DmC Needs To Succeed (And Other Harsh Truths)

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I'm probably not going to buy DmC at all. Not because I don't like the game enough to buy it. But because of the stuff that Capcom has been pulling recently. And I'm not going to support them if they are continuously doing bad practices.This also includes buying used games since I already don't like Gamestop that much. (but I occasionally buy games from there since it's the only convenient gaming store that's in town)

As for DmC being successful or not, I don't care much about it since at this point I'm already losing hope for a possible DMC5. But we will see what happens in the future. lol
Devil May Cry almost seems like a series set to fall.
Bloody Hell, the series only survived after Devil May Cry 2 because of Devil May Cry 3. Once Capcom realized how to pull in the fans, they released the cash-in we all like to call Devil May Cry 4, which sadly made an unfortunate amount of money.
The series' reckoning may be here. We may never see a Devil May Cry 5, or a DmC2.

But why are we all acting so damn grim?
The series has gone through worse. We all remember how Devil May Cry 2 was a major financial letdown, and so far, DmC is offering some very promising sales, not counting the sale figures of the upcoming PC release.

The way I see it, if Capcom feels that DmC didn't make enough money, they'll probably work on Devil May Cry 5.
If it is a success, then Capcom can allow Ninja Theory full reign on a sequel.
Or, you can look to the win-win situation. Ninja Theory makes DmC2 and Capcom develops Devil May Cry 5.
Can someone explain to me why people think giving the series to Kamiya would help it? Would he "save" the series from a gameplay perspective? I believe so yes he'd give you the Bayonetta level hardcore action that you guys love. Would he saving from 1 having a bad overall narrative and B a lack of sales? No he'd dig them deeper. Kamiya's games don't generally sell because the hardcore crowd isn't big enough to sustain the franchise hence them "casualising" DmC. If you guys think the hardcore crowd can sustain hardcore fighters look at Bayonetta. I think we can all agree it was hardcore as far as fighters go. Sales? about one million or so, it didn't do well at all even after delivering in the japanese wackiness,hardcore combat, and likeable protagonist. "But there making a Bayonetta 2 so clearly it did well enough?" Well no as your aware it's a wii U exclusive due to the fact that nobody, at all wanted to financially back it because there was no money in the project. To be frank I'm surprised Nintendo agreed to back them on it (even in making them make it a wii U exclusive in the process) as it will sell even less then it did on it's first go around (oh and Kamiya isn't the man behind the game anymore he's just overseeing it so have fun with the hardcore combat that only he can provide). In the end while we all love our hardcore combat it dosen't sell well at all so it's pointless to continue hopeing for more bayonetta's and DMC 3's because those games don't make enough money anymore to justify their existance.
Can I just say that I never understood the allegiance to DMC and rejecting the reboot. Let me clarify - I want to have fun fighting demons with a variety of melee weapons and a few guns but just because of a few changes some would suggest that I can't have fun with DmC on the basis that it is slightly less technical. To them I say grow up and just enjoy. I know others have (kind of) valid reasons for disliking it but in the end there is no real need to go: "DMC5 or nothing" because the reason you play DMC is because of combat and not the damned aesthetics. Say a DmC 2 was released but CAPCOM did all the combat and it was just as mad as DMC4 - what reason would one have to hate it? We all bought DMC because of its combat but not because of Dante alone. :/
See this is exactly the thing I have been talking about since joining the forums not too long ago. Capcom does not give two ****'s about any of their beloved characters or game series, they just want money like any other company. DmC's exist because they thought it would reach a wider, western audience. They knew a potential DMC5 would possibly not do nearly as well as DMC4 because that game was not well received and they know the Japanese gaming market is getting smaller by the day. Similar to how DMC3 did not sell as well as DMC2 despite being regarded as the best in the series. Capcom will kill any series if it does not make them the cash they want.

