Ayyyy been waiting for this! These guys go to town on DMC5. I'm kind of at the point where I forgot all the nit picky things that bothered me, just because it's been normalized by now. But there's a lot of opinions in this review that I was waiting for SOMEONE to say. Thoughts? Long as **** video but I laughed at how spot on most of it was.
Also, not trying to start **** or make anyone mad. Just interested in hearing what you guys have to say!
V's his favorite so thumbs up dude.
So the video is 90% about his dissapointment with the story. The last ten is him gushing over the gameplay.
He had a lot of ideas for a potential DMC5 and they are interesting on their own. I enjoyed what we got more than he did but i tried to go in with low expectations. I actually felt 5 was stronger than 4 or anime. Its in the top 3 for my DMC story ranking.
I actually felt like the game did alot of things i would have preferred we gotten aspects of it sooner. So better late than never i guess.
V & Nico are good additions to the cast.
Nico is an acquired taste but she's a step up from Kyrie, Patty, and Morrison. Ironically DOA6 has a character also named Nico with a different life track so i thought it was funny.
V's the MVP of the game. He's more of what a new character should be than Nero was in 4. I was optimistic about him and he held up till the whole Vergil's humanity nonsense.
Oh well there's always fanfiction

I actually don't mind Vergil's presence in the game. I just don't think it earns the semtiment it was going for. I would have preferred Vergil being there from the start, actively trying to earn a redemption and failing alomg the way. The whole V twist felt insincere and works against it in my eyes.
Nero starts as an insufferable tryhard but becomes likable in the later half. He's fun but because 4 had him feel bland and uninspired i dont think i ever saw him as more than just "discount dante with the bad parts of Bleach". So im not interested in him taking the reigns.
Trish and Lady were used poorly but thats mostly par the course so I wasn't bothered. They suffer from the law of diminishing returns. Lady's best moments were in 3. Trish never came together as a character so im hoping the reboot has better luck (RIP DmC).
Dante had some of his best material. The series never figured out how to use him post DMC1. This is actually him at his best to me.When he's in everything else he felt like wallpaper and interchangeable. He too is an acquired taste so I'm hoping for some new blood post DMC5.
V being Vergil reminds me of TGS10 Dante so its funny they made it work. Maybe TGS10 Dante could have been a contender if we gave him a shot? Just wishful thinking.
I don't feel itsuno or bingo hates Dante but is more confused by him. He's a character they inherited which comes with its own learning curve. In the artbook Bingo noted that 3 became a prequel because he wanted to figure him out and thought it was easier to do so via a prequel. So his affinity for Nero comes from Bingo creating him. He probably feels like he has a better grasp on him.
Im paraphrasing or misremembering what they said but you get my point.