Well Vergil was never honorable in the least, Dante was the honorable brother. Vergil was a murderer and a hypocrite who killed innocent people and hated humanity despite having a human mother and wanted to be like his father so bad that he tried to undo everything Sparda accomplished just for the selfish goal of getting more power. And for what?I feel he was, he used to be an honor bound guy who didn't even use guns because he thought they were too dishonorable, and was a better fighter than even Dante.
Now he's kind of a damsel in distress who shoots pregnant demons in the back with rifles. Even if you like him, he's completely different from Vergil.
Kind of disappointed actually, Vergil in this looks like he might play better than Dante but he's only available in what appears to be a short campaign with no bloody palace for him.
He might have been better than Dante and did master his powers first but his arrogance made him weaker in the end. He never struck me as honorable. This new Vergil is also a selfish hypocrite but in a different way. I do still wish he had more awesome fighting moments in the game and did not come off as such a weakling when he was obviously more than capable to kicking ass.