The other good point is that the DMC4 developers probably were tired of DMC after all those years and likely did not even want to make DMC5, they would have but the simple fact they were burned out would not equal a good game for us. So angry fans who love Dante like a brother and think this game being a failure will get them DMC5 because Capcom will hear them out have another thing coming.
I would rather see DMC dead than letting them continuing with D*C and give the series a bad name. Yes DMC has a lot of potential but Ninja Theory are not the people that will take DMC to the next level... capcom can continue to make games but the only one who can truly take DMC back to the top is Kamiya. If capcom really wants to kill Devil May Cry or are tired from it give it to it's creator let him try to revive it and if he can't then no one can. Hideki Kamiya and the studio he works in Platinum Games they are the people.... they are only once that can fix DMC's flaws and bring new life to the series! Hideki Kamiya and P* not Tameem and his Ninja Theory.

Also here's the correct list of games and how they sold:
DMC1 sold 2.8ml. copies
DMC 2 sold 1.8ml. copies
DMC 3 sold 1.93ml copies
DMC4 sold 2.94ml copies
This was DMC in numbers back in 2010 In 2011 capcom said that DMC got passed 10 ml.
Heavenly Sword: 1.6 last year
Enslaved: 450,000 - 650,000 to date
So not just DMC2's sales are wrong
Well he only made DMC1 and yes that was a great game but it was not nearly as good as the ones he was not fully responsible for. Also, let's not forget he left Capcom for a reason and let's also not forget that platinum games was also burned by Capcom when it was Clover studios in another life. Kamiya has a great thing going for him now at Platinum. He has every reason to never touch Capcom with a ten foot pole and I don't blame him. It would be like going back to an abusive relationship for no good reason. It's really a shame but I think the likelihood of Platinum Games making a DMC game are slim. On the flip side, you could say Platinum has failed to deliver a solid, money making project for Capcom as well, well when it was Clover, every game it developed with capcom was a relative flop in the sales. Not saying they were bad, Okami is one of my favorite games of all time and I love Veiwtiful Joe but they just did not sale and it ending up being bad for them in the long run so Capcom also has no real reason to touch Platinum Games. Even their most popular title, Bayonetta, as much as I love it was just not a big seller and had Nintendo not intervened it would be a dead series as well.

At this point it's a pipe dream like a HD FF7 remake. It's a nice dream but the bs involved with making it actually work and the cost as well and the risk just do not equal the potential reward. Especially in DMC's case since when it was birthed we really had no options for stylish action, hack and slash games, now we do despite being a small niche market, it's just not probable for DMC to ever be the powerhouse it once was even if DMC5 was released and was the best in the series.
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*Comes to the forums to see that he has 6 alerts about a one year old thread*
You gotta admit it was kinda strange to see this thread making a comeback ONE YEAR after it's creation ..... when I saw it at top, I was like .... WTF !!! :P
I find this to all be rather pretentious either way. Buy the game or don't because of your interests. Just don't act like you're saving the franchise or doing god's work by boycotting it.
Mundus wants the game to fail. The boycotting movement is being headded by Bob Barbas, just doin' God's work. Sorry, couldn't resist. :P

But seriously, I do agree with you. Like it, don't like it. Live and let live.
Personally, I knew this would happen one day.

DmC will be fine and possibly get a DmC2, but DMC is pretty much dead.

and frankly, I'm glad it is.

DMC was doing good, up till DMC2. Kamiya made it a real gem and it could have done better if it continued with Kamiya as well, but DMC2 came around and Kamiya left. DMC2 had the lowest numbers to date and as such, DMC was destined to fail since then. DMC3 may have brought SOME of that money and fanbase back, but not all of them, because some (Like myself) saw how dry Capcom's writing for DMC3 was and how lack luster their character developing was. I liked DMC3 to death, but that story was a straight line with no twist except finding out Arakam was Jester, andeven that wasn't to hard to figure out because Jester had heterochromia like Lady AND Arakam.

And as for SMC4, well...Zero Punctuation tells it for me;

But I knew when the reboot came along, DMC was dead and done. But I'm also glad because now I can see more of my favorite Dante as appose to that abomination of a Dante from DMC4. Capcom was also sucking at writing so I was waiting for a definite change for that. Gameplay for DmC IMO, is a step back from the original DMC games, but I then remember this is NT's first actual hack n' slash game in trying to make a DMC, so imagine how they'd be when a DmC2 comes out.

I didn't like this stuff this guy was saying, cause it's pretty much "Buy DmC, and you'll get DMC5."

