DmC Vergil's Downfall PC Achievements

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You demeaned me as a kid with a clear insulting and demeaning intent. A quick glance at your YouTube videos makes me assume I'm older than you as well.
if you have ego problems that's your deal cause i say kid to pretty much everyone, and frankly i couldn't give two ****s if you were older i still will call you kid, because you know, i'm YOUNG, and not trying to prove that my opinion is absolute for hours on end on a forum
Got to admit, rubbing people the wrong way straight out of the gate is not the way to be on a forum when new. Just have some fun. It'll be easier that way.^_^
if you have ego problems that's your deal cause i say kid to pretty much everyone,
And now you're implying I have ego problems. My entire point was that you're not making any point other than mindlessly insulting me for disagreeing with you.
and frankly i couldn't give two ****s if you were older i still will call you kid, because you know, i'm YOUNG
Except that doesn't make any sense. It's like me calling you a hater.
, and not trying to prove that my opinion is absolute for hours on end on a forum
I have two monitors and can multi-task. I enjoy partaking in discussion on this game as I'm a fan of the franchise. You're the one acting immature here if anything. What do you even come to forums for if not to share discussion?
I have two monitors and can multi-task. I enjoy partaking in discussion on this game as I'm a fan of the franchise. You're the one acting immature here if anything. What do you even come to forums for if not to share discussion?
That's great and all, but does it occurr to you that you're coming off as obsitnate and unwilling to listen to others? I was there one night when about 2/3 members got so fed up they basically left the topic and after thought you were a troll....admittedly with the funniest GIF I have ever seen. This

Discussion if fine, but you come off like you want to prove that you are better. Of course you're not going to have people get along with you like that.
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Reactions: AlchemistFromEden
Are you really claiming a samurai wouldn't fight back and kill a bunch of enemies that are attacking him and trying to kill him? Samurais were pretty ruthless you know.

But Vergil's suppose to be "honorable" not a ruthless killer. Besides, it's not like he'd die anyway, so that's just over kill.

Except the demon wasn't his close friend and he didn't have much respect for it so your analogy makes little sense. Samurais decapitating corpses or throwing them out like trash was not an uncommon display.

Yes, but samurai cut their heads off and properly bury their bodies, not kick them in the air and use them as punching bags. Even so, punching a dead corpse is still dishonorable regardless.

But Vergil did know he was defeated. He even admits he's defeated and falls into Hell. Honor and foolishness aren't exactly mutually exclusive.

He didn't admit defeat. He just said He was staying. He didn't say he was defeated. He died foolishly because he was stubborn to not admit his defeat like this code of the samurai he was apparently living by. A samurai would be so shamed by defeat, that he would kill himself honorably. Vergil fell from a cliff, which would be the same as honor to a point, but did he die from that cliff fall? No.

It was an exception and this hardly negates his entire code. It's like saying Batman doesn't have a code against guns because he used one to kill Darkseid once.

That compromises Batman's honor then. The fact he used a gun completely tarnished that honor. Honor in samurai usually dictates absolutely no guns no matter what.

Seriously, Vergil had a specific line that addressed his code when he did it. Even if you think it does completely compromise it, it's not nearly as bad as him running around with a rifle shooting people in the back.
The same way he did in DMC3?

So? It's still against this so called honor of his. Plus DmC only used that rifle once. Now you're just making up stuff.

I'm not even saying Vergil's actions in DmC were ethically wrong even though I think they were.

If they weren't ethinically wrong, then why are you complaining about him killing a demon woman and her demon child? It was was obviously going to come after Dante and was shooting it now stopped that attack, and put step forward in getting Mundus to be reckless.

But Sparda doesn't have white hair in DmC. He very clearly has black hair in the flashbacks of him and the paintings. Oh yes, a Fedora is such an amazing disguise when you're standing next to a widely known terrorist. I'm not saying he should have been kicking ass left and right, but if his pretense for not doing so was "I don't want to get found out" it's extremely flimsy.

