and frankly his points for thinking so were cringy and imo made no sense.
After that video got ripped a new one by practically everybody. He followed it up with 2 more vids now, with more of the same. me now, that screams "Can't let it go"
@AgentRedgrave He did a follow up to his original and this one. Not sure that's as obsessive as all that. It's not like this one was something did out of nowhere, either, his second one was basically a response to the comments on the first one and to let people know that the one he just released was still coming. I'd find it more telling if he didn't release a video he said he was going to release after all the commotion the first one caused.

Also, the fact is, this is the most civilized way to express their discontent with the game. It's not malicious, it's not rage propelled rant that is nothing but bitching for almost an hour and it's not inarticulate screeching. They present their statements, speak their minds and show examples from the material to back those statements up and show when and where these things these things he's talking about happen. It's articulate and it's well put together; it's even divided by sections. That shows more thought than someone just nagging for half an hour about how much they hate something. Those are the ones I tune out, immediately. Those are the ones I cringe at and hold no validity towards.

Anyway, I happen to agree with him on this video and, what's more, I agree with this one much more than the first one. I found that one rather pessimistic and a bit over reaching regarding the developer's mentality and feelings over the whole thing. This, though, I agree, almost full heartedly. In fact, I'm going to have to scrower the video for the parts I am in disagreement with. I'm also glad I'm not alone in this. For the last few months it has been forbidden for people to dislike or say anything bad about this game.

I kid you not, I mentioned elsewhere that I didn't like Dante's coat and general look in 5, that he looked too old despite his actual age and that he looked like he'd been living on the streets for the last year, and before long people were telling me to die, and I don't mean that general 'kill yourself' response that has replaced greetings on the internet. These people were enraged with me and wished nothing but bad things upon me and that was not an isolated incident. Saying bad things about 5 has turned into what DmC support was at the peak of that game's story.
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@berto I have nothing against you, or people just for disliking DMC5. It's replaced DMC3 as my favorite, but I'll admit to some flaws. That's not the point.

From my point of view, he made that awful, and as you pointed out "pessimistic" first video (Not to mention inaccurate. Calling Bayonetta an Indie game? Saying Platinum Games made DMC1? Trying to say Itsuno didn't even want to make it despite both Itsuno and Reuben Langdon giving statements that contradicted that) and it left a bad taste in my mouth. In my view, the videos he's done since have been nothing but an attempt to justify the first. I'm sorry, but that's how I view it, and nothing's gonna change my mind on this guy.

That's not my opinion on anyone who dislikes DMC5, just my opinion of this one guy.
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I have nothing against you, or people just for disliking DMC5.
Oh, no one here has done anything like that. I wasn't talking about this place. If anyone had said anything like that to any member here I would've brought down a divine wrath upon their "heads" so hard they'd be sneezing shoe laces for a month.

Anyway, I don't remember him saying that P* made DMC1, just that RE2 and DMC were the two major releases for Capcom this year and that they were both, in some fashion or another, things that originated from Kamiya. As for the whole Bayonetta being indie, which is the one thing everyone seems to have sharpen their pitchforks for, that's just an opinion on classification of how independent slash small studios' productions should be viewed. No one has to agree with that and yet I have seen a lot of angry responses about that specific thing. Seems rather trivial to me and not something to, shall we say, disqualify the video over.

I do agree that his views on Itsuno aren't accurate. Itsuno has never struck me as an outgoing kind of guy. Kamiya certainly is, I was at a P* event many a years ago and he is certainly not shy. itsuno, though, doesn't strike me as such. I think he's confusing general subdued personality with disinterest. The fact that he wanted to make DmC2 doesn't mean he wasn't passionate about DMC5. Yeah, he compensated by adding DmC into the mix but not because he wished he was doing something else but because this was (and this is just me venturing a guess) both his way of not leaving out the DmC fans and putting those DmC concepts he wanted to put into action somewhere. He could be right, I won't dismiss the possibility, but I in my opinion he is completely misreading the man.

PS: Don't apologize. You weren't doing anything wrong or being rude. We can disagree without it being confrontational.
Ayyyy been waiting for this! These guys go to town on DMC5. I'm kind of at the point where I forgot all the nit picky things that bothered me, just because it's been normalized by now. But there's a lot of opinions in this review that I was waiting for SOMEONE to say. Thoughts? Long as **** video but I laughed at how spot on most of it was.

Also, not trying to start **** or make anyone mad. Just interested in hearing what you guys have to say!

V's his favorite so thumbs up dude.

So the video is 90% about his dissapointment with the story. The last ten is him gushing over the gameplay.

He had a lot of ideas for a potential DMC5 and they are interesting on their own. I enjoyed what we got more than he did but i tried to go in with low expectations. I actually felt 5 was stronger than 4 or anime. Its in the top 3 for my DMC story ranking.

I actually felt like the game did alot of things i would have preferred we gotten aspects of it sooner. So better late than never i guess.

V & Nico are good additions to the cast.

Nico is an acquired taste but she's a step up from Kyrie, Patty, and Morrison. Ironically DOA6 has a character also named Nico with a different life track so i thought it was funny.

V's the MVP of the game. He's more of what a new character should be than Nero was in 4. I was optimistic about him and he held up till the whole Vergil's humanity nonsense.

Oh well there's always fanfiction ;).

I actually don't mind Vergil's presence in the game. I just don't think it earns the semtiment it was going for. I would have preferred Vergil being there from the start, actively trying to earn a redemption and failing alomg the way. The whole V twist felt insincere and works against it in my eyes.

Nero starts as an insufferable tryhard but becomes likable in the later half. He's fun but because 4 had him feel bland and uninspired i dont think i ever saw him as more than just "discount dante with the bad parts of Bleach". So im not interested in him taking the reigns.

Trish and Lady were used poorly but thats mostly par the course so I wasn't bothered. They suffer from the law of diminishing returns. Lady's best moments were in 3. Trish never came together as a character so im hoping the reboot has better luck (RIP DmC).

Dante had some of his best material. The series never figured out how to use him post DMC1. This is actually him at his best to me.When he's in everything else he felt like wallpaper and interchangeable. He too is an acquired taste so I'm hoping for some new blood post DMC5.

V being Vergil reminds me of TGS10 Dante so its funny they made it work. Maybe TGS10 Dante could have been a contender if we gave him a shot? Just wishful thinking.

I don't feel itsuno or bingo hates Dante but is more confused by him. He's a character they inherited which comes with its own learning curve. In the artbook Bingo noted that 3 became a prequel because he wanted to figure him out and thought it was easier to do so via a prequel. So his affinity for Nero comes from Bingo creating him. He probably feels like he has a better grasp on him.

Im paraphrasing or misremembering what they said but you get my point.
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