People shouldn't be forced to buy something they don't like in order to see what they really like come back. How does he expect people to enjoy a game they hate? That's like saying "Buy Ninja Gaiden 3, and we'll give you better gameplay in the next NG." So now I gotta waste my money on that crap, just to have better gameplay?

No thank you. NG will die then.

However, I actually like DmC, so I really can't care for the originals if they'll end up like DMC4, but I will seriously missed the past DMC games because they created a legend in hack n slash (except DMC2) and they are the reason this forum even exist here now. Seeing that go away now and this forum being barren is a thought that will sadden me a bit. A bit, not a lot.
I'd have to agree with DragonMaster2010.
If Devil May Cry 5 is anything like Devil May Cry 4, then I'm not sure it was worth it.
However, if it actually does put forth time and effort into fixing it's broken story, then I could get back on board.

Ninja Theory has drawn me to DmC with actual character development in the likes of Dante and Vergil. The previous games surprisingly didn't draw me this close to the characters, not even in Devil May Cry 3.
So, if DmC2 ends up having more of that, and also fixes some combat issues, then I would rather have DmC2 than DMC5.
I'd have to agree with DragonMaster2010.
If Devil May Cry 5 is anything like Devil May Cry 4, then I'm not sure it was worth it.
However, if it actually does put forth time and effort into fixing it's broken story, then I could get back on board.

Ninja Theory has drawn me to DmC with actual character development in the likes of Dante and Vergil. The previous games surprisingly didn't draw me this close to the characters, not even in Devil May Cry 3.
So, if DmC2 ends up having more of that, and also fixes some combat issues, then I would rather have DmC2 than DMC5.
Yep, got to agree if DMC5 was like 4, then it's a no from me.

Character development of even secondary characters like Kat and maybe even Lilith were better than the development for Credo, heck, even Nero. And I got more into Mundus as the big bad than Sanctus.
F*cking Necroed.

I think the root cause of whether or not DmC or any game for that matter needs to succeed is not because of popularity, fear of the future of a franchise, but game development. You guys know how much game development costs right? I safely say: A LOT. Why do you think companies reuse models of enemies and textures more than they did in the past. Cost. Why do you think companies are putting out tried and true games, such as shooters? Cost. Why do you think less developers are willing to innovate and experiment more? Cost. Why do you think there are less IPs than sequels, prequels, etc.? Cost. Why do you think DLC is more common nowadays? Cost.

Developers and publishers need money, badly. Considering Capcom's situation and THQ going down under you can see that very clearly. Why was Sleeping Dogs or True Crime: Hong Kong, as it was originally called, passed over by Activision? They were worried that it wouldn't make enough of a profit to break even. Yes, the company of the multi-million selling Call of Duty was afraid of that. While it seems like they passed of a good opportunity to Square Enix, what would you have done in their place while trying to stay in the black and not the red?

Back then, game development costed little compared to today. They could do whatever, failure, success, niche titles, etc. And it didn't break the bank back then. Now, game development is costly, takes time, and has a higher potential to cause massive debts even in success. Capcom's facing that, they can't screw around and make good games while losing some money. They have to make money or else.

Square Enix said something about one of their games taking about 2-5 years just to develop. One game. Not multiple, but one. Epic Games with Unreal Engine 4 is made so that game development can be less costly with a more powerful and probably more efficient engine. Tough on them and tough on us. They don't have the freedom they had back then.
And as for SMC4, well...Zero Punctuation tells it for me;

A game starts widdling on my chips, however, when it populates itself with smug self-satisfied dickspurts and starts neglecting gameplay because it's too busy letting them swagger invincibly about until I want to flatten their androgynous faces with a kayak paddle.

This. Sweet Jesus, this. I'll give DmC that Mundus actually felt like a threat they couldn't waltz into and smack around while cracking casual wit, compared to Sanctus and The SAAAAAVIOR!!!, who you can smack knuckle against with timing and come out WINNING (granted it is damn cool when you do it), and Dante spends his time apparently casually faffing about with the giant fully powered Savior to give Nero his moment in the sun.

I can't help but be slightly irked with all the "Except DMC2" comments... But ah well.

LoL. I'm kinda looking forward to playing it again after all these years on the HD collection.
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