Chapter 3: Behemoth.
"I don't have to fear you, I fear nothing" Nero said.
"Don't make me laugh weakling, none have beat me, I am Behemoth and my mighty strength will crush you weakling" Behemoth replied.
Nero got real ****ed at Behemoth's taunting attitude, so he decided to dive straight into combat with the beast. Behemoth tried a punching combo moved that smashed away at a pillar, whilst Nero got higher up in the room and did a move called spiral descend.
Nero plunged downwards and hit Behemoth on the jaw with devil bringer, and then started slashing away at Behemoth with Red Queen until he eventually smashed Behemoth into the air and shot away at him with Blue Rose and Red Tyrant.
Behemoth was hailed with gunfire but still when he landed he returned to his feet and started to attack Nero with his flaming hot fire whip.
The whip nearly hit Nero on several occasions, and once it skimmed him and he could almost feel the burning hot hellish flame from the whip.
"Hmm, got to get to where that whip wont work" Nero thought to himself.
So luckily Nero jumped up and kicked off of Behemoths chest, Nero soared through the air and when he got even higher in the room he taunted Behemoth.
Behemoth got enraged and went higher as well. When Behemoth met with Nero he tried to knock him to the ground with a raging flame kick attack. However a little teleport move positioned Nero right behind Behemoth, and Nero struck Red Queen into Behemoth's back.
Behemoth still undefeated back kicked and knocked Nero to the ground, but when Behemoth turned to attack Nero again, Nero pulled out his two guns and shot away at Behemoth.
"Hmm, seems a little less affective" Nero thought to himself.
"Hey scumbag, try this on for size" said Nero, and he reached for his Lucius sword.
Behemoth looked fearful when he saw the glow emitting from the sword, and a huge red beast appeared that grabbed Behemoth and pulled him up higher until finally dropping him to the ground.
When Nero jumped down he saw the mess that'd been left, behemoth's head was bleeding heavy.
"Such strength, that arm" behemoth said before he died.
Nero picked up Behemoth who was now a weird object.
"What the hell is this? this is no devil arm, boy what a waste of my time" Nero said.
but then a voice came to him and told him to go over to the shrine.
"Fine, I'll play this little game" Nero said.
more soon guys...