DMC3 in stereoscopic 3D

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Well-known Member
Feb 10, 2015
So I captured this 3D medley with Pcsx2 + Gsdx sterescopic plugin.

Thought I might share it here and there.

I can't post the link because I'm not allowed to, so just search for "3D Stereoscopic Devil May Cry 3" on youtube, and it'll be there (uploader: innuendo88).

Sorry, no sound, only music. It was impossible to capture audio, as pcsx2's built in recorder doesn't work with the stereoscopic plugin. I had to capture everything at a crawling speed via Fraps, and piece the frames together manually afterwards.
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So I can't do the usual cross-eyed thing to view it horizontally, but I managed to look at it sideways and get a general idea for how it would look. What hardware do you use to view it in 3D while playing?
Core i7 920 @ 4ghz (overclocked to)
6 gb ram
gtx 460 1gb

It plays at full speed with the setting of 3x native resolution with my set, with a bit stronger gpu it would do fine with 4x too.

Latest automated pcsx2 revision builds: (remove two spaces from the link)
buildbot. t/pcsx2/

stereoscopic grpashics plugin: (remove two spaces from the link)
dl. m/u/13765794/GSdx32-SSE43d.dll

Make sure to use NO "EE Cycle rate" and "VU Cyclerate" speedhacks, but enable all the other ones (like MTVU multi-threading).

As for gsdx (graphics plugin), use dx11 hardware mode (dx9 won't work in stereo 3D), set interlacing to bob tff. Do not set a custom resolution use the option for 3x native or 4x native, depending on your gpu power. (Please keep in mind that rendering resolution is not the only thing bottlenecking the performance of pcsx2, so after a certain point, lowering the resolution will not increase your performance. The emulation of the vector units is very cpu dependant, not gpu.)

Enable texture filtering (full tick), and also enable "enable HW hacks". Click Configure beside it, and enable Half-pixel Offset, or you will get some really bad misalignment of post processing effects (wich are completely missing from the PC version).

For the sound plugin, I recommend Async Mix (under Synchronization mode). and linear interpolation + disable effects processing.

The stereoscopic settings can be changed in-game with hotkeys.
The inital settings are not good for dmc3, it is completely flat, so you will have to change them.

Some text at the top of the screen appears for a few seconds indicating the current stereo settings.

You have to press numpad+ to get the "W" value to 4360 (yes it takes a lot of presses...) and use Ctrl + Shift + numpad+ (or numpad-) to change the "L" value to 46.
Use numpad * to change the 3d display method. I recommend top and bottom mode since the vertical resolution of the game is lower anyway because of the interlaced rendering mode of dmc3.

'*' : Change DisplayMode
Normal :Single
TopBottom :Top And Bottom (Best)
BottomTop :Reverse of TopBottom
LeftRight :Side by Side
RightLeft :Reverse of LeftRight
Interlace :Horizontal Interleave
InterlaceR :Reverse of Interlace
RedCyan :Red and Cyan
RedCyanR :Reverse of RedCyan
Shift+'*' : Change DisplayMode as reverse order

'+' : Increase separation (+10)
'-' : Decrease separation (-10)

Shift+ '+' : convergence (+10)
Shift+ '-' : convergence (-10)
Ctrl + Shift + '+' : convergence +1
Ctrl + Shift + '-' : convergence -1

Also I like to close explorer in task manager to pour all the resources of my machine into pcsx2. You get a blank screen but you can use ctrl + shift + Esc to open tas manager and start pcsx2 from there.
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Ah, thanks for the detailed info. I actually had been playing Devil May Cry 3 in PCSX2 on Linux which gives a pretty decent performance boost given how few resources it takes up on its own. Even still, my performance was similar between x3 and x4. Custom Resolution never quite worked for me in this game, anyway. For now, I've been playing the PC version with supersampling, and it has a much less hazy image than in PCSX2 (it has something to do with DMC 3's custom rendering, no doubt).

But yeah, as useful as that information was, I actually meant what hardware do you use as in what 3D glasses/headwear do you use to actually view it in 3D?
Oh... A passive 3d TV. Lg 49ub850v.
The best mode to use with it would be line interleaved, as that matches the tv's output mode and wouldnt require any processing. But i dont have a 4k capable gpu yet so i use 1080p top-bottom and the tv converts it to line interleaved.
Ah, yeah, I don't mind interleaved since the effect would well be worth the degradation. It is amusing how we have video cards that can do amazing things on a certain amount of pixels, but the throughput ends up being the bottleneck when you want to just blow it up. Personally, I'd rather have better image quality and antialiasing than 4K, so until that whole setup becomes a lot more mainstream, I'm sticking it out with my already beast-like rig. Thanks again for the thorough information.
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When first stumbling upon this thread I thought 'DMC3 in 3D? Probably sounds a lot better than it really is.' and since I don't have a 3D capable TV/monitor I had no way of actually watching that video.

After having watched your video at a friend's house a few hours ago though, I have to say: that's the most amazing thing I've seen in a long time.
Thanks A LOT for putting up that video and your settings along with it!
I'll be damn sure to try this one out myself once I buy a new TV later this year.