You receive Ophion from that otherworldly place, and start out with just the Angel Lift. A little bit later, you'll also receive the Demon Pull. They're both gained from that otherworldly place, not a boss :/
Looking at it, there's seven(?) bosses? And how many melee weapons? Rebellion, Osiris, and Arbiter are all acquired through gameplay and not bosses, so that's three down. Eryx is received from Poison, and Aquila from Barbas, so that's two bosses. Revenant seems to be given to Dante by someone (shown slid to him in the demo's end-mission trailer), and Kablooey...seems like it also might be given to him. I'm not sure there's enough bosses left to give out weapons.
Oh, and the Tyrant is just that fatty Tank, you're essential "early boss turned mook mid-game."
I'm going to assume Vergil slides it to you during the escape from the Virility factory.