It's important to know that DmC is the result of greed (Capcom). Capcom allowed a reboot and wanted to westernize because they want to more cash. That is why they hope to sell 5M units of DmC
In this video:
At 3:24 Tameem Antoniades speaks of how politicians use up the money of youths comparing it that to DmC demonic world trying to kill Dante.
DmC = corporeal Capcom blocking out fans and doing what's best for them to sell 5M unites.
And in trailer there is text on wall "Don't accept the world for what it is"
Us fans shouldn't accept DmC
1) It's not what we wanted
2) And also important: It's made by assholes like Tameem Antoniades who are arrogant, disrespectful and don't know a **** about making a game with good gameplay.
Difference between a movie/film and a videogame: