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DMC4 contradicts DMC3 !!!!!!!!!!!


dio del sesso
ive noticed something from the two games, in dmc3, which is about 10 years, give or take a few, before dmc4, vergil had yamato, and that was his sword, but according to (santus, agnus and dante), sparda used yamato to seal the TRUE hellgate, how can this be, sparda hasnt been around since they were born, so how can he have sealed this, and yet, vergil still has it??? i know this sounds confusing, but think, if we go by what both games say,then there has to be two yamato

sparda seals the hellgate between both worlds with yamato
many years later, sparda fathers two sons
vergil (possesing yamato) opens the gate too another the underworld via temin-ni-gri or whatever it is
santus removes the yamato from the seal

can you see my theory???
capcom messed up lol

but still amazing games

write what you think


New Member
Are you even using the logic?

Sparda had Yamato 2000 years ago. Vergil got Yamato as a memento from his father.

The Dark Knight Sparda sealed the True Hell Gate 2000 years ago, a short time after sealing the Temen-ni-gru.


LoD Come Back!!!
maybe he was blind and missed it?...i'm taslking bout deadlystrike...maybe with his logic, there's two.....i can understand it...the two look slightly different...but that's the fact that the ribbon is gone and grahpics change over time....but that doesn't explain how the order got the sword...that's wat confused me...


Luce & Ombra
The only time DMC4 even mentions anything remotely resembling a reasoning for the order having the sword is when Trish, Dante, and Lady are talking about how the order is collecting devil arms.


New Member
The Order got the Yamato but broken as you can see in Mission 7.

Also, Agnus made the Bianco and Alto Angelo with Nelo Angelo's remaining armor pieces. The problem is that It's never stated where they got them from.


Dodge this!!!
Yeah, I always got confused as how the Yamato got back to the human world, when in DMC3 there's the extra cut-scene showing Vergil in Hell going to fight Mundus with it


Well-known Member
technically, didn't Nelo Angelo have the yamato in DMC1? (way after dmc3) I'm guessing the Yamato DTs into Nelo's sword (if we go by DMC3's super corrupt vergil idea...correct me if i'm wrong) I'm guessing sometime after Dante defeated him in DMC1 and Nelo got 'banished' (assuming he didn't die), the broken yamato turned up somewhere?

THis is only assuming that SCV's yamato turning into nelo's sword at DT is somehow canonical ^_^

in this case, it would go that vergil didn't lose the yamato until the end of dmc1 ^_^


New Member
DMC4 doesn't contradict DMC3 at all, that's something to be made obvious.

Vergil didn't lose the Yamato, but It was all the time, his Zweihander.


I doubt the Yamato was NA's sword. Agnus clearly said he came across "a powerful DA" from entering the Devil Realm and some other crap about it dealing with the real Hell Gate. But NA died/unknown in Mallete Town in the human world. This could be a plot error or something else but w/e...


Sparda™;153762 said:
Sparda had Yamato 2000 years ago. Vergil got Yamato as a memento from his father.

Hold up, No one knows when Sparda obtained the Yamato or the Rebellion. Why do people tend to make stuff up?


New Member
Zato-OW;163467 said:
Hold up, No one knows when Sparda obtained the Yamato or the Rebellion. Why do people tend to make stuff up?

None is making stuff up. Just stating It from the facts.

The legend in Fortuna tells of Sparda sealing the 'True Hell Gate' with Yamato.

Even in the game library, It tells Yamato's ability to cut through everything is the key to open and destroy the Hell Gates.


That doesn't mean he had it 2000 years ago. What Sanctus was talking about was when Sparda first ventured to the human world after his final fight against Mundus against Mundus. Not when he sealed the true HellGate. So with that said no one knows how long Sparda had the Yamato because it doesn't even state where the sword originated from or when Sparda obtained it.


New Member
Zato-OW;163521 said:
That doesn't mean he had it 2000 years ago. What Sanctus was talking about was when Sparda first ventured to the human world after his final fight against Mundus against Mundus. Not when he sealed the true HellGate. So with that said no one knows how long Sparda had the Yamato because it doesn't even state where the sword originated from or when Sparda obtained it.

It's true we don't know its origins, but the True Hell Gate was sealed 2000 years ago, thus Sparda had Yamato since then.


Ive looked everywhere in DMC4 and it never states when he sealed the HellGate. All it states is that he used the Yamato to seal the HellGate during his time in Fortuna. Where do you get this?????? Oh Btw nice signature man.
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