I've just finished the demo. It's a 2 levels demo - 1 of which is an actual level and the second is the Poison boss fight. It's basically the same demo we've been seeing all over again, but now we finally get to play it. You can view it either as a disappointment or as a fair deal, though I was personally disappointed when I found that out. It does, however, have some sort of replay value: There are 4 difficulties to choose from, one of which is an unlockable difficulty which is unlocked upon finishing the demo once. The demo is fairly easy, though it may be challenging if you don't know what to do.
Here's my honest review on the demo:
Gameplay: I enjoyed the action, it was fun and the game seems to have a great combo potential. Platforming, on the other hand, was poorly done imo. The camera doesn't help, either. The Quick-Trigger (Quicksilver + DT

) looks and feels great, though the access you have to your QT in this demo is very limited. 7/10
Story: There wasn't much story to the demo, though I did enjoy the story cutscenes. However, I
strongly dislike the language. Here's an example:
"**** you"
"**** you"
"**** YOU!!"
*boss fight*
Dialogues like these only indicate a poor script. The whole plot of the "Secret Ingredient" level was plain stupid in my opinion. However, as I've already mentioned above, there wasn't much story to the demo, so I am not going to give it a score from 1-10.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty nicely done, though the cutscenes that appeared before and after the playable mission are in a very poor quality, hopefully that will be changed. The environment is fairly detailed and looks great and the enemy designs are great. That being said, Sparda looks wayyyy off. I also don't like this design for Dante, Vergil & Mundus, but that's just my personal opinion. 9/10
Audio: The voice actors have all done a great job, the person who voices Dante particularly impressed me. The music is great and fits the tone of the game, though it isn't perfect and feels a little off at some points. 9.5/10
Overall: While it still needs some improvements, the demo is a pretty decent demo. However, it still didn't convince me to pre-order the game, nor did it convince me to buy it post-release after the price goes down a little. I give this demo an 8/10.