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DMC4 Combo Video - Paradigm Shift by Taka


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
couldn't see this one (GEMA - GERMANY) but he has so much awesome combos from DMC4 in his/her channel. Awesome :D


Well-known Member


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
just saw it an omg i though i was a master but i gueas you can learn more , now i am interested to see what sam d has to say about it especially the speed and air movement and use of space,

i am sorry but nothing i see in DmC can match or top that no matter what speed it is put on


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
My eyes can't keep up whenever I see Lucifer being used in combo videos, the same with firestorm. The moves are just too awesome for me.


Well-known Member
just saw it an omg i though i was a master but i gueas you can learn more , now i am interested to see what sam d has to say about it especially the speed and air movement and use of space,

i am sorry but nothing i see in DmC can match or top that no matter what speed it is put on

I'm gonna be extremely blunt about the people who continuously think that DmC is superior in terms depth and technical skill.

To be quite honest about it, those who say this are people who never actually played DMC4 at an extreme technical level or wasn't even bothered to do research about DMC4. So quite often, I always hear people claim that DMC4 is inferior with it's combat system. Even when evidence is shown, some counteract by posting gameplay videos of DmC that are good but lack showcase of deep mechanics. And some people actually tend to get mad whenever someone brings up a comparison between DmC and DMC4 because they think it's hurting DmC reputation. (when it's honestly normal to compare the two games) Hell, even DMC3 and DMC4 was compared extensively when DMC4 was released. And that sad thing about this is that DMC4 having more combat depth/technical skill required than DmC isn't an opinion. It's...actually true.

No actual debate happens from comparing the two games. It usually goes back and forth between opinions and facts until a mod shows up. lol That's why I can't argue with anyone who prefers DmC over DMC4 since it usually results in calling me a "hater" or people flat out ignore my points.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Ya i hear you on that dude, i gave up trying to get points accross before as it gets taken the wrong way. Now i explain in detail everytime i make a statement that it is not a bad reflection on DmC which is a good game , it is simply that i find DMC4 combat to be superior in the hands of people who mastered it and put the time in like me. I like DmC a lot and enjoyed it a lot ,but it didn't and still doesn't draw me into wanting to put stupid amounts of time into kearning
it all like i did with DMC3 and DMC4.That is simply because i don't feel the extremity of the challenge is there ,so i would get no reward for my efforts in my opinion.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
So, this has been something that I always notice but forget to actually ask - I can understand for a few moves like Stinger and Kick 13, but otherwise what's the point of DTing? Is it just an aesthetic thing, or is there some perks inferred that I never knew about...?


Well-known Member
So, this has been something that I always notice but forget to actually ask - I can understand for a few moves like Stinger and Kick 13, but otherwise what's the point of DTing? Is it just an aesthetic thing, or is there some perks inferred that I never knew about...?

DTing for Dante gives him a few attributes actually. The main reason why players use D.T.'d Dante a lot is because of his speed. Some setups won't work simply because normal Dante is too slow.

Plus he gains an extra Air trick, Air hike, Skystar, and automatic charged shots for guns (crucial for Frosts and Alto/Bianco Angelos. He becomes slightly more versatile because of that, and he gains a speed boost as well. That alone adds a lot towards his combo game.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
it adds moves to kick 13 as you said but mostly it is the double teleport and triple skystar with trickster it is used for especially with inertia and guard flying mixed in


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Plus he gains an extra Air trick, Air hike, Skystar

Oooooooooooh that's right, that slipped my mind. Oddly enough, I also questioned how he JC'd Jealousy twice, and chalked it up to a different cancel wasn't paying attention to >.<


Well-known Member
I'm gonna be extremely blunt about the people who continuously think that DmC is superior in terms depth and technical skill.

To be quite honest about it, those who say this are people who never actually played DMC4 at an extreme technical level or wasn't even bothered to do research about DMC4. So quite often, I always hear people claim that DMC4 is inferior with it's combat system. Even when evidence is shown, some counteract by posting gameplay videos of DmC that are good but lack showcase of deep mechanics. And some people actually tend to get mad whenever someone brings up a comparison between DmC and DMC4 because they think it's hurting DmC reputation. (when it's honestly normal to compare the two games) Hell, even DMC3 and DMC4 was compared extensively when DMC4 was released. And that sad thing about this is that DMC4 having more combat depth/technical skill required than DmC isn't an opinion. It's...actually true.

No actual debate happens from comparing the two games. It usually goes back and forth between opinions and facts until a mod shows up. lol That's why I can't argue with anyone who prefers DmC over DMC4 since it usually results in calling me a "hater" or people flat out ignore my points.
Although DmC is catching up.
This is plainly seen by the fact that my list of mechanics for it is now obsolete.


Well-known Member
Although DmC is catching up.
This is plainly seen by the fact that my list of mechanics for it is now obsolete.

TBH, the mechanics that DmC has so far do not do much when it comes to gameplay. Some of these mechanics include stuff from previous DMCs that are kinda watered down (gun charge cancelling). Because of how JCing works in DmC and how it resets enemies velocities, no matter what attack you use before you JC it, it makes the game that much shallow since most moves lose their unique knockback properties when you JC them. DMC4 mechanics allow for you to a lot of things (such as the Lucifer ecstasy glitch)

The main thing I see going for DmC are charged shots setups and kablooey setups. Sorta like how DMC4 is now revolving around Lucifer Pin setups and Flying Guard. However Lucifer is much more versatile when it comes to combos and flying guard drastically increases Dante's mobility. Aside from what DmC has though, I don't see it catching up to DMC4 anytime soon. (or at least come close to catching up at all)


Well-known Member
TBH, the mechanics that DmC has so far do not do much when it comes to gameplay. Some of these mechanics include stuff from previous DMCs that are kinda watered down (gun charge cancelling). Because of how JCing works in DmC and how it resets enemies velocities, no matter what attack you use before you JC it, it makes the game that much shallow since most moves lose their unique knockback properties when you JC them. DMC4 mechanics allow for you to a lot of things (such as the Lucifer ecstasy glitch)

The main thing I see going for DmC are charged shots setups and kablooey setups. Sorta like how DMC4 is now revolving around Lucifer Pin setups and Flying Guard. However Lucifer is much more versatile when it comes to combos and flying guard drastically increases Dante's mobility. Aside from what DmC has though, I don't see it catching up to DMC4 anytime soon. (or at least come close to catching up at all)
Eh, I don't think the really advanced players care about difficulty anymore.
If they did they would have left the series by the third entry.

And I don't expect DmC to catch up soon, it DMC4 years to get where it is now after all.
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