Like I said, Vergil was only interested in his plan. He needed Dante, but wasn't going to compromise everything he's worked for so quickly. He'd find a counter action to help Dante with out revealing himself to Mundus.

The entire thing makes Vergil seem like he never loved Dante at all though. He and Dante both shared the same views that humans needed to be protected and he didn't even attempt a rational discussion before immediately resorting to trying to muder him.

Dante and Vergil did not share the same goals. Dante wanted humans to be free from an oppressor. Vergil wanted to BE the oppressor. Dante didn't talk to Vergil about this because he wanted to see more of Vergil's intentions during the Mundus battle.

You know a drug dealer doesn't really compare to a national terrorist who blows up amusement parks and destroys cities.
Uh, how is that nearly as bad? One is blatantly tricking someone and attacking them defenselessly from a safe mile away.

True. But my point still stands.

The other is defeating your opponent and testing a weapon on his corpse and another is beating your enemy in a fair fight and then trying to finish it. Samurais nor knights beat their enemies in warfare and then waited for them to get back up to fight them again.

But Beowulf was dead. Vergil was knocking it around like a bean bag.
That's great and all, but does it occurr to you that you're coming off as obsitnate and unwilling to listen to others? I was there one night when about 2/3 members got so fed up they basically left the topic and after thought you were a troll....admittedly with the funniest GIF I have ever seen. This

Discussion if fine, but you come off like you want to prove that you are better. Of course you're not going to have people get along with you like that.
But that's not what I do at all. There are many threads where I've conceded points. How am I unwilling to listen to others when they are just as unwilling to listen to my own points? And mind you I'm not doing that out of spite, if I agree with their point I'll concede, if I don't I'll continue to debate it. I'm not going to say they're right and back down because I don't want to hurt their feelings, and I'm hardly trollish as I try not to resort to insults or more hostile manner of posts unless someone does it first to me.

Seriously, he just posted this
thank you for completely destroying that kid's logic and look, he still makes excuses -__-
and you're calling me a troll?

The double standard here is absolutely ridiculous.
I have a hunch that the two demons listed as achievements aren't bosses mainly because they have no health bar, instead they're probably really strong demons with lots of health like the Tyrrant
And now you're implying I have ego problems. My entire point was that you're not making any point other than mindlessly insulting me for disagreeing with you. Except that doesn't make any sense. It's like me calling you a hater.
I have two monitors and can multi-task. I enjoy partaking in discussion on this game as I'm a fan of the franchise. You're the one acting immature here if anything. What do you even come to forums for if not to share discussion?

Please pull out that thing out ur ass. Your bashing everyone's opinions. Not making a good name for your self, i am telling you and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if you want to reply then do so, but always have respect because you ain't getting anything yourself if you keep acting like ur doing now. Yes, i have been reading some of your stuff. You do have some good points but other people do as well. This is a friendly community and we would like to keep it that way. Thank you
Cool. I thought there would be no bosses.
Well at least there will be A boss. Not sure about plural, can't remember my sources either, but I recall it being said that VD would have 6 extra missions.
I think he means that a lot of aspects about DMC3 Vergil are very similar to a lot of anime and Manga bad guys. He could have been substituted with Sephiroth, Sesshomaru, or Viscous from coyboy bebop and most would never know the difference since his character archetype is very common in a lot of Japanese media. I have read a lot of manga and seen a lot of anime with characters who all seem to be carbon copies of each other like Vergil. I have read a lot of both Manga and american comics and I would have to say this trope, while not exclusive to japanese stuff is much more prevalent and used more often

You pretty much hite the mark. Thanks for explaining.

Now, if we're continuing on with Vergil's personality, can we make a clear distinction between who he was intended to be in DMC 1 versus what he was in DMC 3? I think that can get rid of the whole "honor" issue.
hey i just beat hell and hell and it unlocks some concept art of enemies. normally this wouldnt be a big deal at all but none of the enemies appear in game, however some we have already seen but in Vergils Downfall such as the behemoth demon. so this makes me think some of these enemieswill be in VD as well.
Note: one of the enemies in particular looked sooooo cool it looked an angel from Evangelion O.O