Well people, we managed to get the ball rolling a bit today. And if we can get to do more whenever, then we definitely will be PM'g each other *Me and my trusty co-worker that is

Continuing from mission 8, where Dante and Nero had just fought.
Mission 9: A Slaughterhouse Surprise
As our battered hero moves away from the previous fight scene; slightly bruised and wounded. Crow is by his side, speaking of power.
"So my boy. Is it power that you seek?" Crow asks, as the two head through the corridor.
"Of course it is. What else am I suppose to do all day? Sit around and let myself get fat? No, I want more power. That way I can get rid of any numbskull that throws themselves at me" Nero replies, almost at once.
“I see. Well if it’s power that you seek, then I know a nice little room in this castle that holds a weapon inside of it, that should fit your needs greatly. So let’s play a game of follow the leader, shall we?” Crow replies to Nero.
Nero stops, and stares back at Crow.
“Follow the leader? What are you, five or something?” Nero says.
Aggravated at this, Crow replies in a more serious and annoyed tone of voice, “Just follow me, kid”.
“You know, I’m still ****ed off at what happened back there. You call yourself a demon? Why didn’t you help out?” Nero says.
“My boy, I did help out” Crow replies, as if astonished to hear Nero suggest otherwise.
“Shouting at the top of your voice hardly helped me. In fact, it did the complete opposite” Nero states.
“Hmm. Well it’s not my fault if you can’t handle a little fight, kid” Crow replies to this.
“Yeah yeah. So anyway, where the hell is this room? I’m tired of walking around this old place. Look… Even the walls are beginning to crumble away. God, this place is a mess” Nero says, commenting on the insides of the old castle.
“This place, happens to be my home” Crow says, angered at Nero’s attitude.
“Well, you could at least tidy up once in a while” Nero replies, in a joking voice.
“Tidy up?” Crow replies, as to which he pushes Nero through two large doors.
“Okay then… Consider this as… Taking out the trash” Crow says, laughing manically.
The two huge doors come to a close, and Nero edges into the middle of the small room.
“Huh!! So now I see your true colours” Nero says, slightly annoyed.
“My boy. Now you shall see nothing” Crow replies… As to which he hits the lights and darkness surrounds Nero.
More soon... As I know exactly where to take this...